Thursday, April 25, 2019

“Comedian” Interrupts Easter Mass at Vienna’s Cathedral With Pizza Delivery

A "comedian" disguised as a pizza delivery boy disturbed the Mass in the cathedral.

Edit: Maybe it was a pizza delivery man disguised as a pizza delivery boy? Or maybe it was a publicity stunt disguised as a comedy routine? They should take their act in the Hadj.

Vienna ( The group "Wiener Schmäh" [Vienna Revile]  disrupted Mass in St. Stephen's Cathedral on Easter Sunday. A "comedian" disguised as a pizza delivery boy had disturbed Mass in the cathedral. At first, as one video shows, a man kneels in front of the altar and apparently prays, when a pizza delivery man comes to the church and delivers the desired pizza Margherita. Security staff have detained the comedians and notified the police that the comedians are now facing a penalty for disturbing public order and degrading religious beliefs.

Edit: It looks like it was Easter Sunday, but it also looks dark outside. I checked out the diocesan website, and they have a Mass at 7pm on Easter Sunday. Talk about illicit. There were a lot of empty chairs, which seemed unusual, even in Austria, but perhaps these really late evening Gnostic-Style Masses aren’t very popular. 

Not only that, but what’s going on with the ugly frippery hanging from the ceiling? Despite Schönborn being the local ordinary and a aberrosexual promoting rector in Tony Faber, it’s hard to override the beauty and piety inherent to the place.

It’s not clear why people thought this was funny. There are a lot of dislikes on the video, but many more likes and the comment section has a lot of people asking Wiener Schmäh why they don’t try this gag in a mosque with pork. 



  1. I don't know German, so I don't know whether this was brought up at all, but considering what's been happening around the world lately, my first thought at seeing a helmeted man with a package acting peculiarly in church is that he is a suicide bomber. This jackass was lucky he wasn't shot dead by security guards. But then again, this was Vienna, wasn't it?

    1. I don’t believe security was armed, but they should be.

  2. Lord. How Long this suffering can go on? ENOUGH Is ENOUGH


    1. I’m more concerned by the 7pm late-night Sunday Liturgy. It’s typical of dissenter parishes to engage in this kind of liturgical abuse. Well, Vienna is a dissenting Archdiocese. If you remember, they buried the Communist pornographer Alfred Hrdlicka, whose blasphemous Last Supper was on display in the cathedral bookstore. (Schönborn later denied knowing anything about him, and then almost in the same breath said he was an important artist. Important “artist” for promoting aberrosexuality, he is.) It’s sad too, because Stepensdom has a very nice schola cantorum and a beautiful choir trained to sing the great Vienna School Litirgical music with an orchestra.
