Friday, August 10, 2018

Argentine Bishop Refuses Kneeling Communion to Faithful

(Buenos Aires) The Bishop of Santa Rosa in Argentina refuses to allow the faithful to receive the Holy Communion kneeling.

Msgr. Raul Martín is one of the first bishops imposed on Argentina by Pope Francis after his election. On September 24, 2014, he appointed Father Martín Bishop of Santa Rosa in the state of La Pampa. He comes from the clergy of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, which was headed up to his election as Pope by Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

In Santa Rosa, he succeeded Msgr. Mario Aurelio Poli, whom Francis had made his successor as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of Argentina two weeks after the conclave.

The faithful of the Diocese of Santa Rosa speak of an "open persecution" of "all priests" who are faithful to the traditional Magisterium of the Church. The Latin church language is to be strangled, and a Holy Mass in the traditional form of the Roman rite would be "even unthinkable". This is clear from a report by faithful to the Spanish-language news site Adelante la fe.

Above all, it is also complained that Bishop Raul Martín "fights" against Communion kneeling on the tongue. "Many men and women, old and young" continue to receive communion in the diocese on their knees. For this they are "ridiculed" by their bishop.

The report includes a video that was taken last Sunday, August 5, when Bishop Raul Martín visited the parish of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. It reproduces parts of the bishop's sermon. Receiving Communion in the traditional way kneeling and in the tongue has been maintained in this parish to this day. The previous pastor was therefore "banned to another city" by Bishop Martín. The bishop had "visited" the parish in no time. The real purpose of a visit was "not the salvation of the believers," but the purpose of ensuring that "they no longer communicate kneeling."

On the same day he gave the sacrament of Confirmation to children of the parish, "but denied the confirmands communion, as they knelt." The same happened to the Boy Scouts of the parish. He admonished the church choir not to sing Latin, he even accused them of "disobedience".

Disappointed and indignant believers have now addressed a letter to the bishop, expressing their grief at his visit and pointing out that he demands things that "are incompatible with the teaching and the order of the Church."

The doctrine of the Church "is 2,000 years old," the letter says, "it did not come into being in the 60s or 2013, but comes from Our Lord Jesus Christ, who followed all the followers of Saint Peter and all the saints ,”

The Roman Congregation for Worship and the Order of the Sacraments has repeatedly and unequivocally stated that although Holy Communion can take place according to the dispensations of the local Episcopal Conferences, as Paul VI did, it is allowed as the ordinary form of reception of Communion, which continues to be kneeling and on the tongue. Therefore, this actual and therefore most appropriate and dignified reception of Communion should never be denied to the faithful (instruction Redemptionis sacramentum on some things concerning the Most Holy Eucharist to be observed and avoided, n. 90, 2004, note against the refusal of priests dispensing Communion on the tongue to the kneeling faithful, Prot.No .: 1322/02 / L of 1 July 2002).

The faithful of Santa Rosa, but also other faithful who are experiencing similar things, should write to:

Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments
Prefect Robert Cardinal Sarah
Secretary: S.Ex. Arthur Roche
Palazzo delle Congregazioni - Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Roma
cultdic [a]

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


  1. Drip, drip, drip; change in minuscule steps to a preset agenda.

  2. This might sound crazy, but this is actually a great thing. It is great because the actions of this bishop, who was appointed by Francis and reflects his agenda are rousing the anger of faithful and traditional Catholics. They are stirring up against this bishop and his agenda, and by extension, against Francis. The same is happening in Mexico. The same in Italy.
    The people hate the "Francis Effect", and are rising against it. First they are rising up against the Francis-style bishops, and before too long, against Francis himself.
    If the majority of the cardinals had any sense, and realize which way the wind is blowing, they would add their voices and influence and rise up against Francis as well.
    Francis and his Vatican would not be able to stop it.
    Damian Malliapalli

    (Hey, I have not seen any posts lately from Boris,Clement, Clem Courtney, etc.etc. ) Not that I miss him, of course.

  3. Damian,
    How are you? You havent seen posts from that person because our host is not letting his poisonous comments through. Also, you theory that perhaps there wasnt just one of them, but a small circle of angry homo-heretics, is quite plausable :)
    I too hope Francis Effect will create more faithful Catholics. If only God would give us a real pope, we had a horrible streak for the last 50 years. One more like Bergoglio, and the End would come (not that is a bad thing).

  4. Anon at2:38

    I'm fine thank you....hope you are the same. I'm getting ready for another overseas trip on my job.... in three weeks, off to a one week photo shoot in Greece. Been there 2-3 x for longer stays. Beautiful country, great people, and of course awesome history,culture, and religion. Unfortunatly they have the same kind of problems with pervert priests (not many though), compared to our Church, or the Anglican Church which is filled with them. But their Divine Liturgy is magnificent....even their simple Sunday liturgy is sometimes 90 minutes, but beautiful. Of course our TLM is the most awesome...but what we have now is garbage. As is our Pope.
    I worry about our Archdiocese of Philadelphia, speaking of bishops. Chaput is nearly 75, was never made a Cardinal by asshole Bergoglio, and I'm nervous about what kind of loser he will fill the See with when Chaput retires. There's really nothing left of the Archdiocese to speak of. Only about 320 priests (1,700 before Vatican II) with an average age of 70, only 2,200 nuns (7,800 before Vatican II), with an average age close to 80, only 50 seminarians for Philly (562 before Vatican II), and on average, about 15% of the faithful attend Mass each Sunday (85% before Vatican II). We don't TECHNICALLY have any Catholic cemetaries administered by the Archdiocese anymore. They were turned over to the individual townships in which they exist. No more Catholic Archdiosecean newspaper, down to about 200 Parished (340 before Vatican II), 7 Archdiosecean highschools (21 before Vatican II) etc.etc. You get the picture :)
    But when I read about this Latin American Bishop, I got to thinking about my own diocese. Not much left of it, and I am sure Francis will try to bring it down with another radical guy imposed on us.
    But hopefully, in God's Mercy, He will see the wreckage of the Church caused deliberately by Francis, and remove him to his reward by this time next year.
    Damian Malliapalli


  5. There are often little visible hints as to the stance of bishops. Imitating PF's pectoral cross is one; another, to be seen in this clip, is the inappropriate use of the mitra simplex.

  6. May I suggest all the congregants, at the start of Mass, turn around and remain that way until the end of Mass. And never look at the priest or one another.

  7. Raúl Martín fue elegido por Bergoglio para ser ´obispo´ de las Pampas Argentina el 24 de Septiembre 2013, era el obispo auxiliar de Jorge Mario Bergoglio y el animador de las fiestas de San Cayetano. recibió la ´ordenación episcopal´ de manos de Bergoglio y se hizo sacerdote con el Obispo tercermundista Quarracino.

    Hermano Por favor corrija la fecha en su articulo 24 de Septiembre 2013 no 2014 y el email Prefecto: Cardenal Robert Sarah es
