Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why More Priests Can't Stand Pope Bergoglio?

Edit: remember when Damian wanted to take Rorate to the wood shed when Pope Francis' unsuitability for the papacy was first published, clearly and accurately documented?
[Spectator] On 2 January, the Vatican published a letter from Pope Francis to the world’s bishops in which he reminded them that they must show ‘zero tolerance’ towards child abuse. The next day, the American Week magazine published an article that told the story of ‘Don Mercedes’ — Fr Mauro Inzoli, an Italian priest with a passion for expensive cars and underage boys.
In 2012, Pope Benedict stripped Inzoli of his priestly faculties, effectively defrocking him. In 2014, however, they were restored to him — by Pope Francis, who warned him to stay away from minors.
Then, finally, the Italian civil authorities caught up with this serial groper of teenagers in the confessional. Last summer Inzoli was sentenced to four years and nine months in jail for paedophile offences. The Vatican, under ‘zero-tolerance’ Francis, refused to supply evidence that prosecutors wanted.


  1. I've written this before and I write again. Given all we continue to hear about the Castro-like police state Bergoglio is running and the dissatisfaction Cardinals, Bishops, and priests are making known, how much longer can the status quo last? It feels like we are headed towards a major confrontation that will likely results in a definitive winner. I fear Jorge and his gang have the upper hand, but a big moment is coming.

  2. They will loose. There will be such an uprising against them that they will not be able to control it. Francis will either resign in disgrace and flee, or he will suddenly in drop dead during a Mass or a meeting....or in his bathroom....or in his bed.
    Whatever the case, there will be a tidal wave of anger againt him and his associates when Francis is no longer here. They will be swept out of power. It will be like the Vatican was hit by a tsumnami or an earthquake. Whe a new pope is in place, he will be very much like Benedict XVI in traditional outlook, papal dress, vesture, culture. He will be younger than Bergoglio when he was elected, but he might be pushing close to 70. Still, he will be a huge surprise of a Pope, a traditional minded pontiff who will bring back the Catholic Church. And this 4 yr. era of Bergoglio will just be a bad memory.
    amian Malliapalli

    This conflict between Francis and the Sovereign Military Order of Mata is's spreading.
    I side with the Burke and the Knights....not with a.h. Bergoglio and company.

    1. "Toward the end of the usurper’s reign, the Pope will die and he will have for his successor a young Pope, and it will be under him that the restoration will take place."

      Abbe Souffrant Cure de Maumusson d. 1828

  3. I fervently pray you are right, Damian. But I fear the Stalinist ferocity of this gang of devils. They do not give up easily and have in their favor the lack of restraints that traditional faith and morals impose---the very restraints which are both our merit and handicap. I pray my intuition about the outcome of this papacy is wrong.

  4. It would be interesting to know what proportion of Catholics are happy with and support Pope Francis. I suspect a very high proportion. Does that matter? Well, divine truth is certainly not decided by majority vote, but just as we should not dismiss Brexiters as bigoted unintelligent little Englanders, might we not think that the great majority of ordinary Catholics are more in touch with reality, including divine reality, than disgruntled bloggers?!

    1. Not too sure about the divine reality part. If we go by the Gospel, then the road to perdition is wide and easy, and many take it. But the road to life is narrow and few find it.

    2. Oh, so to lament the demise of the Church is, in the words of "Savonarola" above, to be "disgruntled"! What a snake---comparing the majority of Britishers who had the patriotic sense to resist globalist tyranny to indifferent or quasi-heretical Catholics who are a indeed majority manipulated by their clerical superiors into false obedience. But as has always been the case, even if a small minority retains the Faith, there you find the Church and the Faith of Christ, as indeed happened during the Arian crisis of the fourth century or in Reformation England. Majorities can be right and they can be dead wrong, as often happens in democracy or in the present compromised Novus Ordo Church. The only disgruntled ones are the ones who hate tradition and orthodoxy---they are disgruntled against the Faith of centuries, the Faith of their fathers. Beware of trolls and their sophistry and false equivalencies---they aim to discourage us and put doubt in our fight so we go away quietly and meekly like the majority he speaks of and, thus, make what they think is their ultimate triumph quicker and more complete. What evil!

    3. Thank you, Anonymous, for proving my point!

    4. That you're an officious nancy?

  5. Bergoglio is a world class manipulator with a definite liberal agenda. According to Malachi Martin, there was a coming "great destroyer". That would be Bergoglio. He is tearing down the Church and then will rebuild it just like the Marine Corps. The question is one of just what will be the final product. Since Benedict was in charge when Burke was removed from St. Louis for obstructing pro abortion Catholic politicians (I have emails from the chancery), you can understand more fully that Benedict is very supportive of the efforts of his successor. He is cunning and his true agenda is well hidden.

  6. Bergoglio's Marxist dog and pony shows will end up making the Vatican totally irrelevant. No one will care what corrupt Rome thinks. They'll just do whatever they please.

    I won't donate a cent to Peter's Pence collections, or to diocesan bishops' appeals. My donations go directly to parish social services and other programs of choice.
