Monday, March 19, 2018

Evil Cardinal Puts Traditionalist Chicago Parish in Sights

[Mahound’s Paradise] This weekend, in a letter read out during 5:00 Mass on Saturday and repeated during the 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 and 12:30 Masses on Sunday, the Archdiocese of Chicago announced that Fr. Frank Phillips had been removed as Pastor of St. John Cantius and as Superior of the Order that he founded, the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius.

The letter stated that Fr. Phillips had been credibly accused of improper relationships with an adult male or males.

Fr. Phillips is currently staying at an undisclosed location, pending an investigation of the complaints by the Congregation of the Resurrection, of which Fr. Phillips is a member.


  1. If the faithful of St. John Cantius found out where that poor priest was, they'd probably organize a rescue operation and get him out of there.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Start your own own blog, then, you sissy.

    2. I take it your "start your own blog, then you sissy"
      is directed at me Tancred? Just what will your plan B look like if he admits or is found guilty of misconduct? In stead of making ill informed childish comments, try praying for the Priest and for the TLM movement and the demise of the Lavender mafia.

    3. Nobody likes the tone police. If he’s guilty, then there is a big difference between the way traditionalist clergy is treated, versus the way the girls squad clergy are treated. In fact, in one diocese in Italy, the Bishop sounds like he’s only concerned with whether or not his priests are preying on children when reports come forward about these evil poofs.

    4. Im also well acquainted with Cupich’s dishonesty and malfeasance, so at this point it’s not a difficult thing to view any steps toward disciplining his clergy with anything but scepticisn.

  3. Yes, Catholics are concerned about the 'gross indecency' but we are not talking about 'minors' here. We are talking about ADULT MEN. And YES, if Fr. is found guilty, it should be dealt with absolutely, but to actually 'remove' him before anyone knows any FACTS?? This procedure is not used for accused PEDOPHILES for cryin out loud!! Bishops usually put priests on 'suspension' for accusations of pedophilia until they can investigate the facts. They don't permanently REMOVE THEM! As far as I have read, Fr. Phillips is not going back regardless of the outcome! Talk about taking a hammer to kill a GNAT! Lets find out if Fr. Phillips is guilty or not and what the circumstances are before we hang him high!! This was handled in the worst possible way and coming close to convicting him before anyone knows if these accusations are even credible!! Meanwhile, Cupich invites the likes of Fr. James Martin, the sodomite promoting priest to Holy Name Cathedral for his 'Lenten Mission', and the Vatican is one big drug filled gay bath house call boys and all, and no one says PEEP. Give me a break, the hypocrisy in only fingering traditional priests (before you even know circumstances) and allowing the Church's gay mafia to run wild is completely over the top.

    1. There’s one set of rules for the good guys and another set of rules for the bad. Evil clergy often gets a pass, especially in Chicago.

      This is the doctrinaire Bergoglian attack, and Lo, while decadent institutions like Collegeville get a pass, Saint John Cantius will likely be shut down.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Steady on. Who are you and why should we “go easy”.

  4. Wait a sec' .....when did the "Catholic" prelates give a crap about male homosexual clergy? Wasn't that a thing about 60 years ago? Now it seems being an aberrosexual is a career enhancer!


    1. TancredMarch 21, 2018 at 3:50 PM
      You know how divisive they are. I can imagine all kinds of fratricidal battles, and who is the right kind of gay.

      Our parish had a priest who was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute. He was already on thin ice from his last assignment and was odd anyway. I think he wanted to be in the lace alb society club.

      The funny thing is that he spent pretty much the entire last year of his assignment trying to sabotage himself by strange behaviors, like emotional outbursts over various trivialities. He really loved to attack pious middle-aged women. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was Gaybrielle.

  5. So the Vatican elevates queers Martin and Ricca to high positions...and gay-friendly adultery-friendly Cupwitch removes a priest based on a rumor. No, that's not inconsistent at all.

  6. Jealousy. This attack smacks of sheer jealousy either by some catty Cleric in the ArchDiocese or his own Congregation of Resurrection, etc...out of spite to demote him and bring him down a peg or two.

    Like the bad Novus Ordo Priests who detested a conservative Bishop in their Diocese and allegedly set him up to bring him a peg down or two. With pampered, catty Novus Ordo Priests who needs enemies?

  7. You have lost all credibility. I thereby remove my comments.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1. “Yes Tancred it is a shame, considering that I share your views on most things but your inability to entertain alternate view does you and your message no good at all. Your petulant rebuff of anything that runs contrary to your opinions is reflected in the arbitrary deletion of others comments. Smack of someone insecure in his position and perhaps a little jaded. Perhaps your in need of a holiday or at least a crash course in civility. Print this if I am mistaken in my assessment. Your recent behavior suggests I shouldn't be holding my breath “

      I don’t know who you are, and your profile doesn’t have a lot of history to it, and complaining about “ tone” and suggesting that Cupich may have a point about dismissing a traditional priest who has only been accused of being a sodomite, bypasses the actual history of this diocese and the person of its ordinary. We’re talking about Chicago and we’re talking about Cupich. This is the place where a popular writer of pornographic women’s books had a close friend murdered by his priest boyfriend, and claimed to have names of the members of a secret “Chicago Boys Club” which not only includes Catholic clergy but prominent members of Chicago society as well. We are talking about the place where a Cardinal was sent to his eternal rest by the Windy City Gay Men’s Chorus. So let’s not try and pretend that if these mere accusations are true that they don’t reek of hypocrisy and the profound hostility to the Catholic faith and faithful Catholics which homosexual enablers like Cupich possess.

      The Archdiocese claims that it’s only following an established procedure, but that’s not true. Would that it were because such an SOP would go a long way to getting rid of some bad clergy, but what we find in the past is that even clergy accused of being sexual predators are put back on the job, provided they have the right attitude.

    2. Is this you?

  9. How sad is this situation in Chicago? Bernardin, George, and now Cupich, it's like playing ping pong. George was a saint in the very image of John Paul II. Cupich is in the very image of the current pontiff. Nothing further should be said.

  10. Hey Tancred, the "reply" tabs near each comment seem disabled. Only the final reply link actually works. Makes it hard to make a relevant point to a previous post if I have to post all the way at the end.

    But good reminder about the Chicago diocese etc. For years since? before? Bernadin, that place has had a bad reputation for homosexuality. Yet NOW? suddenly when an apparently solid Traditional priest well known and loved in a seemingly tremendous authentically Catholic parish gets a few scandalous accusations all of a sudden, the Cardinal cracks down hard? And only disciplines him, not on all the other uncontrolled deviant creeps no doubt still lurking out there in parishes etc. Even being accused is condemned! This priest, guilty or not, will have a very difficult time getting his good name back (if he is innocent of the charges).

    1. The denials we’ve been seeing from the diocese are as absurd as anything that comes from the Vatican... and you thought Navarro Falls was bad?

      Sorry about the reply button!
