Monday, October 28, 2019

Canon 915: Priest in South Carolina Refuses Joe Biden Communion

Edit: how dare this priest politicizes the Eucharistic Meal! Obviously, we need a conservative canon lawyer to explain why this priest is out of line.

.- A South Carolina Catholic priest denied Holy Communion to  presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday, because of the candidate’s support for legal abortion.
Fr. Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, denied Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Holy Communion at Sunday Mass for his support of legal abortion, the Florence Morning News reported Monday.
"Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Morey said in a statement he sent CNA Oct 28.


  1. Father is going to be waiting tables.

    1. SOS ... --- ...
      oh yea , he'll be waiting on tables in Heaven.

    2. Since this is the Vatican 2 age of the laity, if the holy priest is dimissed, the parish should protest the bishops house in mass, and with-hold financial tithes in order to keep their pastor.

  2. The priest did the right thing. God Bless Him.

  3. Good. More priests need to do this to politicians who take public positions that flagrantly violate the tenets of the Faith, but who then want to be seen and photographed attending church and pretending to be pious.

  4. As addled and demented as Biden appears, he has already forgotten that he was there.

  5. On Judgement Day: "When I was there, you were there for Me." The priest answers:" Where were you Lord?" In the people you defended I was there, and in My transubstantiated Body I was there".

  6. I would think that a priest knowing the mortal sins of this unrepentant public sinner would not want to partake in his sacrilege. who would want to aid in that horrid sin? Not a I I would never even be able to attend a Mass if such an evildoer like Biden, Pelosi, or Kerry were there.

  7. FLORENCE — St. Anthony Catholic Church has always welcomed anyone into the church and, on July 1, it welcomed its new priest, Father Robert Morey.

    Morey brings a wealth of experience having been a priest for 14 years, but what he did as a career before priesthood still helps him today in several ways.

    For 14 years, before being ordained as a priest, Morey was a lawyer. Seven of those years he practiced general law in eastern North Carolina, and then he spent the following seven years working in Washington, D.C., for the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. {w/Donna Bethell?}

    Father Robert Morey is the new priest at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Florence. Morey became pastor of the church July 1 after having been at Holy Family Catholic Church in Hilton Head {wonder how many proaborts, sodomites, fornicators, adulterers and women in bikinis he gave communion to at Hilton Head?}

    Sounds like a typical opus devil donna bethell energy/fbi/cia scam to get the women devil priestesses naked women amazon worshiping scandal off the front page of the opus devil blogosphere. Oh yeah, we covered the amazon synod; just a few small cardboard pieces of junk that we tossed into the Tiber and francis put back in the church; now we're going to keep going there, keep worshiping the devil w/Francis and start hollering about wuerl and mccarrick again (what contempt the opus devils have for their audience) to not only ensure there is no internal opposition to women or married 'priests' (an office they are trying to destroy) but also to propagandize any 'traditionalist' they have ensnared in their net that the N.O. mess provides "communion" (i.e. offering and attending the mess isn't a sacrilege in and of itself that does not give grace and does nor honor and glory to God: the sacrilege is to give 'communion' to Biden). Oh how many souls do opus devils kill w/the same lying stone?

    1. Uhh, I’m sure even the sedevacantiat priest you hire at your chapel has unknowingly participated in sacrilegious Communions, David.

  8. The other purpose of this (fake news plant) story (that proves the opus devils and S/H/ITs are colluding together to build one world gov't w/them in control) is to revive the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden by giving him a wave of publicity in the Washington Times etc. w/no mention of the bribery scandal, selling out our country for personal financial gain. Joe Biden should be prosecuted and jailed along w/his son for bribery and corruption--but suddenly that's all forgotten just like the amazon synod. Biden was denied communion, poor guy, by a right wing priest nut (an opus devil plant)! Way to go masonic opus devils! Way to go!

    1. Sheer genius. Right from the Devil’s own playbook.
