Sunday, January 21, 2018

Remind You of Anyone?

From Titus

There are also many disobedient, vain talkers, and seducers: especially they who are of the circumcision: Who must be reproved, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of them a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies. This testimony is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn themselves away from the truth. All things are clean to the clean: but to them that are defiled, and to unbelievers, nothing is clean: but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. They profess that they know God: but in their works they deny him; being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good reprobate.


  1. How dare you attack our Talmudic brothers, stop with all this hate and.. oh, thats actually Church teaching / Scripture. Now I will humbly change my mind to be in harmony with unchangeable Church teaching. I affirm Talmudists are Synagogue of Satan, godless liars and deceivers (said no modernist ever).

  2. Salvation comes from the Jews, you jackass.

    1. @Unknown January 21, 2018 at 9:34 AM
      Yeah! Every jackass knows that the only way to Salvation through Christ is the rejection of Christ.

    2. Nostra Aetate is not optional neither is the fact that it is impossible to grasp the historical and theological significance of Christianity without understanding whence it originated.

    3. Joseph R you are so right. So few Catholics grasp that Christianity originated in the Talmud, which teaches that even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.

    4. Not My Aetate. Sorry, Feyboi.

    5. And the first prize of a beautifully gift wrapped canister of Zyklon B is awarded to Einzatzgruppenfuehrer Barnum and Yeehaw hid favourite attack Hunt for excellence in Jewish ghetto extinguishment.

    6. Joe R January 23, 2018 at 6:59 PM
      Joe R: Your advocating violence against innocent Jews is a new low in trolling. Do some research on how not to do such a dismal job at this. Maybe you can find a book like, "Trolling Catholic Websites for Dummies."

    7. Ben, thus the term trolling. If you affirm the unchangable teaching of the Church in a forum, a troll like this comes in making a provactive, absurd statement of some sort to thus brand the entire readership of EF as "anti seeeemite". It's an old trick, and pretty silly, only validated in any way when someone responds to it either by stupidly affirming or less stupidly refuting. The only proper response to that type of post is to point out the obvious trolling and encourage the troll baiter to run along.

    8. What sage advice. I'll not soon forget the stupidly or less stupidly affirmed and refuted double-speak of Anonymous January 28, 2018 at 11:25 AM.

  3. Listen up all you anti-semites: opposition to usurious central banking scams, belligerent Islamo-African squatter import operations(Isra-Aid), Khazar-Rothschild-Sassoon sponsored networks of slave, narcotics, and weapons trafficking; porn,abortion and gay marriage at home; wars for the greater Israel abroad; mass electronic surveillance(Talpiot); millions of dead goyim; or calling attention thereto means that you want another Holocaust. So just quit the bigotry and die slowly, or you'll be incriminated and we'll get rid of you quickly! Choose wisely, goys.

  4. It not a attack it St Paul to the Titus, remember St Paul is a Jew itself.

  5. He was a real Jew, that is to say, Catholic.

  6. Another stunning display of collective cognitive dissonance and dysfunctionality from the neo jackbooted, point hats Ubermenschen. Well done.

    1. Another spectacular own-goal by the hirsute ivory tower fetishist.

    2. Yeah Paul! You and your boyfriend tell those anti-semites where to go. Only NAZIs would object to the slaughter of millions of innocent people in the middle east, or usury, or the racial supremacism found in the Babylonian Talmud.

    3. And the stuffed Horst Wessel doll goes to Ben qui venit in absurdum.

    4. Wow, Yitzak. You're trolling is exceptionally lousy. Kind of sad. You really need to work on this. We're here to help.

  7. Feybriel you talk like an English professor who takes himself way too seriously. You're a real tool and an attention whore. Go start your own blog, if anyone will read it.

    1. He'll probably be swamped with bloggers. The first time I came to this site, I thought it was a compilation of luther's 95 theses against the Catholic Church. Looks like things haven't changed.

    2. @ Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 10:44 AM
      Got that, Catholics? If you don't hold hands in Father Rainbow Ruffles' novus horror show, then you are a heretic.
