Monday, September 30, 2019

Pope Gives Rousing Endorsement to James Martin

[America] Pope Francis received James Martin, S.J., in a 30-minute private audience in the papal library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace this morning, Sept. 30, in what is seen here as a highly significant public statement of support and encouragement for this U.S. Jesuit. Father Martin is well known as a public speaker, author and for his pastoral ministry to L.G.B.T. people.
“I was very moved by my encounter with a real pastor,” a joy-filled Father Martin told America after the meeting. “I am most grateful to the Holy Father for his generosity in granting me an audience in the midst of his busy schedule,” he said.
Father Martin would not reveal what the pope said to him in the course of their conversation, except that “we both laughed several times.” He did say, however, that “among other things, I shared with Pope Francis the experiences of L.G.B.T. Catholicsaround the world, their joys and their hopes, their griefs and concerns. I also spoke about my own ministry to them and how they feel excluded.” He concluded, “I saw this audience as a sign of the Holy Father’s care for L.G.B.T. people.”


  1. The acceptance of "incomplete sexual development". Most priests are not trained in the real world as someone who studied. Most men have to support a wife and children. It looks more and more like these are "spoiled brats" and not "harbingers of the new world order".

    Christopher Ferrara and Bishop Gracida are trying to declare Francis an invalidly elected heretic and anti-Pope.

  3. Maybe these two gave each other hair coloring tips and just screamed while dishing on the Dubia

  4. Disgusting. A club needs to be taken to both of them.

  5. Hillary White just posted a rousing endorsement for Catholicism vs Orthodoxy on 'One Peter Five'. So in the meantime there are Catholics with nowhere to go for Mass and Sacraments? but wait just a minute for the Pope to go ,a new one to be elected and the general clean up before you die??? Yeah sure Hillary the College of Cardinals has so many prime picks...............

  6. Proving once again that "birds of a feather flock very close together." My guess is pseudo "Pope" Francis is gay himself. All sign point to it.

  7. For the record, Tancred:

    That was not the Pope who met w Fr. Martin. (What a far cry from Fr.Malachi Martin.)

    Antipope Francis met w. Fr. Martin.

    What’s surprising in that. They’re part of the same club & coven—

    The clerical Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.

  8. OCTOBER 1, 2019
    Amazon Synod Instrumentum Laboris contradicts Vatican Council II and Creeds : first class heresy and schism with the popes before Pius XII 

  9. John 8:32--ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

  10. Why is anyone surprised? A LGBT-loving radical liberal dissident heretic Pope have a 30 minute audience to a like minded priest who is probably gay himself.

    Each and every honored Catholic tradition and belief this Pope insults, denigrates, opposes or contradicts.

    Don't look now, Pope Francis, but from what I have read, your welcoming embrace of Fr. Martin, a USA radical who has openly disregarded Catholic teachings on the subject of LGBT's and other things (what the hell is the Q in LGBTQ?), just earned you at least 200 enemies among the USA bishops. They are not pleased. Time they opened their eyes about you, asshole.

    Damian Malliapalli

  11. Maximum amount of damage in the least time..this whole pontificate has been a joke...Marx, Kasper, Tobin, Cupich...all fems..The Pope is obviously disordered..his response are anti catholic... its easy..he is a dope or truly blindly middle ground..

  12. He's not a dope. He's a calculating, Machiavellian manipulator, diabolical of the first degree. So are his underlings who grovel at his feet....Cardinals Tobin, Cupich, Farrell, Parolin, Conrad Krajewski(the Polish former MC who got raised to Cardinal because he's probably gay and a Pope Francis/Muslim migrants fan),Bras de Aviz, Coco, etc,etc.

    But good things are coming. I think the October synod and the German synod will backfire badly on Pope Francis to the degree that shortly in the new year 2020, he will decide to resign. The new Pope will be 100% the opposite of Francis...he will be traditional and he will come out from total obscurity to win the Chair of Peter.
    He'll be young enough to clean house and begin the monumental work of rebuilding the Church. Traditionalists will cheer.....the above cardinals and like minded people (Fr. Martin etc), will go into hiding.
    Just as Pope Francis nearly every day insults Catholic tradition, the new Pope will forcefully degrade and suppress every initiative and agenda of Francis and company.

    (and he'll ask for the resignations from the Cardinalate of about a dozen Francis on the list....Marx of Germany).

    Damian Malliapalli

    (maybe far fetched, but more or less it's the way things will be).

  13. I was told by a Romanian Orthodox priest that Pope Francis is a Communist. This priest grew up under Communism in Romania. I visited Communist Romania with a state visit to Constanta with a Navy cruiser. We actually brought in close to 20 civilian personnel who were trained by the CIA to instigate the revolution. They blended in with the crowds.----Now, Francis wishes to go back to that. This would make sense in light of the Apocalypse. He is creating the climate as the evident false prophet to open the door to world Communism and the Anti Christ.

  14. He gives Catholics the middle finger every single chance he gets. This guy really really hates Catholics.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Meeting of Pope with next AB of Philadelphia? Give another see to a Jesuit; puts it in the eye of (now retirement age) AB Chaput; and gives a whole new meaning to the name of the city.

  17. St. Louis is also waiting for a new archbishop because of retirement. It is my understanding that Cupich will be influential in the selection of both.
