Sunday, December 22, 2019

Francis Pats Self on Back as He “Abolishes” Pontifical Secret

Edit: Why do Jesuits have a magazine called America? They hate America!

As if to say that leftists were right all along, he claims to do this. If he wants to do something about addressing sex abuse coverups, he should just resign since he’s engaged in that. Himself.

[America] In a decision of enormous importance, long called for by survivors of abuse and their advocates, Pope Francis has abolished the pontifical secret for sexual misconduct cases concerning clerics.
The “pontifical secret” is not related to the seal of the confessional, which remains absolute (and inviolable) in Catholic teaching and practice. Rather, the pontifical secret refers to confidentiality in the church’s judicial handling of clerical sex abuse and other grave crimes (as well as secrecy in other areas, such as some matters concerning the appointment of cardinals and bishops). The secrecy ensures that cases are dealt with in strict confidentiality. Vatican experts have said it was designed to protect the dignity of everyone involved, including the victim, the accused, their families and their communities.


  1. I think the only way to get this asshole to resign, is for faithful Catholics in Argentina and elsewhere who know Bergoglio and his cover-ups and other abuses, to mount a huge tidalwave of undisputable evidence, and to force the thug out, along with his cronies like Mariadiaga, etc. Ordinary bishops have been pressured out due to their crimes and cover ups, it should be the same with Pope Francis.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  2. By "this asshole" I take it you mean Pope Francis. You obviously despise him even to the point of wishing him dead, but you could at least show him the respect he deserves a the successor of Peter.

  3. Sorry PW, Buddy Man, but millions around the world wish the guy dead, not just me. I've read it here, and elsewhere.
    In Italy, hatred of Francis is widespread, especially in Rome. Even priests there pray for him to "pass on".
    Second of all, he's no "Successor of St. Peter". There's definite proof, even spouted off by those fellow "assholes" who helped elect Francis (Maradiaga, Murphy-O'Connor, Danneels, and the infamous and disgraced McCarrick), that Bergoglio was campaigned for, and that he campaigned for himself before and during the conclave....and that the "St.Gallen Mafia" was the force that threw Benedict XVI out (forced him out), and quickly elected their own man.....Bergoglio (aka Francis).

    As an aside, the negative reaction to the Netflix movie "Two Popes" in Rome, is more than enough proof that not only do many, many Romans feel that Francis isn't legit, but also that he's hated. No surprise.
    Just yesterday, Francis spouted off once more against Catholic tradition, against those who oppose his version of "change", against those who were against Pachamamma and his Amazon Synod, etc.etc. He doesn't seem to realize that the more he talks like that, the stronger the opposition grows and the more people hate him. He has no clue.
    Lastly, to claim, like he did yesterday in his yearly speech to the Roman Curia, that secularism is irreversible and that "Christendom" is dead is not something that and legit, true Pope and Successor of St. Peter would say. A true Pope would try to reinforce "Christendom" or what is left of it....not to say we should bury the idea of it. (and let the Muslims swarm in like they're doing already).

    If, PW, you always rise to the defense of Bergoglio regardless of his record, and that fact that more and more people hate and are opposed to him and that his defenders are becoming a last gasp of radical liberal Vatican II Catholicism (that more and more hate as well), then you'll sound more and more ill-informed (I don't want to use the term stupid)... like that of the few remaining others (like Fr. Jim Martin, the LGBT pervert loving Jesuit) who rally around "the asshole" Pope Francis.
    And he's definitely earned that title!

    Damian M. Malliapalli
