Sunday, June 2, 2019

Argentine Doctor Faces Prison for Saving Baby’s Life

According to the mother, she had conceived the child during a rape. The doctor deliberately delayed the matter so as not  to have performed an abortion, the judge ruled.

Cipolletti ( An Argentine gynecologist has been convicted by a court for failing to have an abortion. He had not fulfilled his task as a "public official", the court ruled. The punishment will be announced in the next few days, reports the Catholic Herald. In the worst case, the doctor faces two years imprisonment.

Dr. Leandro Rodriguez Lastra is head of the gynecology department of the Pedro Moguillansky Hospital in Cipolletti, Argentina. In May 2017, he treated a 19-year-old woman who was suffering from severe pain after taking misoprostol. She had taken the remedy as the first part of a two-part medical abortion.

The doctor found that she was just before the 23rd week of pregnancy, and the baby weighed more than 500 grams. In agreement with the attending medical staff and the board of the clinic, he decided not to perform an abortion.

In the 35th week of pregnancy, the birth was initiated. The baby was brought to adoptive parents a few days later and is now two years old.

Dr. Rodriguez was accused, together with another doctor, of not having allowed a permitted abortion. Abortion is banned in Argentina, except in cases of rape, incest and when there is danger to the mother's life. In the case of Dr. Rodriguez the mother had claimed to have conceived the baby in a rape.

The judge wrote in his verdict, Rodriguez had deliberately delayed the matter and exploited the situation of a vulnerable woman in order to avoid abortion. He is also not registered as a doctor who does not perform conscientious abortion. Therefore, he was required by law to perform the abortion.

Dr. Rodriguez has announced that it will appeal the verdict.

Photo: Icon image
Trans: Tancred

1 comment:

  1. Curious that he never registered as a conscientious objecter.
