Monday, July 4, 2016

In Memoriam: Otto Habsburg Passed Away Today

Edit: if you have a hard life, filled with failures, everything going wrong, it's sometimes valuable to think on the lives of great men who may have failed in the eyes of the world, but have succeeded in keeping the faith till their deaths.  Here's to all the failures, those that have failed and kept the faith, and those who've failed and are in need of it, no matter how great or lowly.   Here's an essay by Charles Coulombe at Taki Magazine:
[Takimag] The San Fernando Valley in the 1970s was a very dull place. Hot and dusty, filled with lackluster architectural construction thrown together during the postwar housing boom, it was the last place I wanted to be.
Back in those far-off days, the LA Archdiocese’s paper, The Tidings, ran a column by the Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of Austria-Hungary’s last Emperor-King.
My family was historically minded, and my upbringing gave me a hatred of the French Revolution and a love of the Habsburgs, Bourbons, and Stuarts. In high school in the 1970s, I became a monarchist. In the LA Central Library lurked such volumes as The Purple or the RedKings Without Thrones, and Monarchs-in-Waiting. I resolved to write to the Archduke Otto concerning issues political and religious. Off my note went into the post.

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  1. Thank you for posting this article.Until a few months ago,I used to stress to family and loved ones how important and disastrous WW 1 was on our modern World.Our priest and the recorded interviews of Fr.Martin (along with God's grace) made me realize I am not going to change anyone's mind.Otto and his family will be in my prayers.

  2. Eternal Memory!

    Ironic that he passed away on the birthday of the American Republic. The same Republic who through Woodrow Wilson was responsible for the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire which was the heir to the Holy Roman Empire.


  3. Perhaps this is a good time to remind readers that for many years young Otto fronted for the Pan Europa outfit founded by his good friend Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. The express purpose of Pan Europa was to facilitate the transformation of Europe into an Afro-Islamic extension of the mid-east.
