Saturday, July 25, 2020

Bill Kristol's old roommate interviews Thug Gordon

Will either Never-Trumper ever admit they were wrong?

 NB: Gordon dropped the word instantiate in the first minute.


  1. Why does he always say that?

  2. So the position of Tim Gordon is like, basically this?:

  3. That could be a fun drinking game. Every time he says “instantiate”!

  4. You’d be able to drive after this interview because he only uttered it once.

  5. Just clip three shows together!

  6. Don't forget "writ large". He loves that one.
    I just get all tingly when he talks "lawyer talk".

    Off topic, but is he still running across the country or is he standing and fighting like he wants everyone else to do.
    I see that Thug the Younger has fled to the wilds of Detroit. He must have decided to get closer to the Canadian border if the imagined bad guys come after him.

  7. Thug the Lesser wanted to be closer to the Virus!

  8. Oh that's funny!

  9. I’d like to be able to hate the correct people.

    Please point out specifically where these Catholic people are heretical or deeply evil. I need specifics because these guys: Longenecker, Gordon, Hahn, Keyes, Marshall seem really solid and effective advancing the True Faith.

    I’d love to hate them for the right specific reasons. I wonder why they are so more tremendously popular than this page and I can’t recall anything erroneous that they’ve said. Please help, gnostic ones. I’ll wait a minute.

  10. Why would anyone care what any of these people have to say?
    I only read EF these days, and I watch Neil Cavuto from time to time.

  11. It would be a perfectly fine drinking game to take a swig every time either Gordon bronie used a 4-5 syllable word when a 1 or 2 syllable word would do. I'm in.

  12. The cannibals on another feeding frenzy. Burp!

  13. He also likes calling things “dope” as a compliment.
    E.g: the Latin Mass is dope, dude

  14. Burning heretics like Gaybrielle is dope!

  15. How did this interview even happen? Thug is looking for work but can’t be around minors. So, he calls Keyes and says: ‘Sup, doc? Ya wanna me to comover and clean so toilets or cut you grass?

    Keyes tells him that his bathrooms are clean and he has a honky gardener..... but, there is one thing you could do for me.

    1. Interviews like this happen in order to keep Catholics in check; to keep Catholics from doing what the Church suggests: collective punishment of the Jews both good and bad for their theft. The Church uses the phrase, "Vampires of the nations."

      The Jew values the Black even less than the European Christian. When they put forward blacks and women into positions they are gaslighting. Catholics are not crafty to realise the danger of the Eternal Jew. Abe Foxman speaks glowingly of Alan Keyes' zionism and his lesbian daughter. The Church suggests Nationalizing infrastructures and collective expulsion.

      It's all in the Civilta Cattolica series.

  16. The Civiltà Cattolica series was awesome

  17. Getting fired for dissin' BLM is dope

  18. Are the Civilta Cattolica series you mention available in English translation? How can they be accessed today?

