Friday, January 6, 2017

Vox Populi: "This Isn't a Crisis, but The Ruin of The Church"

(Brussels / Amsterdam) Since Advent, the Dutch and the Flemings have been praying the same "Our Father". The new prayer taught by Jesus Christ himself not only unifies the Dutch language, but also is being presented in controversial new formulations.
So far, two different versions of the "Our Father" were prayed in the two countries in which Dutch is spoken. If, for example, the Flemings were to say the "debts",  "guilt" was given in the Dutch.
Not against this unification, but against new developments, faithful Catholics are protesting in the Netherlands and Flanders. The Dutch newspaper Trouw described the changes in November 2016 as a "kleine liturgische revolutie" (small liturgical revolution). The Catholic lay initiative Vox Populi speaks of an "ideologically" motivated reformulation. With a petition, the initiative protested against the revision. The prayer "and lead us not into temptation" (lat. Temptationem ) has been translated with "bekoring" (temptation), while the new version "Beproeving" is means "testing, testing, visitation, test." In essence, it says, "and do not put us to the test."
Hugo Bos, chairman of the Dutch pro-life movement Stirezo Pro Life , sees the new Lord's Prayer "in line with the trend of the bishops,  to ignore sin and temptation to sin". This trend is a continuation of the Dutch Catechism 1965, which systematically eliminated any reference to the supernatural from the Church's teaching.
Vox Populi is convinced that this "initiative of the Belgian and Dutch bishops will lead to the confusion in the Church and, consequently, only increase the crisis of faith." The Catechism of the Catholic Church says clearly that the last sentence of the "Our Father" is an appeal to Christ, to help resist the temptation to sin and evil. It was therefore not a question of man's request to God to save him from pain and material suffering.
"The current situation is no longer a crisis, but the ruin of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands. 600-700 churches are to be closed down by the end of 2018," said Vox Populi .
Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, recently recalled that before the Second Vatican Council, 90 per cent of the Dutch Catholics visited Holy Mass on Sunday. Today, it is only six percent.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
picture: FQ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


  1. And this kind of filth is totally supported by Pope Bergoglio and his evil minions in the Vatican. Fancis' entire "Holy Year of Mercy", where he continually spoke of God's mercy and that he is all-forgiving was correctly taken as a total negation of the sense of sin, and things that can lead to occasions to sin.
    All this garbage is coming from him, by word, deed, action, and fostered by his groups of supporters who like a cancer spread his agenda and thinking throughout the Church.
    When will even more good CArdinals and Bishops and people rise up against him. He and his people must be brought down and thrown out.
    Damian Malliapalli

  2. I really do not see what all the fuss is about and why it is being called a 'crisis'.
    In the Greek of Matthew's Our Father, the word usually translated as 'sin' is 'opheilemata' Greek for 'debts.' The Greek word for 'sin' is 'hamartia.'
    The word 'peirasmos' means test or ordeal but it has been translated as 'temptation.'

    1. My understanding is that the word "sin" did not exist as we define it today. It was possibly a term used in archery meaning "off the mark" but would not be used to describe an offense against God. During the time of Christ, "debt" had a spiritual meaning to it that referred to what we today call "sin." Thus, as you correctly point our, in Greek, Aramaic and Latin the term used to indicate an offense against God would be translated as "debt" or a form thereof. I believe it wasn't until the fifteenth century that the Lord's Prayer was translated, in English, from Latin/Greek "debt" to "trespass." This was done by William Tyndale and was an incorrect translation. In my humble opinion, I think that the correct translation to English should be "debt" or a form of "debt."

  3. I hope these evildoers can plead insanity on their day of judgment. It will be their only defense.

  4. They 'may' be able to plead 'insanity', but it will be a 'DIABOLICAL insanity'. These people don't have a brain chemistry problem, they have a pagan satanic problem.

  5. The use of "debts" rather than "sins" is a Protestant adaptation....probably adopted when they trashed most of the lingering elements of "popery" in their religious services (confession, the belief in sin, mortal and otherwise, etc).
    I have heard the "Lord's Prayer" sung by a number of famous USA and Canadian artists in records(Robert Goulet, amongothers). For some reason, it is included in some old Christmas albums. But they ALWAYS use "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors", because this is the Protestant version.
    The Catholic version uses "forgive us our trespasses(sins).
    Typical of Pope Francis and his legions of doom tryingnto turn Catholics into Lutherans.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. The Lord's Prayer is at Matthew 6:9-13. The Latin Vulgate Bible at line 12 is "et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris" and is translated in the Douay-Rheims Version as "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." This is the Roman Catholic Bible. It was William Tyndale who did not like this translation and felt "transgression" was a better translation. "Trespass" can be derived from "transgression" so he, Tyndale, used "trespass" in his English version. See the King James version of the protestant bible. Thus, it would appear that the use of the word "trespass" is the protestant version while "debt" and "debtor" is the Catholic version.

  6. These Modernist heretics know very well that their reform or renewals have no fruits whatsoever. Its all change for the mere sake of change. They know this but the fact is they don't believe in God so they have no conscience with what they do to damage Christ's Church.
