Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pope: "Fundamentalist Catholics Do Great Harm"

Edit: they're not content to strike quietistic poses, stay out politics and gaze at their navels, they really believe that religion should correspond somehow to the real world, and this terrifies these ecclesiastical wolves and their Masonic masters.

People were complaining about the translation, disbelieving that the Pope would say this, but here it is, Lifesite's video and translation:


  1. Please God, send Pope Francis to heaven in 2017.

    1. Best comment on Pope Francis I've seen since it all began.

    2. Why wait a week? 2017 is still awfully far away.

    3. Pope Francis cannot get to heaven in 2017. Even if he repents, the time in Purgatory will last much longer just to make amends for his sins.

      In this talk he defines Catholic fundamentalism as the belief in "Absolute Truth." A traditional priest, Fr. Samuel Waters, wrote a letter to Cardinal Muller at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith December 15, 2015 addressing this very teaching from Pope Francis' "authentic magisterium." It has been over a year now and still no reply. The letter is worth reading. The link:

      Claudia Drew

  2. Why is everyone so worried if this man is the "pope"?
    I've seen other websites having debates about this subject.
    He doesn't worry me one bit,his heresy will not affect my salvation.

    1. Think of others besides yourself. His heresy damages the Church and puts many souls in peril by misleading and causing confusion.

    2. If you don't know where you're going you'll end up someplace else.
      Yogi Bera

    3. Thank you, Slick. It pains our Dear Lord to loose anyone....... if it pains Him, it should pain us also

    4. I do think and pray for others at the holy sacrifice of the mass celebrated by a valid Catholic priest/bishop.

  3. Does that include Modernist Fundamentalists? Petty little agenda for a petty little man.

  4. In his talk he doesn't differentiate between a rabbi, an iman, and a Catholic priest. For him the fact that the Catholic Church was personally founded by God makes no difference that merits mentioning to the world. For him the priesthood which flows directly from our Lord, is not infinitely superior and incomparable. And yet, one can suppose, he expects Catholics to believe he is the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. But I can see only man dressed in white.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I can see how you’d make that mistake but actually Pope F was alluding to a joke that’s making the rounds in Italy these days. In one (cleaned-up) version, a priest, a rabbi and an imam go into a bar. The priest says, ‘Whats-a you gotta to eat?’ and the barman replies, ‘Pork-a sausages’. The rabbi says, ‘I cant-a eat-a dat, dats-a not kosher.’ The imam says, ‘I cant-a eat-a dat, dats-a not halal.’ So the priest eats them, smiling smugly, until, on the last bite, he suddenly says, ‘Oh-a no! Todays-a Friday!’
      Most English speakers wouldn’t find this remotely funny but the Italians find it hilarious, and drivers have been known to crash their cars upon hearing it (though Italians have a very low threshold for crashing cars), or, in at least 1 case, hurl themselves off buildings.
      Anyway, I think Pope F is right. It is easy to make an idol out of non-essentials, including the liturgy (just look at Pray Tell!) and a lot of other things. Blogs can become an idol, or an addiction, as can posting stupid comments, like this one.

    2. The holy sacrifice of the Mass is an essential for our daily life,the World,and for God so we can honor him.

    3. I'm sure you didn't mean to say Liturgy is a non-essential.

  5. Never has a man so missed the point. Religions are different... As are political ideologies. A fundamentalist Buddhist is likely not to kill you anymore than a fundamentalist pacifist. A fundamentalist Christian who copies the fundamentals of Christ' s teaching and example will not kill you where as a fundamentalist Moslem who copies Mohamed will cooerce you to become a Noslem and attack you in holy war if you resist, question it or do not submit. The moral teaching and example of Christ is fundamentally superior to the debated conduct of Mohamed.

  6. Haha Francis fears the Dubia. Francis fears the Dubia! Cowardly little Freemason heretic that he is. Francis fears the Dubia!

  7. Behold Bergoglio, the Fundamentalist of the New Theology.

  8. It is the usual story: condemning fundamentalism or whatever without explaining what he means by the word.

  9. Send Francis back to South America!If any one is influenced by the devil it is him!Remember -from 1972-The Smoke of Satan is in the Vatican.Sure is and is evident with each passing day as Bergoglio lurks and prowls around The Faithful....

  10. In his speech (aka rant) to the Curia, Bergoglio suggested that resistance to him "hides behind tradition". This man knows no shame and is hell bent on destroying the Catholic faith and replacing it with his Jesuit form of spirituality.

    After nearly four years of this crap (and that's what it is), you'd think the vast majority of Cardinals would be in open revolt, but they're not. Instead, they sit there like puppy dogs waiting to be petted by this man.

    I will continue to hope the Holy Spirit will intercede, but I'm not optimistic even that will solve this mess. Bergoglio has stacked the deck so a new Conclave probably gives us either Tagle or Cupich. That would be even worse than the current occupant of the Vatican.

    We're headed for dark, dark times. It may take a schism to fix this.

  11. Puppy dogs with a lot of money.......that's why they are silent, the Holy Spirit is silent too, since March 2013.

    1. I beg your pardon, but the Holy Spirit has NOT been silent. He's been speaking through the four Cardinals (besides the ordinary means He uses).

    2. Three of them are retired, Card.Burke will soon be fired, that's the Jorge's way of answering the Dubia......dark times, le régime de la terreur in Vatican.

  12. I have a bit of a problem each time Pope Francis says "We are all children of the Father."

    Does the "we" mean all people? Because if it does, the Pope is hopelessly misinterpreting the Gospel of John. chapter 1.

    "10He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

    "But as many as received Him, to them He gives the power to become 'children of God.'" In other words, only those who receive Jesus Christ are the children of God. Those who reject Him are not.

    Those who reject Him and who constantly attack the children of God, we must fight.

  13. You people are so ignorant. He is NOT talking about faithful Catholics or Christians. Christian fundamentalism is the bible thumpers and literlists. Think snake handlers, rapture believers, Westboro baptist. You are slandering him because you don't know the meaning of the words he uses. Every time the Pope talks about fundamentalism you people all misunderstand the meaning of the word. Same as when he says proselytize, it does not mean evangelize but get someone to believe a certain way like saying Greek or Orthodox Christians MUST be Catholic or they don't really have salvation.

    1. How many Catholics do you know that handle snakes or engage in Westboro Baptist type activities?

    2. I agree Tancred but I want to point out something.
      Ever notice how liberals & libertarians are tolerant and friendly toward Jews and Muslims yet will foam at the mouth and become embroiled with rage just mentioning "Westboro Baptist Church"?
      Muslims kill people weekly,Jews enslave people and infiltrate/destroy western civilization.Westboro Baptist church simply hold signs on street corners.

    3. I'm sure it would come as news to the disciples, St. Joseph, the Holy Mother, and Jesus himself that Jews enslave people and destroy Western civilization. Prejudiced much?

    4. Free Speech isn't as important to them as their virtue signaling. Libertarians are the worst.

    5. What on earth has he said to indicate he means those groups? Everything he says and does indicates he means Catholics who hold to the traditional teaching of Catholicism. You are incorrect, entirely. This man rejects the authentic teaching of the Catholic faith. He wants to jettison it, distance us from it, you are not looking at this correctly. You are using your definition of fundamentalism to assume this is what the pope means, but that is not the case. The man has no use for actual Catholicism. When a prayer bouquet was offered to him when newly elected, he rejected it, spurned it.

  14. The great tool of the Devil against Catholics: false obedience. And the great Marcel Lefebvre taught us to see it---but that great courage and Catholic witness is largely forgotten today and even derided by some who call themselves traditionalists.

  15. Francis is so evil that he is plotting the best way he can to remove, discredit the great CArdinal Burke and his associates...the few who still stand for the Catholic Faith.
    Apparently a high placed member in the Knights of Malta was removed by Cardinal Burke, supposedly some scandle involving the man using condoms or something like that years ago. The guy was forced to resign...rightly so, by Cardinal Burke and his associates in the Knights of Malta.
    Now Francis is investigating the case, trying to sniff out some misuse of power by Cardinal Burke....who everyone remembers Francis sacked from the Apostilic Signatura to the relatively obsure post of Cardinal Protector of the Knights of Malta.
    Now, see his chance at a possible whiff of problems, Francis is going all out to discredit the magnificent Cardinal Burke in his post as Prefect for the Knights of Malta.
    This is all because of Cardinal Burke and the 4 other Cardinals (more by now), registering their concerns about Francis' teachings. They issued the dubia against Francis. And rather than responding to the Cardinals, like a devious, sinister low life that he is, and as a coward, he he trying to pick them off....discredit them one by one. Burke is first. I hope it backfires of Francis.
    I hope everything of his plans backfires on Francis and he is gone in 2017 and he have a real Pope!
    Damian Malliapalli

  16. Well, what can be expected from him who is in his element when he's talking about copophragia? Everything that comes out of his mouth is repulsive and debasing. It's what his heart is full of.

  17. Today Catholic Fundamentalism has taken on a new meaning and its Catholics who uphold the teachings of Christ and his Catholic Church. Bergoglio has proven himself an enemy of the Church. Cardinal Burke said recently that when a Pope falls into heresy then he ceases to be Pope. Burke has stated that after the great upcoming Solemnities then the correction of Bergoglio will take place. Bergoglio is a heretic so now he can be deposed. May God grant us this great Mercy through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
