Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Great Grandson of Kaiser Talks About His Faith

Race car driver and Kaiser-great-grandson: "The teaching of the Catholic Church helps me to keep developing my relationship with my Creator continuously."

Vienna ( "The teaching of the Catholic Church helps me to keep developing my relationship with my Creator, and keeps reminding me that there is more to it than what can be grasped
by the Hands.” With clear words, racer and Kaiser-great-grandson Ferdinand Habsburg gave an interview with "News" about his Catholic faith. According to his observations, the happier people are all spiritual. A special model of faith for him was his grandfather, Otto von Habsburg. Only at the age of 19 did Ferdinand become a confirmand, which at the time, he was very convinced about and ready for the important Sacrament. For the first time two years ago, where he had consciously sensed that there was a God. In the meantime, he has found his spiritual home in the Catholic Church. "Anyway, I'm certainly praying on a daily basis." Once upon a time somebody mentioned my belief on the plane because he noticed that I was praying the rosary, which was an interesting conversation.” On Sundays and public holidays, he goes to Holy Mass regularly, but sometimes he likes to go to Church alone to pray.

When asked how he would explain to an atheist the need to believe, Habsburg said:  "An atheist believes that there is no God. I truly believe that He exists. The existence of God can not be scientifically proven, but neither that he does not exist. We all believe in something, and in that sense I do not need to explain anything to him, because he has this need to believe, just like me, except that he just believes that there is only here and now." But he does not want to force anyone to be a believer. This is not possible. But for him, it would be nice if, through his faith and example, he would get some one to engage with God and find his way to Him.

Trans: Tancred


  1. "The teaching of the Catholic Church helps me to KEEP DEVELOPING MY RELATIONSHIP with my CREATOR* continuously." [Is this the (r)evolutionary doctrine of the VC2 Anti Christ Rabbinic/Protestant Church? Baltimore Catechism: Why did God make me? To know, love, and serve Him.]

    "With clear words racer and Kaiser-great-grandson Ferdinand Habsburg gave an interview...about his Catholic faith...happier people are all spiritual...where he had CONSCIOUSLY SENSED (God gave us REASON/RATIONALITY to know Him) that there was a God. In the meantime, he has found his spiritual home in the Catholic Church...When asked how he would explain to an atheist the need to believe...The existence of God can not be scientifically proven, but neither that he does not exist (suddenly MY CREATOR* flies out the window; how did something come from nothing?). We all believe in something, and in that sense I do not need to explain anything to him, because he has this need to believe, just like me...he does not want to force anyone to be a believer. This is not possible. But for him, it would be nice if, through his faith and example, he would get some one to engage with God and find his way."

    Not sure if you are an unwitting deceived spreader of the anti-Christ VC2 religion, but it probably stems from your opus devil worship of the great grandson of CAESAR--like those chosen people who had no king but Caesar (during Easter week where we celebrate the resurrection of the Son of God and His victory over death!).

    "In this special series of What Catholics Believe, Fr. Jenkins continues his discussion (sections #4 - #10) on the Papal encyclical, Pascendi dominici gregis ("Feeding the Lord's Flock"), promulgated by Pope Saint Pius X on 8 September 1907. This is the second video in a series on the encyclical examining the doctrines of the modernists. In this video, Father Jenkins discusses: the division of the encyclical; modernist teaching; agnosticism's philosophical foundation; vital immanence; and the consequences of the disfigurement of religion. He also discusses how the first thing destroyed by modernism is the intellect (which is how one knows God and the Truth); how modernism is a 'faith experience'; how science and history are limited by this; the role 'sentiment' plays; and how the modernist mind is worse than schizophrenic. All these things are the foundation of their beliefs and are a never ending process which ultimately will lead (if followed to their conclusion) to one world government, one world religion, and the anti-Christ." [should probably watch the whole series]

    Your Caesar contradicts holy Scripture: Psalm 18: "The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands. [3] Day to day uttereth speech, and night to night sheweth knowledge. [4] There are no speeches nor languages, where their voices are not heard. [5] Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth: and their words unto the ends of the world."

    Do we have a 'need to believe' or has a measure of faith been given to everyone? "For I say, by the grace that is given me, to all that are among you, not to be more wise than it behoveth to be wise, but to be wise unto sobriety, and according as God hath divided to every one the measure of faith." Romans 12:3 (The sower sowed a (mustard) seed (on a contrite, meek and humble heart))

    1. The Catholic Church has been the state religion for more than a thousand years.

      You sound like a Freemason.

  2. The Catholic Church may be the state religion, but Ferdinand was never taught the Catholic Faith. "According to his observations, the happier people are all spiritual." If he's seeking happiness on earth, he's a pagan and carnal not spiritual (that's what all the pagan philosophers sought). Those who follow Jesus Christ ask: "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "who then can be saved?" As Our Lady said to Bernadette: "I can't promise you happiness in this life, but only in the next." (Same w/St John in the Apocalypse) But may explain why this young man is risking his life in races that go round and round and don't matter (unlike the race St. Paul speaks of).

    It may be that at one time the family was Catholic, but now they seem very VC2 (and also pan European (anti-nationalists) and pro-immigration).

    @1:16:27 speaks on problems in Church in Austria and concludes: "so I wouldn't want to be the Cardinal now there whom I like very much Cardinal Schoenborn"

    You can watch the funeral of the grandfather conducted by Schoenborn: Dad does the 1st rdg & Ferdinand does the 2nd and see the family receive 'holy' comm @1:16:32:
