Monday, December 23, 2019

Pope Shames Italian Football Star for Pious Act

Edit: Italians are very docile in the main when it comes to leading political and religious figures. This kind of submissiveness to authority has a good side, a kind of national genius. As much as it reflects badly on this Pope to attack someone for a gesture of personal piety in the public square, I don’t think Roberto Mancini’s submissiveness is all bad, especially in a giant public celebrity like himself. We certainly expect these celebrities to flaunt any and all, especially legitimate authority, but not this man. Maybe his fans will look with questioning anger at Francis? It certainly looks bad that he’s doing this.

 [Vox Cantoris] Italy’s soccer manager Roberto Mancini says he made a Sign of the Cross during games but “then we went to the Pope” who said, “‘Why are you making the Sign of the Cross, don't you have other thoughts at that time?' So since then I don't do it. I don't want to make the Pope angry”
 Is this an an idiot and a coward. When did people become such papolaters? If this is what the papacy is intended to be then we are all fools.



  1. this blog doesn't even sound like Tancred's work anymore...seriously, if it's been given over why isn't that acknowledged?

    As to this post, are you kidding me? Now is the very time to point out the huge differences between what Christ, the Apostles, and the Church have always and everywhere taught, and what this charlatan, cretinous, faux-pope, boil on the holy seat of Peter 'teaches'. He's leading countless souls to the flames and you think that's just great. I truly don't believe that there will be leeway at judgement for following this apostate snake, as the difference is as stark as light and darkness. This is the same boil that just told a large group of children NOT to evangelize their fellows.

    Yeah, "Tancred"...think I'll stick with Christ's words and teaching...maybe you want to check out the end of Matthew...that's a book in a bigger book we call the Bible. Jesus taught a lot of stuff in it. Don't think bergoglio's seen it yet...too busy reading arupe and martini and martin.

    1. The problem isn’t me, or this footballer.

      Don’t blame me for the way things are.

    2. @susan don't shoot the messenger. Tancred just reports a lot of what's going on in Rome, which can't be easy for any faithful Catholic to stomach. I plan to visit the Vatican this summer, and I shudder at the thought of bumping into the Pope. He might berate me for taking my family on a pilgrimage. I fear he might reply, that's too medieval, and traditional, better off spending your time at the local clubs than some stuffy old church.

  2. No, a big part of the problem is the footballer, and yeah, you. You 2 need to grow a pair and speak the truth. We've got the biggest, bar none, crisis the Church has ever faced. People think a guy is the pope who, now beyond reasonable doubt, is not...Peter canNOT do what this demon-seed is doing. To obey this authority-absent clown out of some misplaced, disordered sense of false-papolitry when he speaks abject stupidity and apostasy takes away any and all claims of invincible ignorance, and to applaud others for it is formal, material, proximate cooperation in that sin. St. Paul talked about that kind of approval, and what it's consequences are, in Romans 1...another one that bergoglio's re-writing as we speak.

    What the heck's happened to you?

  3. This is why the Pachamama idols were cast into the Tiber by a Teuton!

  4. Try Christianity, Susan. Part of the conversion entails extracting the telephone pole from one's own eye before attempting to remove the speck from someone else's.
    It might change your life for the better.

  5. Shame a man for making for making the sign of the Cross, but no shaming for child abusers, and those who hold cocaine fueled orgies.

  6. "So since then I don't do it. I don't want to make the Pope angry”
    Is this an an idiot and a coward. When did people become such papolaters? If this is what the papacy is intended to be then we are all fools."

    Good Italian man, but a fool to kowtow to the Pope. I say, "F..." Francis and keep blessing yourself on the field. Another example of how to enrage the Italian people.
    I wouldn't be surprised if someone attacks Francis during one of his audiences.

    I'm not wishing for it.....just wouldn't be surprised if it happened. But to be honest, wouldn't personally care much either if it did. Would be a shame, but not a surprise.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  7. One day when he is hauled before the mob and moments before he is torn to literally pieces anti Pope Bergoglio may make the Sign of the Cross. The mob will laugh. And Our Lord will say Depart from me I never knew he.

    1. What the hell is 'dadtierical' and what have you done to Tancred???

    2. Idk, sounds crazy and insincere.

  8. Susan makes a valid point. She may be burned at the stake like Jeanne d'Arc but I support her. Hope that I don't get ashes on my shoes. If it happens, I am sure that PW will buy me another pair or is it that he will "grow a pair".

  9. More and more I think that Pope Francis is not even a Christian. He very well could be a Satanist. His direction and agenda is 100% against Catholic teaching, even of the last three "Vatican II" Popes. He never kneels at Mass or any other time. (The business of him having a bad back, hip or leg is bullshit). My great-aunt was a nun who lived to be 98, and even in her late 90's she kneeled with the community during Mass. She was a Sister of Saint Joseph. I saw many of the elderly nuns (most of the community) kneeling despite there ailments. I saw old people at my parish kneel, even those with canes.
    Bergoglio never kneels at Mass, or Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. He canceled his participation in the yearly Corpus Christi procession in Rome (I think he might have even cancelled the entire papal observance of it).

    Any Catholic Pope should be proud that a young soccer player would Bless himself during a match,asking God or the BVM for assistance. The Pope should be proud, NOT ashamed, or asking him "don't you have anything else to think about?". A true Pope would not scoff at the idea of giving the Blessed Virgin Mary the title Co-Redemptrix.

    Bergoglio is against every single act of Catholic piety, tradition and devotion....yet he welcomed "Pachamamma" into St. Peter's Basilica and worshipped before it. He degrades true Catholics, and cheers radicals, dissidents, perverts, LGBT's, gay priests in the Netherlands, stabs faithful bishops in the back, etc.etc.etc.

    I am beginning to believe that Bergoglio IS the anti-Christ of legend. He has lead millions into sin and betrayal of the Faith.

    Which is why I really have nothing to do with this Catholic Church of his. I think it is of Satan....and I have no interest of being contaminated by him or it.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  10. @Matthew F Kluk. Don't you think Francis will be leading and inspiring the mob? He already does. -Dirk

  11. From your mouth to God's ear JBQ...on all counts.
    Merry Christmas. :)

    and a BIG lump of coal in your stocking fake Tancred.

  12. Well played my friend. Merry Christmas :)
