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Aberrosexual advertisements in subway with "Anti-Discrimination" Message |
Parliaments enact special laws for the benefit of homosexuals, confer privileges on them, limit freedom of expression, threaten homosexuals with law enforcement. How is it that their banners are hoisted at city halls and parliaments? We have to make certain that city governments waste tax money to install homophilic traffic lights? How do we explain that the largest international corporations are overhaped with homophilic gestures and homosexuals?
Currently, Madrid is threatened with homophobia due to the World Pride 2017. It comes from the city - over the regional government, from media and corporations. And everything is unmanageable. It is forced on the population.
The subway is immersed in gay colors with the message "Rainbow is the new black". The fast food chain McDonald's has changed the packaging for the homo-meeting. The left-wing mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena had the traffic lights made "LGBT friendly" remodeling (288 traffic lights at 72 intersections in 21 districts).
That it is not just a game with the colors of the rainbow is openly admitted. Cathy Martin, spokeswoman for the McDonald's PRIDE Network , the giant's homo action, is talking about a "strategic campaign".
The restaurant chain internally promotes the careers of people from Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East, blacks, Latin Americans, homosexuals and women. In addition, "intercultural learning" is promoted. It follows that, according to "corporate philosophy", the enemy is white, male and possesses a cultural identity.
Google is also streaming the homosexual flowers flowing from June 23rd to July 2nd. If the Spanish Google search service was used last, the results were served with homo colors. It seems to have been a question. During the World Pride 2017 Google will be homo-colorful.
How is this homo-hype explained for an event that would be forbidden on health grounds alone. The Europride, which took place in Amsterdam in 2016, became the starting point for a hepatitis A epidemic. With the World Pride in Madrid the next virus cesspool is coming.
The state health authorities are obliged to prevent epidemics. For homo-events, these rules do not apply to better knowledge at the moment. No one will be prompted to promote this harmful behavior.Victims are subsequently also uninvolved third parties.
How massive the freedom of opinion and freedom of religion are curtailed shows a serious contrast: While state institutions massively propagate homo propaganda, in the same city of a private organization was forbidden to use a bus advertising to promote natural law and the natural order of marriage and family.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
I am not being rude w/this comment.
ReplyDeleteThe Easter Vigil in 1951 being changed is catastrophic.The reason being that one change has led to this sodomite/dyke culture.
Little by little,change by change,its gone from 1951 "new" Easter Vigil to supposed Catholic Bishops/priests and former catholic countries (Spain) promoting and supporting the homosexual agenda/lifestyle.
The Italian mafia stuck by the same code and that's how they were so powerful for so long.
They didn't change anything & didn't invent "new rules."
One little crack eventually leads to a foundation collapse.
"One little crack eventually leads to a foundation collapse". I have to ask surreptitiously if this is a Freudian statement. It would sure appear to be so. -------This is a mess of world wide proportions. You have to project just where this is going. Christianity itself is based on the strength of the family. Christian mothers and fathers shape the texture of the next generation. -------Christ Himself preached that the Church was visibly seen in the love between a man and a woman. If the pontiff himself does not believe this and is actively working against it, then you have heresy.-----The statement is made that the population is 1.5 percent. That would make sense since there is reproduction. A species that doesn't reproduce dies.----The Catholic priesthood has numbers of gays which are astronomically higher. It would appear that the profession has become a beacon for the psychologically malformed. Specifically as seen within the Council of Nine around the pope, you can observe the high percentage of homosexuals which hovers above fifty percent.-----The Church has been colonized and looks to be fulfilling the Third Secret. The story on Archbishop Paglia and his cathedral mural is an absolute disgrace. Then to find out that he has been placed in charge of the Tribunal and the Family is an absolute horror.-----You have to then look at the man in charge. If this all be true as appears, then Francis is leading the Church into heresy. The conclusion then is that he must be removed.
ReplyDeleteAs a former college Faghag with fairly well honed gaydar----I am about 99% sure Frank is a homo,
DeleteSeattle kim
Filthy thoughts.
DeleteTruth, it seems, is a real burr under JimP's skin.
DeleteHow dare you say such a thing about Pope Coprophagia
DeleteMore toilet brains. Must be Germans.
DeleteHey...it was Francis who introduced me to the term...but I understand some Germans did flee to Argentina after WW2, so you may have a point.
Delete@JBQ No offense but your post is rambling.
DeleteI will answer you if you condense your question.
Jim P, the Modernist brain-dead provocateur, speaks again: and with the same malevolence and lies as usual.
DeleteJim P is Thomas A is Carl is occasionally anonymous is gaybriel. looks like the slimy worm is back with a fetid vengance in your pretty apple, Tancred.
DeleteWhat were the significant changes in the Easter Vigil? I'm still learning a lot of stuff about how the church used to be.
Delete"1951 New Easter Vigil"
You will find many article's on the subject.
Websites such as Traditio.com,Tradition in Action.org,and Fr.Cekada's website have great coverage on all of the changes from 1951-1960.
Thank you "Pope Francis" and your filthy associates (Cardinals,bishops, priests, in Spain and everywhere).
ReplyDeleteNone of this would be so promoted if we had a Catholic Church which spoke out about the evil of this.
"Thank you" for doing the opposite, Francis. By your example, and those of your associates by word and eed, you have helped promote this.
Damian Malliapalli
Like the Poles, Catholic everywhere need to realize they must fight on two fronts. In a addition to the Red threat, we must realize that the Madrid/Buenos Aires/Munich Axis is just as deadly. Fascism has always been state-ist and toxic to the family. This eruption in Madrid should be no surprise. Their conception of "tradition" is pagan and pre-Christian, not Catholic. It was no coincidence that the cold war and the homosexual infiltration of the Church occurred together. The errors of Russia arose from a GERMAN political philosophy.
ReplyDeleteDo you think maybe money talks? Who funds (political) campaigns, who funs(and who is) the media? Who controls the devIces that this article transmitted by? iDONT know all of the answers, but iCAN take a guess.. .
ReplyDeleteOooh, how flattering. Some weak-minded person thinks there's money behind this blog.
DeleteHey, you, James Martin SJ.
DeleteEl ladron piensa que todos son de su condicion!
"Pope" Pervert is loving Casa Santa Marta bath house he shares with his buddies in sleaze, Msgr. Ricca and company.
ReplyDeleteClean up your sordid mind and get your own house in order.
DeleteJim P is lecturing us on purity of mind---it has to be the most hilarious joke of the decade. He belongs to the putrid Novus Ordo "Church" and pontificates about sordid minds and getting one's house in order. It is true: liberals have no sense of humor and even less of a sense of real decency.
DeleteStop Projecting, Saint Gay.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, a Curia Archbishop in cruising around the Vatican molesting male tourists:
This article appeared hysterical in nature, and some of the replies appeared beyond hysterical - insane? I suppose in every generation there are those who struggle with the change they see about them, who cannot understand it and who wish to cleave to an imaginary better time.
ReplyDelete"fr." rosica, you snake, you serpent, you wolf....'s that you???
DeleteAny time is better than one populated with hysterical Modernists who cannot bear the truth or people unafraid of telling it to their faces. They are the true fascists (an accusation/projection they hurl at us) who breach no contradiction and no reality outside their perverse fantasies. But we are winning, heretical idiots, in society and will one day in the Church, once God is satisfied that the time for restoration has come. Hildegard
DeleteOh, and so says the constipated schoolmarm (of either sex) mouthing off, like the stupid parrot he/she is, the progressive illusion that present and future times are by definition "better" (and the evidence to the contrary be damned). Have you put on your "Women's Vote Now" button and laced up your black booties and mastered the look of ferocious social warrior today? Have your piously recited your John Dewey quotation for the day?
DeleteAdios, compadres. Forward my mail to Moscow.
DeleteThe blog are the best that is extremely useful to keep.
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