Monday, March 25, 2019

Francis Faking Out the Faithful

Edit: this in from Latin Mass Society Blog. Pope Francis is trickin’ people out at the House of Loreto. These people seem to think that he’s the head of the Church and as if to disabuse them of the notion, he withdraws his ring in order to prevent people from kneeling and venerating his ring. He’s most gracious to some guys in tracksuits who are probably professional athletes. They’re ok! It’s as if respecting the office and the Great Commission is out of bounds!



  1. What did you expect? I always said he'd be more confortable hanging out at the corner bar, wearing black slacks and an open necked rumpled clerical shirt, than acting like a Pope.

    Even though they were Vatican II Popes, Benedict XVI and Paul VI(less so) knew how to "pope". John Paul II was a good man, but more of a showman.

    Damian Malliapalli

  2. France is an ignorant boor. Simple.

  3. According to Francis, Vatican II did away with all of that medieval pomp and circumstance. The Church is modern and democratic, I'm just one of the people you see.

  4. Loreto is the sanctuary of the House of Nazareth owned by the Holy Family. The lady of this house is the Blessed Virgin. Exhibiting this rude behavior She showed that Bergoglio is no-pope. The honor of the master of the house was fulfilled by Pope Sixtus V in the bronze monument welcoming pilgrims at the entrance to Loreto's basilica. This great benefactor of Loreto, was called the "iron pope", because to restore order in Rome and the Papal States, he sentenced thousands of bandits and clergy along with their lovers to the gallows. He belonged to the Franciscan order, so the true Francis appears in the background. The Franciscan Sixtus V, the Iron Pope, is an excellent prefiguration of the One "who was to rule all nations with an iron rod" [Reveletian 12, 5b] - that usurper in Vatican will not escape the attention of the Paraclete.

    1. D’accord. D’acuerto. The revelation by our Blessed Mother accelerated since Candlemas 2018, coinciding with the Rosary to the Interior. Immediately then and thereafter one scandal after another has hammered Jorge Bergoglio beginning with the Chilean Barros Pederasty Scandal and reaching its peak with McCarrick and the anti-McCarrick: Archbishop Viganò.

      And, the incident of the Stang in October 2018–a ‘pope’ offering Mass with a devil stick!? This cannot be a true pope. And once again Bergoglio is manifesting, in this case: what side he’s on, who he really is. Recall he claimed there is no Hell—a clever strategy if that’s where he would lead folks.

      All of this highlights exactly who George from Buenos Aires is:

      Leader and chief of the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church. Antipope. And probably False Prophet Forerunner of the AntiChrist.

      Who’s head our Lady shall crush.

      Immaculate Heart, Triumph!

  5. “Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, for alone thou hast destroyed all heresies throughout the world.”

    Our Lady reveals who Jorge Mario Bergoglio who calls himself ‘Francis’ is.

    Given we have for the first time in history two Popes—supposedly— contentedly coexisting side by side yet there can only be one per Christ, I and my house are sticking with the Catholic one.

    Viva il Papa! Viva Benedetto!

  6. Francis is an asshole to be rude to the faithful like he was in the clip I saw. He deserves to have his ass kicked out of the Vatican and back to the barrios of Buenos Aires were he can shack up with "the kissing bishop", his protégé. Pray for more scandals, more devastating news for Francis this much that he quits.

    Damian Malliapalli

  7. Lots of pique here boys.

    1. That encapsulates your entire internet presence.

      Basically, a frosty gay man who resents his favorite vice being described accurately.
