Friday, October 26, 2018

VaticanNews Styles Pope as “Successor of Christ”

VaticanNews slightly confused: Is Pope Francis the successor of Peter and the representative of Christ on earth or even the "successor of Christ"? 

(Rome) The Vatican's news portal, active since December 2017, VaticanNews, has repeatedly described Pope Francis as the "successor of Christ".

 VaticanNews spokespersons can make a “Freudian" slip. Is such a lapse underlying that which VaticanNews has repeatedly undermined?

The fact is that Vatican News, the Holy See's news agency, falsely referred to Pope Francis not as the successor to Peter or vicar of Christ on earth, but as the "successor of Christ," a name previously unknown to the Church and theologically meaning hyperpapism.

The article published on Tuesday about the papal celebrations in the coming three months of November-January ended in its first version with the note:

"[...] on Sunday, January 13, on the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord, the successor of Christ will celebrate Holy Mass and the baptism for children in the Sistine Chapel at 9:30."

After some Catholic media were amazed at the titulation, the passage in "Successor of Peter (see Lumen Gentium, 23)" was corrected.

However, this was not the first incident of its kind. Last August 29, VaticanNews published an article about Pope Francis' journey to Ireland. The headline read: "Catechesis of the Pope: The families, joy for the world, radiate the love of Christ". It read:

"In the Procathedral of Dublin, the successor of Christ declared ..."

And most recently on October 14, Vatican News wrote in the article "Pope: 'God, we can not give a percentage of love to God, either all or nothing':

"This person spoke in the terms of supply and demand, specified the successor of Christ ..."

The article dealt with the canonizations of that day, including Pope Paul VI.

Anyone who sees it favorably might assume that some of VaticanNews' staff members were not paying close attention or being taught badly in catechism lessons. Anyone who considers it with less benevolence could see in it a form of papolatry. After all, the self-imposed mission of VaticanNews is, as it was plastered in Rome on a large scale:

 "We bring Francis into the world".

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Twitter (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


  1. The Italian language editors at the Vatican News service clearly have, like Nardi, poor English language skills. They don't know that in English, 'Vicar' is not the same as 'successor.'

    Another Nardi/Tancred beat up on a slow news day.

    1. Vicario and successore don't mean the same thing in Italian eithee.

  2. I can't find the original location of the photo - looked up and down a week's worth of the twitter feed. And you have not included a link to the original by Giuseppe Nardi. Can you please include links to original sources.

    1. They have since removed it, your majesty.

    2. It was corrected here:

      Después de la Epifanía, y como ya es tradición, el domingo 13 de enero, en la Festividad del Bautismo del Señor, el Sucesor de Pedro (cfr. Lumen Gentium 23) celebrará la Santa Misa y bautismo de algunos niños, a las 9.30 de la mañana, en la Capilla..

  3. Same request as HJMW. Couldn't find anything either.

  4. How about posting your sources for this so-called 'story', another harsh attack on the Holy Father.

  5. PF & his demonic cronies only view Jesus as a prophet & NOT the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. They obviously do not believe in the Resurrection which is the core of the True Faith 1 Corinthians 15. Without the Resurrection there would be little reason to believe in GOD. It is therefore crucial to all Christians that this monster & his followers are shifted which will take Divine intervention. The laity has no power to do anything & those who have some power to collectively denounce PF have caved in & abandoned us. Revelation will be carried out despite our cries for help so our only hope is that it will pass as quickly as possible. Our prayers at this moment in time should be directed to having Russia properly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary who can, through the hand of her Divine Son, turn everything back to Tradition & quash this Apostasy which she said would come from the top.

  6. I'm with Ana.

    At the very least it is something that needs correcting and then, stop doing it.
    There is no such thing as an honest mistake anymore with these men.

  7. I believe that he has bought into the fact that he is a new and better version of Christ and that all previous popes were intellectual illiterates. It would be nice to scent the perfume of humility once in a while. "I am all things through Christ who strengtheneth me".

  8. Successor to Lucifer is much more accurate.

    The ego of this man, Bergoglio, is beyond comprehension. He cares NOTHING AT ALL, for those he does not agree with. He listens to NOTHING, but his own SELFISHNESS.


  9. I think Bergoglio does not believe in the Divinity of Christ. Bergoglio denies the dogma of the Hypostatic Union. This denial is required by the Modernist heresy, and Bergoglio, being a Modernist heretic, dutifully follows along. This all the while putting himself equal to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. These are uncharted heretical, blasphemic waters.

  10. Are You suggesting there is no “original location of the photo”?

    There is not only one photo like the one in this post, You can see some of them here:

  11. Why anybody wonders?
    He is not the only one who DOESN'T believe in divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ!
    There was a few years ago some franciscan broeder, age 75+, who was giving some "lecture" to people,... one who was completely stuck in "doctrine" of great heretic Schillebeeckx. One who on my question,- does he believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, the only begoten Son of God is God himself,... he answered me (where other 15 people were present too,...- that he DOESN'T believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is God!! According him, our Lord was just, well, a bit more than a random chosen very good special fellow who have tried, but failed to save the all mankind!!! So then, such apostates are legions, who still thinks they are Catholics! One of them is Mario Jorge Bergoglio. Period. He has approved it more than thousand times in last 5,5 years, and before that time, when he were putted on that seat by Gallen mafia maybe 100.000 times.

    Just one proof among dozens about his apostasy is right here, when he said from his own mouth that Via Crucis was a failure of God.

    Anybody who thinks, this is not enough,... can better use some good dictionary and do some research about what is the really meaning of the word "Catholic".

  12. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:....
    He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

  13. Another festival of Cognitive Dissonance and of the sacralization of ignorance.

  14. Nice way to refer to Sacred Scripture quotes.


  15. Somebody here said that the laity have no power or authority. True that the laity should be very humble, but I disagree that they have no real role, if I am not putting words in your mouth. They should join the SSPX. I thought this was an SSPX blog.

  16. In my opinion, for Bergoglio, it is not an issue of believing for not believing. For most modernists, objectivity is relative to an individual's point of view. It would be infallible dogma to believe Christ is God, if one believes it is true, but for one that does not, it is not the case. One can be good in spite of what one believes in and be saved in his things that he strives to be good at, those things he know to be true, and not be judged for those things that one can be ignorant or indifferent to, that have little or no priority for the person in his life. That is Bergoglio. BERGOGLIO is good only in so far that what he has learned through personal experience has taught him to be true and humanly attainable and good for that person.

  17. Not sure exactly what you mean, Constantine, but would anybody else like to comment on that? Does that sound like modernism, or is it just me?

  18. All the ultramontanists who adored JPII and B16 should be thrilled, when someone is elected more to their taste they'll be overjoyed with the new (bogus and heretical) title. This should be a lesson that the Pope whil given authority by Christ is still a man.

  19. The irony is that Liturgical and Theological Gallicans have been ruling supreme since the 50s.

  20. I think they meant to say 'the Petrine Successor of Christ'. Like the title, 'St. Therese of the Child Jesus', I think they wanted to say that the Pope was Christ's. Honestly, as someone speaking English as a second language, that was the first interpretation that came to mind until I realized it was wrong. Pax Christi.
