Thursday, July 27, 2017

New Orthodox Catechism Condemns Opponents of Ecumenism

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission has published a draft version of the Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church for Church-wide discussion, reports The final section on the Russian Church’s attitude towards the non-Orthodox has caused some consternation. 
The idea of creating a modern catechism was first raised at the Bishops’ Council in 2008, and the Holy Synod instructed the Synodal Theological Commission to being preparing the project a year later. Prominent theologians of the Russian Church, as members of the Biblical-Theological Commission, as well as professors of various theological academies, and specialists in various theological fields have been involved in the project. The first version of the text was completed in January 2016. 
The commission unanimously adopted the draft at a plenary session on January 29, 2016, after which it was submitted to the Council of Bishops session on February 2-3, 2016. The council decided to forward the draft to the permanent members of the Holy Synod, the primates of the patriarchate’s autonomous Churches, the first hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, the heads of Synodal institutions and theological schools, and diocesan bishops who expressed a desire to participate in reviewing the text.


  1. It all hinges on what is meant by "ecumenism." The ROC is defining it in terms of an "Orthodox witness to the non-Orthodox"; they are certainly not claiming that Christ's Church is anything other than the Orthodox Church. The condemnation is primarily directed at the Old Calendarist schismatic groups. One can certainly argue whether this form of ecumenism is a good thing or not, or whether it's even effective, but it is certainly a healthier version of ecumenism than what the Catholic Church is sadly involved in, which is often nothing more than indifferentism.

    1. The divide in Orthodoxy is between those who espouse a position on ecumenism somewhat to the right of Pius XII (i.e. ecumenical dialogue with the purpose of leading the heretics and schismatics back to the Church and strict canonical prohibition of ecumenism with general affirmation of the lack of grace in non-Orthodox sacraments) and those who espouse a purely patristic stance on ecumenism (i.e. no theological dialogues and strict application of the canonical discipline on no common prayer with heretics).

  2. But surely only the Catholic Church is the true church!

    1. There are two Churches claiming to be 'true' i.e. the Orthodox and Oriental-Orthodox in addition to the putative claims of the RCC.

    2. There are two Churches claiming to be the Catholic Church, francischurch, and the Traditionalists who operate on the side, pretty much unknown, out of the spotlight, the real Catholic Church.

  3. If the word "ecumenism" means bringing back our separated protestant and orthodox brothers back in the RC True Church of Christ's womb, therefore I too am an ecumenist.

  4. The trouble with Russian Orthodoxy is its infiltration by the KGB. Metropolitan Nikodem died at the feet of John Paul I at the installation of his 33 day papacy. He was a colonel in the KGB who had been tortured on numerous occasions.---Fydor Dostoyevsky cautioned Russia with the fact that Catholicity being more of a danger than atheism. With the Bolshevik Revolution, Rome stood by with nary a twitch when the Royal family was executed. The act was seen as a necessary evil. The same held true when Constantinople fell. Museum exhibits in New York show Byzantium to have been indeed a Christian society.---"Amoris Laetitia" is very troubling within that context. How can you have a world religion endorse "adultery, fornication, and sodomy"? Christ the King is one thing. Francis is another.---At the Transfiguration just before the Crucifixion, Christ met and talked with Moses and Elijah in the presence of a number of his apostles. Do we continue to feed the nonsense that Christ only spoke as a witness in his day and time and that Scripture detailed this and is little more than an historical document? The Catholic Church is in a state of tragedy and moral decline. Francis is doing the work of the devil in order to create a one world religion. Even the pharaohs believed in the sanctity of marriage. Remember that is where Moses got his start. There was no gay marriage. There was no tacit approval of abortion.

    1. Traditional Catholic Chapels independent of the conciliar church keep the true faith alive during this emergency.(SSPV-SSPX-Sedevacantist)
      The Catholic Church hasn't changed.We have been reduced to a remnant.

  5. 7:31 PM, how on earth can you establish an integral connection with the Bolshevik Revolution, the fall of Constantinople, the demise of the Romanovs etc and Amoris Laetita's restatement of standard Catholic teaching, De Prudentia, as found in Par III of the Summa?
    You are drawing a very long bow here.

    1. The connection my goodly Peter W is that you have to "think outside the box". The Catholic Church has always been socialist in nature. The enemies of its control of the religious system had to obliterate its enemies which included the czar and Byzantium. "Amoris Laetitia" has taken over the ship of state. Your belief that it restates "standard Catholic teaching" is something out of the Brothers Grimm. The grim reality is that the "long bow" of evil is aimed at the very heart of Christianity in order to replace it with a more diluted version of inclusion.

    2. Socialism has been magisterially condemned by the Popes in authoritative documents. The Catholic Church has never endorsed the evils of Socialism or its first-cousin: Communism. Only Francis and his apostate crew have just in the past few decades. Do not stain Holy Mother Church with the envy-rooted socialist notions (which has nothing to do with the communal life of religious orders, by the way) which bring about not the equal distribution of wealth or general human happiness but its contraries: degradation of the economy and the population and of morals/manners. Read Leo XIII and other great pontiffs (as opposed to the current clown criminally occupying the Throne of Peter) for a Catholic elucidation on this subject, particularly Leo's "Libertas."

    3. Leo was really outspoken against Communism as was John Paul II. John Paul saw its evil first hand. Francis is from a country and region where it is a romantic attraction.---There are a number of videos out there in regard to the real agenda of the Bolsheviks. The entire leadership in Russia which took down the czar were Zionists. They were ethnic Jews who did not believe in Judaism. More or less, they espoused the view of the preaching of Christ in terms of Judas.---The goal is the destruction of Christianity and the ascendancy of the anti Christ. Actually, this is what happened in Russia. Joseph Stalin was an anti Christ. He just was not the final one.---Uncle Joe was an Orthodox seminarian who was a Zionist infiltrator. He was there to see how the religion worked and how it ticked. Once he was in a position of power, he was able to infiltrate and destroy its leadership and then to fashion a remnant which was a tool of atheism.---That is what is happening with Francis. He is destroying Christianity from the inside. Once it is destroyed, it will become a tool of atheism. He appears to be the false prophet. The anti Christ will have a Jewish background and will definitely not believe in Christ.---This will be national socialism at its best. Hillary along with Barry and the bois were national socialists who did not believe in Christ. Hillary resents any male authority figure. Barry had definite links to Islam. Francis is tip toeing through the clover with some very questionable room mates.

    4. Anonymous 8: 40 Pm and JBQ continue to offer the theocratic notion that the civil society and the modern state are at the disposal of the Church. Both posters have offered little more than a string of gratuitous assertions by stream of consciousness.
      Wake up to yourselves lads/ladies.

    5. Unam Sanctam is infallible.

    6. Only God is infallible. Unam Sanctam is an aberration penned by a man who thought he was God.

  6. The orthodox too are also preparing to come on board francis' soon to be announced ecumenical one world religion.

    1. If the final version is something like the World Council of Churches, then the writings of Fulton J. Sheen need to be reread.

    2. "The orthodox too are also preparing to come on board francis' soon to be announced ecumenical one world religion."

      You are referring to the same Orthodox Church that did not agree with even referring to non-Orthodox groups as "churches" at the June 2016 Orthodox Synod in Crete. I hardly think they are going to join any ecumenical one world religions any time soon. Learn about the Orthodox Faith before you post nonsense like this.
