Monday, April 6, 2020

US Bishops Forbid Sign of Cross

The U.S. bishops announced on Friday that the sign of the cross would no longer be permitted. The precaution was instituted to protect Catholics who might accidentally stick their fingers in their eyes and blind themselves.

The latest announcement was the most recent of a series of changes—beginning with the indefinite suspension of all public Masses and the abolition of meatless Fridays in Lent—designed to bring the Barque of Peter in line with the latest developments in Catholic theology. As Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., explained in a pastoral letter, “The first priority of the Church is the physical safety of her flock. It is better for you to be thrown into fiery Gehenna than to enter into life with one eye.”

Government authorities enthusiastically welcomed the new change. California Gov. Gavin Newsom said, “We had to sue the Little Sisters of the Poor and get a court order to force them to violate their consciences and buy contraceptives. The bishops are much easier to work with. They’re really greasing the skids on the slippery slope to a religion-free America.”



  1. As for Wilton Gregory, do some research on what the term "one eye blind" means. It was the name of a modern band and had reference to an intimate part of the anatomy. That is what the esteemed new Archbishop of Washington has reference to. He is now the head "pied piper" who is charged with taking the lemmings of the modern Catholic Church over the edge of the cliff.----Today, our esteemed Argentinian leader spoke on Judas Iscariot and the Crucifixion of the Christ. He really has a "ball of wax". He is destroying the Church of our Lord and Savior and has all of the aroma of a modern day Iscariot.

  2. Is this an April Fool's joke? Because that's what it sounds like. Of all the stupid, ridiculous, asinine new ranks right up there with the introduction of the nOvus Ordo and the election of Pope Francis .

    I hope this is just for the duration of the Corona Virus, otherwise if it's perminant......"f" the Catholic Church.........I'll make the sign of the Cross whenever I pray in Church.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  3. This is satire. It says so at the top of the article at the Federalist.
