Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Causes of Decline

Edit: very  reasonable.  Suddenly, Roberto de Mattei’s comment about aberrosexualism and the Fall of the Roman Empire doesn’t sound so outlandish.


  1. I think that Prof. Jones makes a good point, but misses a bit....

    The Communist Party is the de facto parent organization of Antifa, BLM, and several other organizations fully involved with the current trauma. The FBI's dalliance with Queer Central, stupid as it may be, is not the cause of their blindness. They lost their focus on CPUSA and all its branches/children/cousins. Don't ask me why THAT happened, unless the Globaloney Gang told them to lay off the Commies. (That would not surprise me in the least.)

  2. Ostpolitik preliminary to Vatican II

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Communism is obsolete. It sets up a long-lasting dictatorship and freezes the Revolution it promoted. The Chinese are like that, and they stifle the Gay Rights Movement. This Communist Party will eventually die because even the Left can't milk out a juicy ideology out of them. They have feelings like dead fish.
    We are talking today about Cultural Marxism and Cultural Anarchists. They have no structure. They have no set agenda. Violence is nihilistic and the end for itself.
    Just feelings of anger and rage and greed being released, with no utopia to envision.

  5. Communism went underground and changed tactics 5 different times since 1991.
    Communism never went anywhere and is alive and well.
    The current crop of rioting looters are useful idiots,literally.
    The party would remove them asap if they are successful in achieving a political coup.

  6. Andrew, there was a time when Communism was a danger. Because of the 1960s revolution there arose the "New Left". This was a return to the 1800s anarchist movements. Communism is a dictatorship; it's stale and rigid obedience looking forward to some utopian "classless society". There is no vision of a classless society anymore. This is anarchy. Not Communism.

    1. This is stage 2 of the revolution,Constantine.
      Stage 3 is seizing power and disposing of their enemies,which would include you,me,others like us,plus the looters.

  7. There's nothing more stale, ideologically rigid, elitist and reactionary than the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. 'The Corporation' and Jesus Christ have little or nothing in common.

  8. Wow. Just stopped in. Saw the comment above by PW. Nobody was more “stale” “ridged” or “reactionary “ than Our Lord Jesus Christ. That means...you possessed. Run...do not walk...to the nearest confessional. Dayum!

  9. Constantine, learn to follow the money before you declare Marxism 'dead.' Putting a pretty green smile on an old red pig.......leaves you with the old red pig. "New Left", indeed.

    Who will RULE, friend? Sheesh.

  10. Sure Stalinism is dead, but even before Stalin died, Gramsci's approach was being put to work.

    Communism is like a cancer that metastasizes into different forms. It was never alive to begin with.

  11. It's ideological descendant is Life site news.
