Friday, January 19, 2018

Pope Accuses Chileans of Slander

Backing up Bishop Barros, accused of knowing his mentor's sex crimes - "Not a single piece of evidence"

Iquique ( Pope Francis has defended the Chilean Bishop Juan Barros, who was attacked in connection with an abuse scandal. There is "not a single piece evidence" against him, said Francis on his last visit to Chile on Thursday. "Everything is slander, is that clear?" Said the Pope. Francis spoke at a service in Iquique. It was the final Mass of his four-day visit to Chile.

"On the day on when I am presented with proof against Bishop Barros, I will speak," said Francis on the question of a local reporter. Barros is accused of having known of sexual offenses of the priest Fernando Karadima. There is no evidence to date.

The now 87-year-old Karadima, once one of Chile's most prominent Catholic clergy, was convicted of abuse in 2011. Barros was one of the spiritual disciples of Karadima. Pope Francis appointed Barros in early 2015 from the chief military bishop to the shepherd of the small diocese of Osorno in southern Chile. Francis’ personnel decision also drew criticism.

The debate over Barros and his appearances at events with Francis lasted throughout the Pope’s stay in Chile.

Trans: Tancred


  1. More than 2 decades ago a radical group of homosexual men totaling more than 80, organized an attack on the clergy in Brazil. They held open glee for their lying tactics. They were quite proud that they could ruin a conservative cleric with one accusation. I don't trust anyone in that community.

    1. It would help enormously if you provided more specific information.

  2. Robert Mickens has a strong piece in La Croix this weekend in which he rightly criticizes Pope Francis for his own brand of entrenched clericalism and the consequent inaction on the institutional culture responsible for the cover ups of clerical child sexual abuse. What Francis needs to do to act decisively is to remove the Canonical provisions of the 'Pontifical Secret' ('Secreta Continere' of Paul VI) which goes back to Pius XI change to Canon Law in 1922.
    Clerical sexual abuse of children is just now bubbling to the surface in many countries where it has been hidden away because of honor/shame culture. When the extent of the abuse of children and others such as vulnerable women (religious and lay) is revealed in African, Asian and Latin American countries the Catholic Church will be brought to its knees if not reduced to a marginalized tribe.

  3. Here in the U.S., the Church is in a real bind. If guilt is admitted, then there is a big lawsuit. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles had one payout in 2007 or so of 660 million.---Within the last week, the Diocese of Belleville (IL) just across the river from StL had a priest arrested for "kiddie porn" and meth. This Diocese is where Francis Cardinal George was from. Cardinal Francis had a childhood disease which left him crippled physically but not mentally. The clergy has been crippled by the devil.---There has to be a solution or the state will start making arrests. Here in the Midwest, a young hand picked pastor went to jail for three years for possession of child pornography. Marriage is not the answer. The Orthodox according to the writer Malachi Martin have a similar problem. It is the way that they are being trained. It does no good at all to court "openly gay" individuals.---After World War II, the clergy had an influx from those affected by evil in a war time situation. I was taught by a young priest who had seen active combat in Korea as a Marine. He was castigated for suppressing women.---The "new" Church wants complete equality between the three sexes: Men, women, and gays. It just "ain't gonna work out".

    1. There's only two sexes.

    2. Cardinal Bernardin created the Belleville fiasco.

  4. It is Canon Law that imposes the 'Pontifical secret' on bishops which forbids them to report paedophile priests except in civil jurisdictions that have mandatory reporting.(Secreta Continere).
    The colossal scandal at the heart of all the little scandals is that the Catholic Church has a law that on the one hand turns a blind eye to the teaching of Jesus Christ about scandalizing children and millstones while on the other, it protects clerical paedophiles at the expense of the innocent.
    Unless this gravely sinful and dysfunctional governance is publicly acknowledged by the Pope (of whatever leaning) then the Catholic Church is continue to implode into moral irrelevance.

  5. Eloquently put Eammon.
    Every Catholic should be demanding apologies and answers for this.
    In other words ,"Slaughter the lambs and save the wolves".

  6. The Argentine took a good of effort to publicly broadcast his abhorrence of clerical child abuse, while taking care to largely hobble the canonical mechanisms to defrock paedophile priests. This was something that likely was very upsetting to the St Gallen mafioso Cardinal Danneels, would be protector of the child molesting Bishop of Bruges. Marie Collins certainly saw clearly she was wasting time assisting the Bergoglian sham effort against clerical child abuse, and resigned.
