Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas: Barnhardt Names Them!

Edit: even the worst most cringey Catholic e-celebs can see the light.  At some point, you realize who it is that's putting you in the cross-hairs and who you can't criticize, not even constructively.  Like Scrooge, even Barnhardt can see the light!
[] I have written on Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” before, but it has been several years, and I think a recapitulation is in order given current events.
The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”.  It is traditional viewing for me on Christmas Eve night, and has been since childhood.  For those of you with any ties to the Kansas City area, the old independent Channel 41 would show “Scrooge” at 10:00pm on Christmas Eve annually, followed by either Luciano Pavarotti’s ARSH 1980 Christmas concert, or (sigh) the non-Christian Mormon choir singing Christmas Carols.
But “A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story, is because it depicts a full-blown, all-out miracle.  The “transformation” of Ebeneezer Scrooge is nothing less than the supernatural healing of a full-blown Diabolical Narcissist psychopath.
The Scrooge character is a classic DN.  He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo….), sitting alone in his room every night, lovelessly single, devoid of human empathy, haughty, critical and disdainful of everyone and everything, looking down on and actively resentful of normal, loving people – embodied by his clark, whom he psychologically abuses, Bob Cratchit, and his family. Love, joy, gratitude and generosity disgust and enrage Scrooge. He hates occasions of happiness, and actively seeks to disrupt and destroy them, especially holidays.  The people around him walk on eggshells to his face – but either pity or dislike him behind his back.  In the “Ghost of Christmas Future” act, Scrooge is genuinely surprised to discover that almost everyone is glad that he is dead – the exception being Bob Cratchit himself, the most direct recipient of Scrooge’s abuse.  Bob Cratchit is thus a metaphor for Christ.
Not only does “A Christmas Carol” firmly establish in its opening act the total lovelessness of Scrooge, the total self-purgation of all charity from his soul, but it even shows HOW IT HAPPENED, and the exact moment when Scrooge made the conscious choice to expel all love from his soul and to never love again.
That moment happens when young Scrooge’s beloved sister, Fan, dies in childbirth.  Ebeneezer Scrooge’s mother, it is revealed, also died in childbirth, and Scrooge’s father blamed him for her death, and “never forgave him”, abusing him, and them sending him away.  As is so common, Scrooge, already wounded, repeated the very error of his father and blamed Fan’s newborn infant son for her death.  Even worse, Scrooge, whether implicitly or explicitly, also declared war on God – Love Himself – by rejecting love and consciously emptying himself of it.  The very moment of this decision is shown at the 32:54 timestamp.
Immediately, Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into the that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancĂ©e and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE.  Even his only “friend”, Jacob Marley, he held in indifference and even contempt.
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London.  So, this story isn’t merely about the healing of the heart of a miserable old narcissist, A Christmas Carol is the story of the miraculous conversion to Christianity of a JEW.
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge.”
That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian.  It is left to the reader to understand that the Cratchit Family were his “sponsors” in this.  It is also obliquely implied at the beginning of the story that Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, married a Christian girl – “it was the making of me”, and thus invites Scrooge to their home for Christmas dinner.
So, if you can spare the time this year, do sit down and watch this, and see if the “Christmas morning” scene wherein Scrooge is miraculously healed of his Diabolical Narcissism, and radiates genuine love and joy, doesn’t pack a bit more of a punch.  Because for a Diabolical Narcissist psychopath to be thus healed is a greater miracle than levitation, bilocation, or most any other physical miracle.
A Merry Christmas to one and all!  God bless you, [us] everyone!


  1. She’s gone from Dual Covenant Nervous disOrdo Zionist to true Catholic in a very short time.

  2. Good insight by Ann. It never occurred to me that the Christmas Carol was a story about Jewish conversion to Christianity. But I really think it is the point of that most folks receive which is that happiness consists in opening our heart to others by a process of realization of our own selfishness. Ann's Jewish take is more of the back story.

  3. No, this interpretation is flatly belied by the text. When Scrooge is in what Amurkans would call boarding school (he would have almost certainly had to have been Anglican to be admitted in the late 18th century, when he would have been in school), his classmates clearly expect him to celebrate Christmas with his family and feel sad for him that he does not. Had he been a Jew, that would not have been the reaction.

  4. Disraeli went to public school, and his siblings attended Winchester College, and it’s not just Americans who call it “boarding school” but the English as well. You’re obviously a retard, Gaybrielle.

  5. And you have obviously got the wrong straw man, Tancred.

  6. Your contempt for Americans, assuming you're not a Eurofag from the Midwest, isn't very Christian, Gaybrielle.

  7. Nor is calling Gabriel, by the soft option figment of your imagination, "Gabrielle."
    Happy Christmas Gringo.

  8. Disraeli became Anglican while he was a youth, and he didn't attend boarding school in the late 18th century, but rather in the time following that when English boarding schools were just becoming less restricted in who they accepted. Your ad hominems betray the lack of argument.

  9. Disraeli was a nominal Anglican who converted with his family at 12. He began attending boarding school while he was still Jewish just as the Rothschilds were betting on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, you pathetic know-nothing.

  10. As I said ... "in the time following [the late 18th century] when English boarding schools were just becoming less restricted in who they accepted."

  11. Irrespective of Jews who'd mostly or partly assimilated, or cases like Sampson Gideon (of a Jewish father) who attended Tonbridge and Eton.

  12. Of course, Barnhardt isn't the only person who's noticed Scrooge's Hebraic characteristics, others have noticed as well, accusing Dickens of being anti-Semitic. Oh NO!

  13. Because the younger Samson Gideon was baptized and raised in the Anglican church. As I said... it was a later generation when actual unconverted Jews (whom Scrooge is alleged to be) were more tolerated.

    The reason is is relevant to actual Catholics is that anti-Jew prejudice and anti-Catholic prejudice were linked in the Anglican establishment in the 18th century. The toleration by the latter was just starting to be granted to Non-Conformist Protestants, but Jews and Catholics were a further remove in time.

    And, yes, the Scrooge as Jew argument was first baited by anti-Christian secularists, hence its general sogginess as a argument. Catholics just injure ourselves adopting it in turn.

  14. And yet, Disraeli somehow managed to attend a “boarding school” before Jewish Emancipation.

    Considering that Jews had been assimilating since the 17th century when Cromwell let them back in the country, it’s not shocking that they found their way into typically English situations like elite boarding schools, whether under cover of conversion or not.

  15. But Disraeli was at least a generation younger (if not more) than Scrooge, who is an old man by the time Dickens pens A Christmas Carol. The generational difference is not incidental, but a key marker in the divide in English social history. Scrooge's childhood is closer in time to the Gordon Riots, not the comparative national-unity focus of the era of Disraeli's childhood.

    The Scrooge as unconverted Jew argument is all wet, and does nothing but harm Catholics.

  16. PS: The establishment Anglicanism of the first century of England's demographic boom (starting around 1740, and then turbocharged with the Industrial Revolution) was a relatively sterile bookend to the fervor of the Non-Conformists. Dickens' aim was against that dry, money-coddling sterility that allowed England to ignore the actual conditions of the mass of people. The Oxford Movement was an intramural reaction to it as well. Scrooge doesn't need to be a Jew of any sort to attract the moral condemnation of Dickens; Scrooge's moral indifference is of a piece with much of the establishment and new industrial money fortunes.


  17. Scrooge was born in 1785 after the Gordon Riots and Disraeli 20 years later. You can easily say that they were of the generation born during the Empire Period and the birth of Romanticism.

    The Oxford movement was gay.

    Scrooge is Jewy, and Barnhardt isn’t the first person to notice it, and legally, there’s no reason to suppose that a wealthy Jew couldn’t have attended an excellent boarding school before Emancipation, like Disraeli.

  18. Well, that's become a tattered soggy argument (if one can call it that) by this point now....It's an argument based on lack of flat denial, not authorial intention or likelihood. Scrooge is old enough to be the father of Disraeli's birth cohort peers.

  19. Until you develop some actual knowledge about the law and the history of the time, I guess we'll have to understand that your argument claiming that Scrooge couldn't have been Jewish because Jews weren't allowed in English boarding schools in the 18th century is just you twisting in the wind.

    Another leftist ipse dixit from Gaybriel.

  20. Back to the ad hominem due to failure of argument, we can see. Not a jot of what I've written is leftist; quite the contrary. It's Barnhardt et al. relying on leftist anti-Christian agitprop.

    Which English boarding schools admitted unconverted Jewish students (or Catholics for that matter) in the 18th century? The reading I've had in the past over the years indicates English Jews were still relying on their own schools at that time.


  21. You’re the one who made the blithe and completely absurd assertion. Disrael went to boarding school under law that was in effect till 1846.

    *Stop complaining about ad homs, you’re the worst one here, faggot.

    Additionally, Scrooge might be an Anglican Convert himself, or at least his parents. Remember, Jews had been in England for centuries already, and many had even risen to positions of prominence in English society. Moreover, Large numbers of Jews, like Tommy Robinson’s ancestors, aka Yaxley- Lenon (old anglicized Jewish surname), became CoE for all kinds of reasons.

  22. That's not Barnhardt's argument at all, though. You've just poured solvent all over it.

    And I've not deployed ad homs here. My arguments are about arguments, not the arguers. Impervious to baiting on that score.

  23. The Muppets version was always my favourite

  24. wow tancred even the divorced and remarried john hagee preaches that the demons 'believe' but it is not enough to 'save' them (obtain eternal life), but here you are publicizing the lies of another opus devil protestant one world church 'convert'

    We need more of them 'believing christians' to 'save' the catholic church. What crap. The Catholic Church is the vehicle of salvation. Opus devils who want to make up their own religion where secular government (y'all) is higher than the priesthood are constantly
    propagandizing the lies that their audience is the 'savior' of babies, of the church, of this of that -- it's the same crap the masons and gnostics preach: man is God (his own savior).

    evangelical christians are prolife because of all the catholic converts--like Pence, Cruz, Palin. They don't believe in the priesthood, the real presence/mass or confession. They use artificial birth control, fornicate and divorce and remarry--just like their counterparts who stayed Catholic out of sentiment.

    "for one thing your ardent faith and willingness to defend the truths of Christ [?huh?] are sorely needed in the battle for the soul of the Catholic Church that is raging today [?the opus devil masonic takeover?]. But more than that, you are such good and Christ-loving people. You deserve the riches of the Catholic faith much more than a sinner like me. [?do non-sinners need conversion?]

    So I've tried to put together this show to explain from a Biblical perspective one of the most troubling aspects of Catholicism for most non-Catholic Christians... namely Mary the Mother of Jesus. I explain in this episode with Scriptural backing why Catholics call Mary their Mother, why Catholics have statues of Mary in their Churches and much more." (too bad the prots have their own laymen to explain scripture to them)

    “She called me two weeks before this whole thing broke,” Kaminczak said, “and she told me she was thinking about going to the coalition. She had been having serious money problems—she’d been talking about bankruptcy—and she told me that Shawn [Carney] had promised her $3,000 speaking gigs if she came over.”

    should be making six times the amount of money that I make in the pro-life movement. But I’m not. Why? Because of forgiveness. Because of mercy. Because of grace. Because of God. And because of real pro-lifers. The people I turned to accepted me for me... [Let's find out what her salary is -- and shawn carney's and lila rose's and those prolifers in chicago (the swindler family), judie brown (w/the $million church print contracts) and that lawyer heading ADF -- all those opus devils and their $3000 speaking gigs, and their for profit co behind the non profit co]
    I hate the death penalty. I hate that we have the death penalty in Texas...I really hate that the mention of the enormous amount of people killed in our state drew such crazy applause from the audience at the Republican debate. I believe in the sanctity of ALL human life...innocent or guilty.

    WE ALL DESERVE HELL according to the Catholic religion, but not according to opus devil propaganda! Abortion should be illegal and anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted unto the full penalty of the law, but that would put these opus devil scum out of (big million dollar) BUSINESS!

    For shame, Tancred. For shame!
