Thursday, February 20, 2020

Croatian Freemason Resigns as Attorney General

Prime Minister Plenkovic had previously indicated that the government would dismiss Jelenic, if he did not resign.

Zagreb ( Croatian attorney general Drazen Jelenic has resigned after pleading for Freemasonry. This was reported by the "New York Times". Jelenic stated that this "membership in a legal association" had in no way influenced his work, but recent insinuations in this context would have made his further work as attorney general impossible. "The resignation took place on Wednesday, not least due to pressure from top politicians. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic had indicated that the Jelenic would be dismissed by the government if he did not resign. Although there is no illegal state of affairs here, the prime minister said, membership makes his position as attorney general difficult. Jelenic has been Attorney General since 2018.  Some members of the conservative HZD Party said he should have made his membership clear before he assumed office.

Trans: Tancred


  1. Without a doubt, Cardinal Stepinac was very controversial in Croatia during WWII. The Ustase was a more rabid version of the Nazi. Stepinac documented that the real enemy of the Church was the freemason.---He had the proverbial problem of being "between a rock and a hard place". He was in the cauldron between fascism and communism. The main target of the nationalist Ustase was the Orthodox.----The Orthodox were and are Slavic in origin. Russia was a traditional enemy even before the war. Slavs were seen as a fifth column.---Franciscans in traditional garb ran prison camps in support of the Ustase. This was ethnic cleansing to be sure. Jews and gypsies (Roma) were primary targets but the Orthodox were in for extreme treatment.---There was a massacre of Orthodox Slavs (at least 2000) on the very site of Medjugorje with priests being targeted for extreme mutilation. Nevertheless, Stepinac viewed his greatest enemy as the freemason. Allowing a freemason attorney general was just one more sign of the surrender of the Catholic Church to the spirit of freemasonry.----Pope Francis has announced the opening of the archives on Pius XII. You have to know that these documents have already been sanitized to support the agenda of Pope Bergoglio. There is already a "feeding frenzy" among journalists. The first name that they will look for is Stepinac and his probable connections to a fascist pope.

    1. The Ustase were the good guys. Yes, we already know that.

  2. Pope Pius XII was a friend of Germany and he refused a request by Catholic peasants to bless their crusade to save Catholics from Commies.

    The last thing Catholics need is to become enmeshed in the He-did'nt-do-enough-for-the-Jews claim because, like anti semitism the "enough" is never defined,

  3. Yesterday I read that Slovakia had banned Islam, and today a Croatian Attorney General has to resign because of his connections to freemasonry! Last week Trump was acquited! Wow! Good news is happening everywhere!

  4. JBQ, I am afraid you have no idea what you are talking about.
    First, your comment is totally unrelated to the post you are commenting on. Blessed cardinal Stepinac died 60 years ago as a martyr of the communist regime and has nothing to do with the recent bizarre episode of the attorney general resigning after being unmasked as mason.
    Your terminology is confused ("the Orthodox were and are Slavic in origin" - ?? well the Catholics in Croatia were and are also Slavic in origin, as was card. Stepinac himself), and many of your claims are dubious and unsubstantiated. If you want to know more about the blessed cardinal, some basic information is available here:, and for more detailed study, there is a recent book by british author Robin Harris:

  5. @Inogen: I said that Stepinac had problems with freemasons. Freemasons have been there for quite some time. It is not a recent phenomenon. The Orthodox were targeted by the Ustashe because of their links to Russia. My uncle's father was born in Yugoslavia. His sister was born in the same house and she was Italian. Medjugorje was the site of a massacre.----He and his brother were drafted into the German Army even though American citizens. They were sent to the Russian front in WWI and taken prisoner. They became slave labor on a Russian estate.----Aftet the war, they walked out. You know what? Your comments are "horse manure".---Stepinac was a good guy and caught in the middle in a troubling time. This pretty much applies to Pius XII. So, what is your agenda?

  6. Popeye gets his wars mixed up, his cover ops conflated and adjusts his family historical record to suit the drift of the narrative.
    Dobre Bog!

  7. Whenever ABS tries to purchase real estate with Bitcoin he is laughed out of the office and the same goes for that car dealership.

  8. Criticism of PF becomes more mainstream:

  9. @Stinko: Evidently, "Dobre Bog" is Polish for "Good God" as in "Golly Whizbang". And what war did you fight in beyond the "supermarket checkout line"?

  10. JBQ,
    "I said that Stepinac had problems with freemasons." - Sure he had. As did most of the Catholic prelates before the 2nd Vatican council and many even today. So what is so special about Stepinac in this context that you have to mention him?
    "My uncle's father was born in Yugoslavia." - Well, my mother's aunt was born there too. Oh wait, I was born and live in one of the ex-Yugoslav republics too.
    Nobody claims Ustase were the good guys, but to claim they were "more rabid" version of the Nazis (how exactly more rabid?), as you do, and then to speak of some "Slavs" as their victims, and then to insinuate that cardinal Stepinac was somehow "guilty" because he saw freemasons and not Nazism as the "real enemy" (not true, btw; he condemned both, as well as communism) - that's confusion and/or misinformation.

  11. @Iggie: Stepinac voiced that the main evil force in Croatia was that of freemasons. With a BA in History from a Jesuit university, I would say that this was an early labeling of the problem. All historical context of that period of time voiced a dichotomy between Nazis and Communists. Stepinac was wise enough to see that there were manipulators who were atheist and taking advantage of the conflict in the world of that time.----The point I made about my uncle who married my dad's sister was that the territory was "fluid". Both an aunt and an uncle were born in the same house and were citizens of different countries. This was actually in print through my cousin showing me a clipping in "My Own Oddities".---There are articles which state that the Nazis had a hard time controlling the Ustase. Their atrocities are well documented. Basically, they were out of control in their hatred of Slavic Orthodox.---The Slavic Orthodox were their targets. This was their "scapegoat" to unite the people. The Orthodox Church linked them to Russia.---Stepinac was rightfully viewed as a hero. He tried to bridge the gap between National Socialism and Communism which the Church saw as evil in that day and time. In addition, he had to deal with the third force of freemasonry.---You're the one who appears to be confused. Stepinac had Pius XII at his back. He proclaimed that both types of socialism were evil. He then believed, rightfully by the way, that freemasonry was the real enemy which was out to destroy the Church.---The former Jesuit writer Malachi Martin warned of freemasonry. He died in 1999. We now have a pontiff who has open masonic cardinals inside the Vatican and says nothing. Nor does he say anything against Communism. I was told by an Orthodox monk within the last two months who was born in a European Communist nation that he is one. I visited that same country aboard a Navy ship while it was still Communist.---The point is that Stepinac who is being held in disrepute by the post Vatican II Church was a Catholic hero in his day and time and actually deserves canonization. John Paul II went to Zagreb and spoke glowingly of Stepinac before 500,000.

  12. The Marvel Comics' USS Lollypop sails again to reenact Popeye's covert Cold War operation behind the Commie lines.
