Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rest in Peace Paul Likoudis

A devoted Catholic journalist has completed his earthly pilgrimage. Paul Likoudis, news editor for The Wanderer Catholic newspaper from 1990 to 2014, died Sept. 22 at age 61 after a lengthy battle with cancer. (I contributed articles to The Wandererprimarily from 2000 to 2005.)

I've referenced Paul's work several times in this column over the last 12 years. The amount of material he collected and wrote during the course of his career was, and is, remarkable. Paul wasn't afraid to take on heterodox bishops, priests and religious, while at the same time promoting Catholic orthodoxy. He deserves praise for exposing church corruption in the years prior to 2002, when the clergy sex abuse scandal exploded in the secular mainstream media.

Paul had his critics, but he clearly cherished the Catholic faith. He will be missed. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his family. Below is an obituary for Paul.


  1. He was an amazing giant.

    Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord...

  2. He was an amazing journalist and he will be missed. I didn't realize he spent time in Canada ("then became special projects editor for the Canadian Catholic Register). Does anyone know how long that lasted? Was he kicked out by one of the liberal archbishops?

    1. Canadian law restricting the number of Americans in their media was at play in Paul's having to leave.

  3. The writers, editors and those who contributed articles in the Wanderer were brave. Paul Likoudis was among them. The Wanderer was hated by the US Bishops in the 70's through the 2000's. The US Bishops officially proclaimed the Wanderer as being not Catholic. They forbade for any Catholic Directory to include the Wanderer as a Catholic periodical, they forbade for vestibules in church's to have this great newspaper available to the faithful. Cardinals from Rome told the Wanderer that when they wanted to know what was going on in the Church in Italy they read Trenta Giorno, and when they wanted to know what was happening in the Church in the US they read the Wanderer. It was men like Paul Likoudis who were brave enough to seriously question upfront the liberal Bishops. Requiescat in Pace!

    1. He was reporting the influence of Alinskyism on the US Bishops long, long before anyone heard of Obama, just to cite one of the threads he tugged. There is so much more.

  4. Before there were blogs or even the internet, there was the Wanderer. To that we went when we wanted the truth as opposed to the pabulum put forth by the diocesan rags. They paved the way for blogs such as ours to proclaim truth. Requiscat in pace - Paul Likoudis.

  5. He was a great man of the Church. May he rest in peace.

  6. We stand on the shoulders of giants.
    May God rest his soul and show him mercy, may he find rest in heaven after doing holy battle here in the vale of tears.
