Sunday, May 28, 2017

Cardinal Müller Acknowledges Pope's Unjust Dismissal of His Men -- SSPX Reconciliation Needs More Time -- Dismisses the Dubia as "Ideological"

A "deeper reconciliation is needed, not just the signing of a document" - deaconess ordination "impossible".

Vatican City ( KAP)  According to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, an agreement between the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican is not yet within reach."This takes time," said the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, according to Catholic broadcaster EWTN. What is needed is a "deeper reconciliation, not just the signing of a document." Those who wish to be Catholic must accept, among other things, the councils and other ecclesiastical doctrine as well as the "hierarchical communion with the local bishop, the communion of all bishops and the Holy Father". [Apparently, they will be expected to check their reason. Really, considering that most of the world's bishops don't respect the Councils, how can they expect that level of obedience to the SSPX?]

On the question about the liturgical form in the course of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Müller said that it was a Catholic concept that the pope and synods had the right and the duty to redesign the "external form of the liturgy". "The substance of the liturgy is given by revelation and can not be changed by anyone," he added. The interview was published on Thursday as a video on the Internet; On Saturday written extracts appeared in social networks.

With regard to a study commission on deaconesses in the history of the Church set up by Pope Francis, Müller said that the pope did not refer to the three-level Catholic consecration of the deacon, priest and bishop. It was about women who had worked in the early church as assistants in the baptism of women or in charitable tasks.

The Cardinal concluded that a diaconal consecration is "impossible". "This will not happen," says Müller. Moreover, this is not necessary either. Today, women in the church are in higher positions of responsibility than the deaconesses of antiquity.

Unusually open criticism was exercised by the Cardinal on the alleged dismissal by the Pope of three members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The move had become known at the end of 2016 and was said to be against Müller's wishes. He said in the interview that this story was true. He wanted "a better treatment of our staff at the Holy See." One should not only talk about the social doctrine, but also respect it, according to the Cardinal.

Müller put the staff changes in the arena of the "old courtly etiquette," which Francis himself has criticized. Employees could only be dismissed if they made a mistake or did not fulfill the requirements of legal faith, integrity, and material competence. 

Trans: Tancred


  1. What on earth is "the Congregation for the Congo"?

    1. I believe that's the fastest growing Pentecostal-Mercantile Church in central Africa. Francis is sending a Special Apostolic Delegation to meet them next month and ascertain if they're wacky enough to be invited to speak at the Vatican's next autumn conference which is entitled 'Truth: No One Has The Monopoly'.

  2. Bring back the Holy Office,it sounds so much better than "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith."

    1. I second the motion. However, prior to the reorganization of the Curia by Pope Paul VI, the Pope was actually Prefect of the Holy Office. If I remember correctly, Cardinal Ottaviani and his predecessors had the title of Secretary.

  3. The replacement for Muller is already in "the pipeline". He is a Philippine Cardinal. Muller is living on borrowed time. Francis has his de Chardin socialist agenda. -------Malachi Martin (SJ who died in 1999) documented the entire process in his book on "The Jesuits". There will be women priests. The Communist liturgy is in the works. These are little communities or "pods" which set their own agenda. Francis is "way out there" and only the intervention prophesied to Sister Lucia will make things right.---JPII encountered an immovable force which was the "gay agenda". Francis has made peace with this group and the dominos are falling. Cupich, Tobin, and McElroy dress like the "jack of hearts" and act accordingly.---The attack on the traditional family presaged by Sister Lucy is well underway. The acceptance of the gay family with children was announced this week by the Diocese of Jefferson City which is the state capitol of Missouri and part of the metropolitan structure of Missouri under the auspices of Archbishop Robert Carlson of St. Louis.----Let's be direct. According to Malachi Martin, SJ, the future Jesuit pope will void the parish structure as well as the diocese environment. There is a new entity developing under the umbrella of "Amoris Laetitia" which is little more than the deluded dreams of the "amorous laity" and its takeover of the Church political agenda.

  4. Malachi Martin obviously did not understand that the Commandment, “Thou shalt not covert thy neighbor’s wife” actually applied to him. Any subsequent opinion on divine revelation by Martin should be appropriately discounted.

    1. And yet you probably follow the guiding lights of Bernardin, Weakland and Daneels.

    2. That, Tancred, is deflection from my point. Your use of 'probably' deserves to be what it is, an uniformed diversionary guess. Take your own advice and stay on track.

    3. If you have more than the evidence of the evil and manifestly unreliable John Courtney Murray, I'd love to see it.

    4. It seems that you are intent on flying off on safer tangents. Tell me, do you approve of Malachi Martin's adultery, violation of religious vows, the shattering of a key Commandment of God and the subsequent destruction of a Catholic-Christian marriage?

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. No Gaybriel, I'm just holding your feet to the fire. I've never seen the supposed letter from the dishonest Jesuit who promoted abortion and birth control in the possession of the deeply heretical and stark raving Kaiser.

      Have you interviewed his wife?

    7. This is nothing but pure slander invented by the modernist liberals to denigrate or water down all what Fr said about the pending corruption and evil forces at work in the RCC.
      Fr Malachi knew the contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima and promised to reveal the true Secret in the case the Vatican would unveil a forgery
      He was probably murdered in 1999. The purported 3rd Secret was unveiled soon after, in 2000.

    8. I'd take Fr. Malachi's word for things far more than the ones you mentioned Tancred. There are good men who make mistakes and bad men who make mistakes a career.

    9. @Jack D: The truth hurts. To have sexual attraction is not a sin. In fact, in today's environment, it is a virtue if it is directed toward a woman. Father Martin said the Latin Mass every morning till his death in 1999. You are nothing more than a Bolshevik bearer of "disinformation". ---It is interesting to note that the purported Third Secret was released after the death of Father Martin who would have held the paperwork "up to the light".

    10. I just look at what Father was doing through the 70s and till his death. It looked like the hard work of a committed and orthodox Jesuit. Kaiser's career was devoted to promoting pederast enablers like Weakland and Mahony.

    11. Magic mushrooms!

    12. Pray for the Dead,don't speak ill of them.

    13. > unflattering but true posthumous biographies about heretics shouldn't be written, because it's bad to speak ill of the dead.

      > the gloves are off when it comes to St. Pius XII.

    14. > Or Father Malachi Martin

  5. We humans cannot know of any particular case of someone saved in invincible ignorane of Jesus and the Church.We cannot know of someone saved with the baptism of desire or blood, all without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.If there are such people they would only be known to God.
    Neither can we say that someone in the past is a known case of salvation outside the Church.No one in the past could have seen an invisible person. And an invisible person cannot be an exception in the present times, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation in 2017 and there are no practical exceptions.
    MULLER AND ARROYO TAKE IT FOR GRANTED THAT THERE IS KNOWN SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCHHowever Cardinal Muller and Raymond Arroyo continue to assume that there are practical exceptions to the dogma EENS in 2017 or in the past. So there is salvation outside the Church for the both of them and this was indirectly expressed in the May 25 interview of EWTN The World Over.
    They interpret Vatican Council II by assuming there is known salvation outside the Church and this is incorrect reasoning.It is irrational.It is bad philosophy.Common sense tells us that an unknown person in the past cannot be a known exception to the dogma EENS in the present times.Yet this was the deception of the cardinals in 1949 Boston and Rome and then again at Vatican Council II(1965) and the popes let it pass.No one protests against it even today.
    So Raymond Arroyo and Cardinal Muller repeated this error when they really had a choice. They could have interpreted magisterial documents without this contradiction, just as I do.Then they could accept 'the rigorist interpretation' of the dogma EENS( if they really wanted to) and a Vatican Council II which will not contradict it.

    Cardinal Muller's interpretation of Vatican Council II was false, irrational, a deception and bad philosophy.It is non traditional and heretical.It is the false conclusion made with a false premise.He assumes that there invisible cases of the baptism of desire, for example, so there is known salvation outside the Church for him.We can see and meet people saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), without the baptism of water, for him, and so there is known salvation outside the Church.So every one does not need to enter the Catholic Church as a member is his false conclusion.Outside the the Church there is salvation he told Edward Pentin in the interview for the National Catholic Register when Pentin asked him about the dogma EENS.
    No one protested after reading that interview.
    No one protested since about every one assumes invisible cases are visible and so there is known salvation outside the Church.

  7. Cardinal Muller states that no ordained women diaconesses will be considered. Only women for assistance at baptism and "charitable" tasks...such as?? Socialist Justice community activism a la Saul Alinsky. Each parish a "cell" controlled by A marxist clique to support illegal immigration, illegal drug decriminalization, greater abortion and sexual "rights", greater monies for promiscuous women or unwed couples who want to stay at home and do no work, and collect government welfare. In short, these women are going to be used for grassroots struggles and consciousness awareness in the fight for marxist causes.

    1. Brilliant analysis, I think. He's got deep problems to contend that are frequently of his own making and that of his socialist allies, as a fervent exponent of liberation theology.

    Cardinal Muller's heresy must be pointed out to him. On his own he will hide this subject and not talk about it.It is the same with the two popes.They will not want Catholics to discuss this.
    It is possible Cardinal Muller knows that there are dogmatic and doctrinal errors being enforced by the two popes and he is being obedient to them.
    He possibly knows that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the dogma EENS( Feeneyite) but is still going along with Pope Benedict on this issue.They want to please the Jewish Left even when they know that the Sacraments are necessary for salvation and there can be no exceptions.

  9. How is this possible that people who joyously discarded previous councils like the Council of Florence in 1439 that teaches that there is no salvation outside the RCC, are requiring the SSPX to acknowledge the VATII council that teaches the religious liberty.

    1. It was unclear to me in Muller's answer if all of Vatican II's doctrines would be held up for their affirmation or not.

      I continue to ask, if Vatican II is so essential, why is it that almost none of the Bishops in the world have much respect for it or even read it?

      I haven't seen many parishes where Gregorian Chant has pride of place, have you?

    2. May be this link could help with reference to religious liberty

      MAY 31, 2017

      Poland is consecrated to Christ the King but the laws are secular and pro-Satan

    3. 50,000 in people in Warsaw just marched in a sodomite/dyke parade.

  10. Muller's term expires on July 2nd. "Old courtly etiquette indeed."

  11. JUNE 1, 2017

    Cardinal Muller is not affirming Catholic teachings according to magisterial documents especially Vatican Council II

    Image result for Photos of Cardinal Muller, speaking to Raymond Arroyo
    Cardinal Muller is not affirming Catholic teachings according to magisterial documents especially Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) while I am affirming these magisterial documents in harmony with Tradition and rationality.
    For me Vatican Council II(Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14-all need faith and baptism for salvation) says all non Catholics need Catholic faith( which include the Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Church), they need it for salvation.Without any known exceptions they all need the Catholic faith to avoid Hell in 2017.Cardinal Gerhard Muller will not say this.
    The two popes will not say or teach this.
    I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). They do not.
    So I affirm magisterial documents and the present magisterium (teaching authority of the Church) does not.
    I affirm magisterial documents assuming invisible cases are physically invisible. They affirm magisterial documents assuming invisible people are physically visible and they are saved without the baptism of water. This is irrational and non traditional. Yet it is magisterial.
    I interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism( invisible cases are invisible) and they do so with Cushingism( invisible cases are visible).
    It is common sense that invisible people are invisible. This is common reasoning.Yet this is not the reasoning of Cardinal Muller and the two popes.
    We now have magisterial heresy. We have a corrupt magisterium. They want to live comfortably and not be martyrs.So they are teaching and enforcing error among Catholics in general.
    Zero cases of something cannot be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus said the apologist John Martignoni who has a program on EWTN.
    The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus said Fr. Stefano Visintin osb, the present Vice Rector and former Dean of Theology at the University of St. Anselm, Rome.
    They contradict Cardinal Muller and the cardinals and bishops at the CDF.
