Thursday, January 26, 2017

Opus Dei Loyally Serves its Master

Edit: they have a "warm" relationship with a man clearly bent on persecuting the few faithful Catholics in the clergy.
ROME-In a process that can be only defined as “anti-climatic,” on Monday Opus Dei chose its new leader and the third successor  to St. Josemaria Escrivá, the group’s founder. Well before the electoral congress began, it was widely expected the winner would be the group’s number two man, Spanish Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, and that’s exactly what happened.
One day later, Ocáriz defined the challenges facing the institution over which he now presides as in alignment with those of Christianity generally, and society at large: reaching out to youth, families, the poor, and the infirm, and working towards Christian unity.
Ocáriz, a Spanish priest born in Paris because his father, a military man at odds with the regime of Fernando Franco, had been exiled, began his first encounter with the international press by thanking “God, the 150 electors of 20 nationalities, and Pope Francis” for the trust given him.


  1. No offense but I place Opus Dei in the same ranks as Palmar De Troya.

  2. Opus Dei are shills for Vatican 2. After the chastisement when everything is rebuilt where will these guys be? Everything will return to tradition and these guys will have to explain why they defended the novus ordo destruction.

  3. A convergence of agendas

  4. Fernando Franco? Shurely shome mishtake? (With apologies to Private Eye).

  5. Opus Dei is essentially sectarian in the way it operates. It is a 'church' within the Church; it is an end in itself and will go the way of all auto-idolatrous groups.

    1. A church within the Church?

      Like the NeoCatechumenicals?

      Maybe there's something in the rainwater in Spain.
