Monday, January 23, 2017

Deviant Dating Show -- Surely Ireland is Lost?

Edit: how is this filth tolerated?  These people should be ashamed of broadcasting their shameful behavior publicly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even in the USA, a deviant dating show wouldn't fare well.  The comments don't criticize the vice, but encourage it! In fact, people aren't calling up to complain about rampant immorality, or the man leaving his wife, but to complain how he treated one of the contestants.  No wonder Ireland is the only country in the world that approved of deviance in a national referendum!

Pederasty is the next thing. Just you wait.

One of the stars of last week's First Dates Ireland has been forced to defend his "horrible" date after fans of the show criticised him online.

Richard McNeil has defended his date Timmie Murphy after fans of the show slated him for the way he rejected Richard.
Both men had seemingly enjoyed a pleasant first date, despite the fact that Timmie said things like: "When people look at me they think they see an alpha male but what I actually am is a princess.”



  1. The only thing you can tolerate from Ireland these days are POTATOES!

  2. This sort of show is appearing in Australa. We have shows where people of both sexes are selected and civilly marry meeting eachother for the first time when standing before the government marriage celebrant. We have a show where people meet in bed and sit and talk with their underwear on before the lights go out.There are advertised as social experiments. We have buying property shows in which homosexual couples buy houses. We have advertisement on tv and media telling us to accept same sex civil's not legal here. Lesbians and homosexuals with created I feel children and promoted as acceptable. George Soros... I wonder if funding is from him. Our TVs networks have homosexuals in management. One SBS which is supposed to be representative of the various groups of immigrants is nothing more that a porn saltation as its director is a gay activist. We also have a new tv station called viceland. Children are bombarded with messages that twist their ideas of marriage and sexual instinct...promiscuity is portrayed as normal. We also have programs pushing to legalise prostitution. It's is insane... Something ver sick is going on that is like Nazi and Bolshevik propaganda methods... Desensitising and destroying consciences...creating a sick world.

  3. This reads like a report on the SS/S&M dating service of the Roman Curia.

  4. Same stuff here in the states, John Fisher. And as you can see from our recent "Satanic Women's Death March", we've got our own problems. It's become apparent the sexual deviancy is a distraction, underneath, in these people's souls, is a lot of deep hatred for God, for anyone who gets in their way.

    1. Western Women are beyond help and I say this remorsefully.
      Western Men are perpetually lost due to this disaster.
      I don't see this turning around,its too far gone.

  5. When Irish are without Christianity they fall hard, particularly the women, read about Irish women before the Christian era. Another thing about Irish people and this is just my theory but they can't handle money, give them money and they turn into completely arrogant fools worse than any tight-fisted wasp. This is why God kept them poor for so many centuries. I'm of Irish descent so I have noticed this over the years.

  6. In his poem "September 1913", W.B.Yeats lamented:

    Romantic Ireland's dead and gone,
    It's with O'Leary in the grave.

    Well it's safe to say that Catholic Ireland is also dead and gone for decades now and is with Matt Talbot/Edel Quinn/Frank Duff* in the grave.

    *Not that many obvious examples of faithful Irish Catholics to choose from for the last hundred years.

    1. Watch the movie "Catholics" 1973 with Martin Sheen.
      Free on YouTube its about an Irish monastery and a Vatican "priest" being sent to implement the new religion.
      Its a decent movie and sums up what happened to Ireland.

  7. Cardinal Burke still comes to Ireland regularly. There are still many good faithful Catholics here. Protestant Britain and America have spread their filth far and wide and unfortunately a lot of it has landed in Ireland. God save us.

  8. I recall that prophecies I read said the faith would exist in Ireland. I believe one was by Marie Julie Jahenny and the other was from Sr. Lucia. The faith will survive in Portugal as we know from the Fatima apparitions and Ireland the same. I have no doubt that it's out there in the countryside (not in the cities), that's where you usually find it. In France for example, yes you can find the faith at trad masses but when I made a pilgrimage to St. Louis de Montfort's tomb I saw a woman there venerating and kissing the tomb of Bl. Marie Louise Trichet. That was my confirmation that the faith in France is still very strong (here and there).

  9. After having anxiety about Irelands future state and his own efforts St Patrick was shown a future vision of the state of Ireland in a dream by an Angel. In the dream he saw the current state (his own tome) as mountains of fire blazing and rising up from Ireland. The middle age showed the fires reducing to embers burning here and there throughout Ireland. Then the angel pointed towards the North where St Patrick saw a small light doing battle with the darkness. Slowly the little light started to overcome the darkness until it shone out over the whole country and the embers began to blaze into fires again until they were restored to their former state. St Patrick was told that the fires blazing was Irelands current state in terms of faith. The second state was Irelands future state and the third was Irelands final state. The little light represented a Bishop who would come to Ireland to do battle against the darkness and that he would win. St Patrick took great comfort from this and so do I.

    1. Sadly this final rekindling of the faith was during the time of St.Malachi. I am Irish and l work in a factory you would be scandalized at what most Irish believe . My wife homeschools or children, this nation is only fit to be covered by water. Remember that many nations will be annihilated according to Our Lady in Fatima.Ireland will be one of those.

    2. Bob, I disagree, Ireland will have the resurgence along with the rest of the world after the 3 days of darkness/chastisement. There is a prophecy that Ireland will never come under the dominion of the Anti Christ because because several years before he makes his arrival Ireland will collapse into the sea but before then, the faith will revive. The faith is dead almost everywhere at the moment except for little pockets here and there.

    3. @Bob Ryan Its not just Ireland its the entire planet.
      @Anonymous Please be careful with private revelation and try not to let it guide your faith.If these events do not come to pass,you could feel cheated or lied to and that could destroy your faith little by little.I say this as a helpful reminder and in no way am I scorning you.

  10. Bob, Both St Colmcille and St Patrick obtained a concession for Ireland that we would not have to suffer the persecution of the anti Christ. This would happen by way of flood whereby Ireland would be consumed by the sea in one inundation seven years before the day of judgement. This is contained in Tirechans memoirs of St Patrick from the 7th century based on the book of Ultan. It is also believed to be taken from a document from the 9th century called Colum Cille cecinit, although this is less certain.

  11. @anonymous 5.02 thanks I appreciate what you are saying and I don't overly rely on these things. However these were Saints, and I do think we need to be able to talk more freely about supernatural things. Too much of this has been lost with the only barometer these days being science. I do think you have made a good point though not to solely rely on these things. Yours in Christ.

  12. Oh dear Ireland, go back to the Faith of you fathers. It's the one that will get you to heaven. If you hadn't bought into the devils contraception trap, you would have had the grace to keep the Faith and save your soul. It's not too late.But soon it may be.
