Thursday, February 16, 2017

Panorama: "Francis Fears a Schism in the Church"

 (Rome) "The Pope fears a schism in the Church" is the headline of an article in the today's edition of the Italian weekly magazine Panorama . "A ghost goes around in the rooms of the Vatican palace and poisons the pope," says Panorama editor Orazio La Rocca.
Tthe pope's worry about a possible schism robs him of sleep. The statement is not presented as a play on words or a mere hypothesis, as was recently claimed, that Francis had declared "self-critically" to the "smallest circle" that he could not exclude himself as the pope in the history who would divide the Church. Walter Mayr reported in the weekly Der Spiegel, just before Christmas. Mayr made the following quotation to the Pope:
"It is not to be ruled out that I may go down in history as the one that divided the Catholic Church."
La Rocca now wrote in Panorama:
"Without discounting the reforms of the papal dicasteries and beginning an inclusive work of purification in the shadows of the dome of St. Peter's for which, however, he has had to count on resistance and criticism, even those who contributed to his election. Francis continues to do this, even giving no weight to them in public. The Holy Father, one wonders at the Curia, fears that this criticism could split the church in the long run. His greatest concern is to keep the Catholics together and to avert any danger of schism. Worries and fears are heard in the Vatican, which have begun in the wake of public initiatives by some cardinals, for example, the famous open letter in which Cardinals Burke, Caffarra, Müller [sic] and Meisner asked for a 'clarification' from the Pope in Doubts (Dubia), which, according to them, had arisen through the admission of remarried divorced to Communion. Doubts, which the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Congregation of the Faith, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, too, has adopted, has spoken in an alarming interview of 'Dangers' for traditional teaching. More or less veiled objections to which Francis, after months of silence, indirectly responded by giving his placet to the most criticized part by the conservative cardinals, namely the Communion for the remarried divorced, and the publication of a study of a canonical nature of cohabitation."

Issue 4000 of Civiltà Cattolica - Audience with the Pope

La Rocca is creating a simple black-and-white painting: there is the good pope, who is concerned about the church, there are the evil "conservative" cardinals who do not seem to matter. In his hapless reading his research is so inaccurate that he mistook Cardinal Müller for Cardinal Brandmüller among the four signatories of Dubia . It's a proof of how little the author has dealt with the internal Church discussion in the past months. What is firmly established by the article is that the concerns of the four cardinals mentioned are not taken seriously by La Rocca or by Pope Francis. Obviously, the ideologically defined role for La Rocca is so clear that it can be meshed into every (ecclesiastical) story.
All in all, La Rocca's portrayal appears to be unimportant. If Pope Francis were indeed concerned about a possible schism, he would have every opportunity to reply at any time to the Dubia of the four Cardinals, Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra, and Meisner. Or to invite these cardinals at least to have a conversation. Instead, he uses his energy to evade their questions for months, to send Cardinal Burke to Guam, and to let his closest collaborators publicly denounce the four cardinals. Taking the concerns of others seriously, should look different. If the Pope were to take seriously the concerns of the numerous appellants who had turned to him with appeals to Amoris laetitia, he would not have to worry about possible tendencies to splitting. Since he has not done this and still does not want to do it, La Rocca's report on the concerns of the pope is also unbelievable.
On the 9th of February, the Corriere della Sera published a preface of the discussion that Pope Francis had on the 25th of November 2016 with the General Superiors of 140 men of the order. The complete inscription, made by Father Antonio Spadaro, was published on 11th February in the jubilee edition of the Roman Jesuit publication, Civiltà Cattolica. According to the inscription, Pope Francis then said among other things, that in the administration of the Church there was also a "healthy menefreghismo", or a "healthy indifference".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Panorama / Civiltà Cattolica (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholilsches...


  1. Bergoglio fears the schism he himself has caused? All he has to do to end the schism is to resign and allow a new Conclave.

  2. Bergoglio is narcissistic and self confident. He knew where this was going. "Amoris Laetitia" is a slap at Scripture. If he had used Scripture as a foundation, then he would be on solid ground. Instead, he used the Jesuit backbone of Teilhard de Chardin. Another Jesuit who left the order over reform, Malachi Martin, warned in his novel of "The Jesuits" of just such a pope before his own death in 1999.

  3. There has been a state of schism in the Catholic Church since the late nineteenth century and most certainly since Humanae Vitae in 1968.
    I think too that certain ultra Trad groups have been schismatic probably since mid 2014.

    1. I would say its the NO crowd thatbis schismatic. They are the ones who have departed from what was handed down to them. Trads, whether ultra or not, have remained faithful to what was handed down to them from the previous generation.

  4. Nostra Aetate was a slap at scripture too, but eventually everybody accepted it. The Novus Ordo church will eventually accept the new teachings of AL as well. Even the SSPX will have to accept it if they foolishly take the current offer.

  5. If Francis is afraid of a schism in the Church, I would have to believe that it is because he does not want to lose a square inch of real estate to a breakaway movement. Ditto liquid assets.

  6. Healthy indifference to what? The teachings of Christ?

    There is no schism. There is heresy.

  7. Exactly Nicolas!! The people that are objecting to the heresy better known to the left wing of the Church as 'rad trads' are nothing other than CATHOLIC. If there is a 'schism' it's between the CATHOLICS and the CATHOLICS IN NAME ONLY.

  8. Why would he be concerned about what he is causing so doggedly? That doesn't make sense. Simple connecting of dots between words and actions since he has been elected prove this is impossible unless you suspend considerations of logic and reason. The man's a heretic, and what issues from his mouth is heresy, and what he proposes or mandates is heresy. Any concerns he may have are related to power, influence, punishment of his orthodox foes, revenge, insults to the faithful, money, real estate, and The Agenda to destroy the faith. I truly believe this man does not care one iota about Catholics, including the ones on his side in the wreck-o-vation of the faith. Has anyone seen anything in this man that indicates he has a shred of concern for anyone outside himself? God forgive me if I am wrong, it feels terrible to speak of a pope this way, but this is how we see it. The man appears an empty shell.

    1. "It feels terrible to speak of a pope this way."

      You should not feel terrible for recognizing through both Faith and reason, that the election of a man who condoned same-sex sexual relationships as long as they did not include children and were not called marriage, cannot be valid in the eyes of Christ or His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. (See Page 117 of on Heaven and Earth by pope Francis, written prior to his invalid election.

  9. well, well...... the horrible spectre of "..schism..." is rearing its ugly head. Bishop of Rome Bergolio isn't talking about faithful, orthodox Catholic. Of course, he is talking about all those who are in 'irregular' marriages or living a homosex lifestyle, or want to contracept, etc., etc., etc.. Bishop Bergolio will just HAVE to say: They will be forced to leave the church - just like our friend Martin Luther !!! I have to allow communion to anyone, homosex marriage, etc., etc. etc. because if I didn't, why we would have a schism./sarc off/

    Really quite brilliant........

    1. The sole basis for this assertion is a journalist from Panorama.

  10. I believe this is a "switch and bait" article..telling us PF id worried about schism, to elicit sympathy..nit working with me..the issue can be settled very easily, answer the dubia confirm church teaching and get on with saving souls...but this does not fit in with the 1970's lost in the "jesuit" VII dream world this pope and his minions live in

    1. Before you go with hatching your conspiracy fables,it probabaly helps to read the article first.

  11. The exact quote from the german newspapers Der Spiegel is:
    “It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church.”
    Never the Pope said that he feared (the eventuality of being the one who split...).
    He said only "It is not to be excluded..." as if this eventuality wasn't a matter of concern for him.
    All the more so should we worry since he only is the one who has the power to prevent a schism to happen in uttering a few words.
    "Perseverare in silentium diabolicum (est)"

  12. Because he is "the last pope, who will be controlled by satan", which is the substance of the unreleased part of the third secret of fatima, everything that francis says is a lie and the opposite of his true intentions and that of his master, the god of surprises.
    Ergo, francis desires schism, in fact he will be the schism-maker, he will be the one who takes the blind uncatechised novus ordo papolatrous faithful away from the one true church, which will remain and exist as the remnant church, the heel of the woman, until such time as the second coming, to form the one world ecumenical religion of the abomination of desolation, which he will thence hand over to the antichrist.

  13. here's another example of francis saying the opposite of reality:
    In an impassioned address Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism, while simultaneously asserting that “the ecological crisis is real.”

  14. The plot to put the cardinal Bergoglio as Pope was illegal according to the rules a Pope can be elected any cardinal who canvas for another is excommunicated as is the one elected so the Catholics who follow The bishop of Rome are not Catholics he never called himself Pope. Ha knows the rules.
