Friday, December 13, 2019

Pope Attacks Co-Redemptorix and Traditional Mariology Calling it Foolishness

ROME - Pope Francis appeared to flatly reject proposals in some theological circles to add “co-redemptrix” to the list of titles of the Virgin Mary, saying the mother of Jesus never took anything that belonged to her son, and calling the invention of new titles and dogmas “foolishness.”
“She never wanted for herself something that was of her son,” Francis said. “She never introduced herself as co-redemptrix. No. Disciple,” he said, meaning that Mary saw herself as a disciple of Jesus.
Mary, the pope insisted, “never stole for herself anything that was of her son,” instead “serving him. Because she is mother. She gives life.”



  1. This evil toad, this boil of the butt of the holy seat of Peter, this pernicious, poisonous anti-pope (MOST probable false-prophet forerunner of the antichrist), false, fake, counterfeit “pope” , bent on tearing down the deposit of faith and burning it with napalm just keeps doubling down…..PLEASE GOD free us from this demon-scourge, and set the Truth free!!!!!

    Now, in direct antithesis, this piece of BEAUTY, with full and true understanding of Our Lady and her rightly imputed role in Salvation History….

    This sh*t cannot go on….this has all got to come to a head soon. And the reason the secular is INSANE..…VA is ready to explode; the dems (and ya can’t spell demon without d.e.m.) have just voted to impeach a man cause they hate him (and they literally HATE him…they would vote for a public disembowelment of him and his entire family (including children) if they could get away with it at this point); and the world is george soros’ (MOST probably THE antichrist) personal yo-yo, is BECAUSE of what’s happening in the Church.

    Oh God in Heaven, please, please, PLEASE set the Truth free and shorten these days of terror.

    1. Caveat lector!That's a sedevacantist website.

  2. Mother of God is Coredemptrix!
    It is God's will to give Her this title, this fifth and last Marian dogma.

    Only dumb people cannot understand this.
    Only enemies of the Church are fighting against this dogma.
    Only lukewarm Catholics are not fighting for this dogma.

    Ps. St. Padre Pio and St. Leopold Mandić were assured that She IS Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

  3. Mary is the Mother of God. She participated in the "will of God". "Do unto me according to thy word". She is undoubtedly the greatest of God's creation. Nevertheless, it is a tragedy to proclaim her as a co-Redemptrix---She is a creature created by God and the source of the rebellion of Lucifer himself. Nevertheless, there is just no way to equate Creator and creature. Sorry about that. There is just no way that she is a co-Redemptrix. In this case, Pope Francis is right.

    1. How on earth could you post such horrible things about Our Lady?!? Obviously, She is a creature. That doesn't change the fact that She is the Mother of God and as such has the highest dignity possible for a creature.

  4. Is it a sin to say Phuk you, Phrancis?

  5. Pray for the end of Bergoglio, his Vatican, and all his appointments and associates and the election of a true Catholic Pope who is vigorous and young enough to destroy all that Francis and his people stand for and restore Cahtolic Tradition and the love of the True Faith.
    Pray that within months of his terrible denunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Co-Redemptrix, that Francis goes to his just reward....and that is Vatican is thrown into caos and despair, and that, now leaderless...his evil cohorts disappear into their exiles never to be heard form again.

    I must admit, that when I first read Bergoglio's statement on this I thought " well, that is correct". But then, Thank God, I remembered that as bearing the Savior of the World in her womb, The Blessed Mother was/is indeed Co-Redemptrix. This title is indeed proper and worthy for the Mother of God. Anyone who denies it...or above all insults and ridicules it with base and defamatory comments as did Bergoglio et al, deserves a "just end" soon.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  6. I m not surprise at all that Francis use again and again such unpropriate words for describing transcendent reality.In fact foolishness is just that, to put in the same sentence that word and Blessed Virgin.Unfortunately, we already get used to that kind of talk. On the other hand, this is kind of theological talk, which respect our Blessed Mother the way she deserved it.


  7. Fr. Benedict Groeschel denied the Co-Redemptrix in 1980 at St. Agnes Church in Manhattan the heart of Traditionalism. Later when the wind blowing in the other direction he seemed to have a change of mind.

  8. JBQ said:

    "Nevertheless, there is just no way to equate Creator and creature. Sorry about that. There is just no way that she is a co-Redemptrix."

    That's not what Coredemptrix means.

  9. So this current man who claims to be pope goes against St. John Paul II, St. Teresa of Calcutta and a number of other saints who have used the title co-redemptrix….perhaps he would rather have the demonic idol pachamamma be so proclaimed?

  10. Dear JBC You do not know what Co-Redemptrix means. You believe the false accusation that it means Mary is equal to God. Have you ever bestirred your own self to do a search on co-redemptrix?

  11. Our Lady Co-redemptrix

    Mary, Coredemptrix

    You are blessed among women, co?redemptrix! Blessed One selected in pref?erence to all who are blessed! Chosen One, singular among all who are chosen! Priceless Pearl that belongs in the treasury of God’s wisdom! Mother, you are the Glory of Mo?thers! We seek you, O Lady, and in all sincerity turn to you in prayer. Help us in our weak?ness; turn away from us all disgrace. Who is more worthy of entreating the Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ than you, blessed Mary, who live with your Son and speak with Him? Speak, Mother, for your Son listens to you; and whatever you desire you will receive. Invoke His holy name in our behalf.
    – St. Bernard (+1153)

    O Mary, Mary, bearer of the fire of love, and dispenser of mercy! Mary, co-redemptrix of the human race, when you clothed the Word with your flesh, the world was redeemed. Christ paid its ransom with His Passion and you paid it with the sorrows of your body and soul.
    -St. Catherine of Siena

    Papal Teachings on the coredemption of Our Lady

    Again it must be stated that Mary’s participation in the redemption of the human family was completely and in every way secondary and dependent to the sacrifice of Jesus the Savior. Hence, the title Co-redemptrix should never be interpreted as Mary having an equal role in the salvation of the world with Jesus.

    At the same time, her truly meritorious act of giving flesh to the Redeemer and of participating uniquely in Jesus’ painful sacrifice rightly won for her the title of Co-redemptrix. The Church’s Magisterium has unquestionably confirmed the completely subordinate but authentic co-redeeming role of the Mother of Jesus.

  12. Our Lady Co-redemptrix

    Mary, Coredemptrix

    You are blessed among women, co?redemptrix! Blessed One selected in pref?erence to all who are blessed! Chosen One, singular among all who are chosen! Priceless Pearl that belongs in the treasury of God’s wisdom! Mother, you are the Glory of Mo?thers! We seek you, O Lady, and in all sincerity turn to you in prayer. Help us in our weak?ness; turn away from us all disgrace. Who is more worthy of entreating the Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ than you, blessed Mary, who live with your Son and speak with Him? Speak, Mother, for your Son listens to you; and whatever you desire you will receive. Invoke His holy name in our behalf.
    – St. Bernard (+1153)

    O Mary, Mary, bearer of the fire of love, and dispenser of mercy! Mary, co-redemptrix of the human race, when you clothed the Word with your flesh, the world was redeemed. Christ paid its ransom with His Passion and you paid it with the sorrows of your body and soul.
    -St. Catherine of Siena

    Papal Teachings on the coredemption of Our Lady

    Again it must be stated that Mary’s participation in the redemption of the human family was completely and in every way secondary and dependent to the sacrifice of Jesus the Savior. Hence, the title Co-redemptrix should never be interpreted as Mary having an equal role in the salvation of the world with Jesus.

    At the same time, her truly meritorious act of giving flesh to the Redeemer and of participating uniquely in Jesus’ painful sacrifice rightly won for her the title of Co-redemptrix. The Church’s Magisterium has unquestionably confirmed the completely subordinate but authentic co-redeeming role of the Mother of Jesus.

  13. Let us cite a few papal examples:

    + Pope Benedict XV in his 1918 apostolic letter stated: “To such extent did she [Mary] suffer and almost die with her, suffering and dying Son, and to such extent did she surrender her maternal rights over her Son for man’s salvation ? that we may rightly say that she together with Christ redeemed the human race” (Inter Sodalicia) .

    + Pope Pius Xl (1922-1939) referred to Mary as the co-redemptrix no less than six times in various papal documents. One papal statement Pope Pius addressed Mary in these words, “0 Mother of piety, and mercy who, when thy most beloved Son was accomplishing the Redemption of the human race on altar of the cross, did stand there both suffering with Him, as a Co-redemptrix; preserve in us the precious fruit of Redemption and of thy compassion.

    + Pope John Paul II specifically used the title Co-redemptrix in developing the understanding of Mary’s spiritual crucifixion at the foot of the cross: Crucified spiritually with her crucified Son (c? Gal 2:20), she contemplated with heroic love the death of her God, she “lovingly consented to the immolation of this Victim which she herself had brought forth” (Lumen Gentium, No. 58) ? as she was in a special way close to the Cross of her Son, she also had to have a privileged experience of his Resurrection. In fact, Mary’s role as coredemptrix did not cease with the glorification of her Son. – Mary entered, in a way all her own, into the one mediation “between God and men” which is the mediation of the man Christ Jesus [1 Tim2:5]. [W]e must say that through this fullness of grace and supernatural life she was especially predisposed to cooperation with Christ, the one Mediator of human salvation. And such cooperation is precisely this mediation subordinated to the mediation of Christ. In Mary’s case we have a special and exceptional mediation

    (Pope John Paul II: Redemptoris Mater, No. 39).

    A decree of the Holy Office praises the custom of adding after the name of Jesus that of His Mother, our Co-Redetnptrix, the Blessed Virgin Mary. The same Congregation has indulgenced (Jan. 22nd, 1914) the prayer in which Mary is addressed as Co-redemptrix of the human race. Since the word co-redemptrix’ signifies of itself simple cooperation in the work of redemption, and since it has received in the theological usage of centuries the very precise meaning of secondary and dependent cooperation?there can be no serious objection to its use, on condition that it be accompanied by some expression indicating that Mary’s role in this co-operation is secondary and dependent.

    Fr. Reginald Garrigou-LaGrance OP (The Mother of Our Savior and Our Interior Life)
    Mary’s co-operation in the Redemption.

    The title Corredemptrix= Coredemptress, which has been current since the fifteenth century, and which also appears in some official Church documents under Pius X (and other Popes) must not be conceived in the sense of an equation of the efficacy of Mary with the redemptive activity of Christ, the sole Redeemer of humanity (1 Tim. 2, s).

    As she herself required redemption and in fact was redeemed by Christ, she could not of herself merit the grace of the redemption of humanity Her co-operation in the objective redemption is an indirect, remote cooperation and derives from this that she voluntarily devoted her whole life to the service of the Redeemer, and, under the Cross, suffered and sacrificed with Him.
    As Pope Pius XII says in the Encyclical ?Mystici Corporis” (1943): She offered Him on Golgotha to the Eternal Father together with the holocaust of her maternal rights and her motherly love like a new Eve for all children of Adam As “The New Eve” she is, as the same Pope declares, in the Constitution” Muniticentissimus Deus” (1950), the sublime associate of the Redeemer

    Dr. Ludwig Ott (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma)


  14. Dr. Mark Miravalle : Introduction to Mary, Advocate, Mediatrix and Coredemprix
    Mary’s role as Mediatrix with Jesus, the one Mediator, has two fundamental expressions in the order of grace. First, Mary uniquely participated with Jesus Christ in reconciling God and man through the Redemption. For this role she has been called “Co-redemptrix” (meaning a secondary and subordinate participator in Jesus’ Redemption of the world).

    Secondly, Mary gave birth to Jesus, source of all grace, she distributes the graces merited by Jesus on Calvary to human family. This role of Mary as the person responsible the distribution of graces is referred to as “Dispenser of all grace? or oftentimes by the more general title, “Mediatrix of graces

    When the Church calls Mary the “Co-redemptrix,” she means that Mary uniquely participated in the Redemption of humanity with her Son Jesus Christ, although in a completely subordinate and dependent manner to that of her Son. Mary participated in Jesus’ reconciliation of the human family God like no other created person. Mary’s unique participation in the Redemption was scripturally foreshadowed in the prophecy of Simeon: A sword shall pierce your own heart also. (Lk. 2:35)

    Mary is our Co-redemptrix with Jesus. She gave Jesus his body and suffered with him at the foot of the Cross. Mary is the Mediatrix of all grace. She gave Jesus to us, and as our Mother she obtains for us all his graces. Mary is our Advocate who prays to Jesus for us. It is only through the Heart of Mary that we come to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. The papal definition of Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate will bring great graces to the Church. All for Jesus through Mary. God bless you.
    Letter of Endorsement for the Papal Definition of Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate , Mother Teresa of Calcutta, August 14, 1993.

    PRAYER to Mary, Mediatrix and Co-redemptrix

    O Mary, Mother of God, I believe that as mediatrix with Jesus you share also in His sovereign dominion over the universe. You are Queen because you are the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Christ is universal King be?cause He rules all creatures by His personal union with the Divinity. You brought Him into the world that He might be King, according to the words of the archangel, “His reign will be without end.”

    You are Queen also because you are coredemptrix. Jesus reigns over us not only by natural right, but also by the right of redemp?tion. As cooperator with your Son in that work of redemption, you also acquired the right to reign with Him.
    God chose you to be His Mother and by that very choice has associated you with Himself in the work of the salvation of men. Since you had your place beside Jesus when there was question of ransoming us and merit?ing for us all the graces necessary for our salva?tion, you must in like manner have your place beside Him now, when there is question of securing for us by your prayers in heaven the graces prepared for us in view of the merits of Christ. This is my hope: that you will be a mother to me and obtain for me the grace I need to save my soul.

  15. @JBQ,
    this is for you:


    "All true children of God have God for their father and Mary for his mother; anyone who does not have Mary for his mother, does not have God for his father."

    ~ St. Louis de Montfort

  16. Pope Francis is feeding the Rad Trads again with ambiguous homily for them to twist and distort, why?
    What is the wisdom why Pope Francis said "Mary never introduce herself as co-redeemer"? Because it is true Mary's humility sees her nothingness, but ofcourse Jesus gave the Keys to Peter and the Church Magisterium has the role and responsibility to proclaim the title of Mary as the Holy Spirit inspires, guide and instruct them.
    Pope Francis is promoting a live discussion of the Fifth Dogma to stir interest and debates, why?
    Pope Francis wants the Trads and ofcourse the Rad Trads to spread this "ambiguous homily", it is a great wisdom to promote the Fifth Dogma because in the end when Pope Francis finally approved and proclaim the Fifth Dogma the Rad Trads can no longer oppose this TRUTH!.
    Thank you Pope Francis for your wisdom is so great, the Rad Trads channels are clueless that your are using their confusions to promote the Fifth Dogma.

  17. God respected Mary's rights as a Mother,she had to cooperate with the Divine Will ,and willingly surrender Her Son to His Sacrifice ,in that respect she had to atone for Eve,who took what was rightfully not hers ,She had to surrender what was rightfully hers ,the Blood Christ shed on the Cross He received from His Mother in Her Womb. Its true Mary claims nothing for herself that did not prevent God from crowning Her with Honour and Glory .It seems the Vatican would like to downplay Mary's role,to appease those who claim she was just a holy woman.

  18. Dear Tancred. Maybe there will come a time when Pope Francis is declared Co-heretic along with the Heresiarch he admires, Martin Luther.

  19. Really, I don't pay any attention to what Bergoglio says anymore. I really don't pay any attention to his version of the Catholic Faith. The only thing I've seen from his version of the Catholic Faith is wreckage and ruin, closed and near extinct monasteries,convents,seminaries, churches, schools. They all adopted Bergoglio's version of "Catholicism" long ago, and suffered the consequences.
    Until now, their antics have been only local, here and there, this Order or that (or most). But now it's the universal Church infected, and the source of it is Bergoglio and his people. And for the most part, except in tiny outposts of real Catholicism, it seems everyone is content to just "boo hoo" about it all. No mounting a huge effort to force him out, etc. like should be done.
    So, the Church deserves it. If Cardinals, Bishops, faithful (and not just a handful), see the evil and do nothing so far....the Church deserves it.
    I've seen the world in lost of travels, and it's a thousand times worse in Europe and Latin America than it is here in the USA.....made worse by Bergoglio and company.
    And if there's no huge rise to put him and them out.....we deserve it. If people are "afraid!!!" to act because he's "the Pope", then the Church has become "the cult of the Pope", where he is untouchable, and not the Catholic Faith of Jesus Christ.
    And if that's the case....we deserve what we got. Sorry.

    Damian M.Malliapalli
    Sorry, but it's true.

  20. In a sense, we are all coredemptorists, since we eat His Body and Drink His Blood, we become one body soul and Divinity in Christ's Mystical Body. And as we pray, offer ourselves on the Cross (through Our crosses in life) we all become coredemptorists.

  21. Foolishness?

    37th MESSAGE - November 15, 1951, Our Lady of All Nations told Ida Peerdeman in Amsterdam:

    Coredemptrix by the will of the Father
    (an excerpt) I see the Lady before me. She says,
    “Tell the world that I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Let the world pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, asking Him to send the Holy Spirit so that the True Spirit may live in the hearts of all nations. Ask that the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, may be the Advocate.
    The Lady of All Nations is standing here before the Cross of her Son. Her feet are placed in the middle of the world, the flock of Jesus Christ all around. I come in this time as the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix. I WAS ALREADY COREDEMPTRIX AT THE ANNUNCIATION.”
    Now I ask the Lady what this means. She answers,
    “This means: the Mother was made Coredemptrix by the will of the Father. Tell this to your theologians. Say, further, that this will be the final dogma of Marian history.”

    Foolishness? This rascal from Buenos Aires hates the Holy Virgin, he is a vicious enemy of her!

    1. I thought that the apparitions of Our Lady of All Nations was condemned by the Church.

  22. Doesn’t this contradict what
    0ur Lady said at Bayside?

  23. "That's a sedevacantist website"

    Better a sedevacantist Catholic than a Pope Francis Catholic.

    Damian M. Malliapalli
