Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vatican Excommunicates Members of the "Bambinello of Gallinaro"Community

CDF: This community is contrary to Catholic doctrine, because it prevents its followers from attending the Catholic sacraments and declares against the teaching of the popes.

 Vatican City (kath.net/KAP) The Vatican has declared the followers of "Bambinello of Gallinaro" excommunicated. The corresponding decree of the Roman Congregation was read on Sunday in the churches of the central Italian diocese of Sora and published on its website.

From the perspective of Church leadership is in the community, which in October 2015 calls itself "Christian Universal Church of the New Jerusalem," has become a "pseudo-religious organization". 

Their sanctuary in the village of Gallinaro annually attracts thousands of pilgrims, especially the last Sunday in June. 

Pilgrimages to Gallinaro are based on the alleged visions of Giuseppina Norcia (see photo). In 1947, she claimed to have seen the baby Jesus sleeping on a cloud. The phenomenon was repeated according to information by their Community on 15 May 1974. At that time, therefore, the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael called upon the seer to build a cradle for the baby Jesus. This led to today's sanctuary. 

Since then, further reports of miracles have reinforced the influx of the faithful. Norcia died in 1989 at the age of 49.  The CDF has now declared that the community is contrary to Catholic teaching, that it deters its followers from attending Catholic sacraments as well as contact with priests and parishioners and to disregard the teachings of the popes.  It is also pointed out that the diocese of Sora distanced itself from the group and the supposedly supernatural messages in 2001. As the self-proclaimed church committed a schism,  the community has rejected the Pope, and subject their followers to the entering  of excommunication latae sententiae, continued the CDF. The Bishop of Sora, Gerardo Antonazzo, gave his priests the authority with the announcement of the decree to absolve the excommunication in confession. But the priest must be satisfied that it was a deliberate and formal membership in the "Church of the New Jerusalem" and that person definitely wants to turn away from it. 

 Catholic Press agency KATH PRESS, Vienna, Austria 
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


  1. when will all the heretical Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans etc. etc. be excommunicated?

    1. And what about this issue?
      Muller, Di Noia and Fellay made an objective mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II

    2. Is this Ordinary Magisterium or Ex Cathedra, Lionel?

    3. Muller, Di Noia and Fellay contradict the extra ordinary (ex cathedra) and ordinary magisterium

      Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia and Bishop Bernard Fellay in public statements have confused hypothetical cases as being objective and with this confusion have concluded that there are 'practical exceptions' to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpretated over the centuries.
      They have contradicted the Extraordinary magisterium ( ex cathedra) by rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which was defined by three Church Councils and called an 'infallible teaching' by Pope Pius XII in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949( First Part).They assume hypothetical cases are explicitly known to be exceptions to EENS.So they have changed the understanding of this dogma, as it was known to the 16th century missionaries. Cardinal Muller, like Pope Benedict, calls it ' a development'.

      They have also contradicted Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyism, that is,hypothetical cases are not explicit exceptions to the dogma EENS.Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma EENS.It does not contradict the 'strict interpretation ' of the dogma,as it was understood by Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston.
      Muller, Di Noia and Fellay when they asssume hypothetical cases are explicit, they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.

      Like the rest of the contemporary magisterium they interpret the Nicene Creed as saying 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water. They are the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance'. So for them, there is not one known baptism, which is visible and repeatable and which is the baptism of water, instead, there is more than one objective baptism.This change in the Nicene Creed for me, at least is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.
      They use an irrational premise ( there are known cases of persons saved without the baptism of water/ hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire are visible, explicit, objective).With the irrational premise they reach a non traditional and heretical conclusion ( there are practical exceptions to the dogma EENS).-Lionel Andrades

      Muller, Di Noia and Fellay made an objective mistake : hypothetical cases are assumed to be explicit

      Muller, Di Noia and Fellay made an objective mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II

    4. Is there *any* blog post you can't derail with lengthy Feeneyite broadsides, Lionel?

    5. I'd love to see him branch his kind of crazy into other subjects, other fora, maybe Pray, Tell?

    6. Lionel makes the category error of believing that his corrupt Neo-Scholastic syllogism actually has something to do with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the entire Mysterium Fidei.

    7. You on the other hand, are just too corrupt. Rejecting scholasticism puts evil clergy out of accountability.

    8. Lionel's trust in the corrupt Neo-Scholasticism which underpins and validates to his satisfaction the 'reasoning' which supports views on Baptism has led him into heterodoxy.
      What on earth has corrupt Neo-Scholasticism to do with 'evil clergy out of accountability'?

    9. The only corrupt thing in this discussion is your black, rotting soul.

    10. Athelstane
      Is there *any* blog post you can't derail with lengthy Feeneyite broadsides, Lionel?

      It is based on reason, simple English, affirming traditional theology and Catholic doctrine.
      It is based on a factual and public error made by three persons including Bishop Fellay.
      You are unable to refute the rationality of the report nor question its orthodoxy. Neither are you able to defend Bishop Fellay.
      All you can refer to is 'Feeneyism' which keeps you politically correct with the Left.
      It's like Boniface on Unam Sanctam Catholicam who will comment on every thing else, with reference to me, except the subject in question: Catholic doctrine and theology.
      You do not agree that Bishop Fellay, and the others, have a new theology based on hypothetical cases being objective exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla nulla salus?
      You are aware, that I can affirm Vatican Council II without assuming hypothetical cases( LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc) are objective in 2016 ? So then Vatican would not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the 16th century missionaries?

      Is it not a first class heresy for Archbishop Di Noia to reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined by three Church Councils and that too with an irrationality? Is this not heresy for you?
      Is this not the stuff for excommunication?

    11. Lionel's trust in the corrupt Neo-Scholasticism which underpins and validates to his satisfaction the 'reasoning' which supports views on Baptism has led him into heterodoxy.
      Be specific please.
      I am saying that hypothetical cases are not explicit.Period.
      So we cannot reject the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas for example, on exclusive salvation in the Church,by claiming there is known salvation outside the Church.We cannot reject orthodoxy on the salvation-issue by assuming hypothetical cases are explicit exceptions to Aquinas' traditional understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
      Once we avoid this irrationality, we are back to traditional theology.

      What on earth has corrupt Neo-Scholasticism...
      Lionel: Corrupt new Scholasticism refers to liberal theologians interpreting the baptism of desire and blood as refering to explicit cases. So they postulate that there are exceptions to the St. Thomas Aquinas understanding to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
      In other words the man in the forest, in invincible ignorance, refers to a known case in the present times, objectively visible, seen in the flesh and so he is an explicit exception to Thomaism on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and all needing to be formal members of the Church to avoid the fires of Hell.


    12. Lionel makes the category error of believing that his corrupt Neo-Scholastic syllogism actually has something to do with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the entire Mysterium Fidei.
      I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).I then affirm it in agreement with Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14). I say that EENS and Vatican Council II say all need to formally enter the Church for salvation ( with faith and baptism ).There are no exceptions. This is the general rule, this is the de fide teaching.

      Then I say that I personally I do not know of any one saved with the baptism of desire or blood, with or without the baptism of water. So there are no known exceptions to the dogma for me in 2016.

      The baptism of desire is a hypothetical case. For it to be an exception or relevant to EENS it would have to be explicit. Zero cases of something are not exceptions to EENS says the apologist John Martignoni.

      So the bottom line is that there is no known salvation outside the Church for me. I cannot meet someone saved without the baptism of water.This is physically impossible and so no one in the past could also have known of a case of someone saved outside the Church.

      So this is my basic position. It is traditional with no irrational theology.

      I at least know my Catholic Faith and can give an account of it on the issue of salvation.Tancred, instead when asked, indicates he has to confirm his position with Brother Andre Marie MICM,Prior, St. Benedict Center, N.H, USA.

      My Approach

      SSPX in its theological and philosophical formation is using the false premise and conclusion which is the basis of the new theology

    13. What you are endlessly trotting out has no authority or traction in Catholic theology anymore. That dogma along with its anathema is gone, Lionel, gone.
      It's now an ens rationis. That's where you live, Lionel, in vitual reality.

    14. Tancred:
      I'd love to see him branch his kind of crazy into other subjects, other fora, maybe Pray, Tell?

      How about this change?

      Nearly two million holy communions distributed in 2015 in Medugorje : nearly 40,000 priests concelebrated Holy Mass

      Medjugorje Sun Miracles caught of film!!!

      Medjugorje - Miracle of the Sun - May 2010 (1)

      A Moment with Mary - Consecration Day! (May 31) Feast of the Visitation!

      Corpus Christi Procession in Medjugorje

      Medjugorje - Amazing healing testimony! Fr. Pere Glas, Episode 68, Fruit of Medjugorje, MaryTV

      Not bad! Huh?

    15. Michael Bonnici :
      What you are endlessly trotting out has no authority or traction in Catholic theology anymore.

      True. Since the false premise and conclusion is used as a theology.The Cushingit's 'there are visible cases of the baptism of desire', is the present reasoning.
      However if this changes in future, we are automatically back to the old ecclesiology.Traditional Scholasticism.
      So we just have to get rid of the innovation, the appendage from the 1940's.
      Then the ordinary lay Catholic will affirm EENS with the authority of the Church which comes from the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Dogmas do not become aphorisms just because a lobby wants it as such.

      That dogma along with its anathema is gone, Lionel, gone.
      How can the dogma go away ? Only because the contemporary popes do not want it ?
      Our Lady is still Immaculate even if for example a pope chooses not to believe in this.

      It's now an ens rationis. That's where you live, Lionel, in virtual reality.
      Objective reality does not change with what is popular in the present times or what is expedient for traditionalists or liberals who want to protect their life style, at the cost of Catholic doctrine.
      I affirm the Catholic Faith.Popes may come and go.

    16. Gaybriel, endlessly trolling about doctrines that have never had any traction in Catholic theology as if they were Catholic. That sums up a great deal of the problem, rejection of the thrice defined dogma.

    17. The great intractable for Lionel is that he has not yet understood that Christ and his Church are not coextensive with time and culture conditioned teaching, eg: Slavery, usury, Jews, ecumenism, religious freedom, Limbo, Popes kissing the Koran, acceptance of the separation of Church and state etc etc.

    18. Follow your own advice and edify the disciple.

    19. You're the pompous one with heavy burdens for everyone else, except yourself, to bear.

    20. The great intractable for Lionel is that he has not yet understood that Christ and his Church are not coextensive with time and culture conditioned teaching, eg: Slavery, usury, Jews, ecumenism, religious freedom, Limbo, Popes kissing the Koran, acceptance of the separation of Church and state etc etc.
      I believe objective reality does not change and I am also aware that the Church has been infiltrated by the Enemy.

      The Church still teaches for me that slavery and usury are wrong, the Jews and non Catholic Christians( ecumenism,) are on the way to Hell unless they formally convert into the Catholic Church,there is religious freedom but with the obligation of all to formally enter the Church for salvation,there is no change on the teaching of Limbo according to even the present magisterium,Pope John Paul II kissed the Koran but he also gave us Dominus Iesus 20 which refers to Islam and there is no separation of Church and State for me since I interpret the dogma EENS with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism.
      This is my position and I do not have to be a sedevancatist.

  2. What about the freemasons, might be time to issue a worldwide decree..........

  3. I will only be satisfied when the hierarchy (including Frank) excommunicate themselves.

    Seattle kim

  4. When will Catholic belonging to pro-abortion political parties be excommunicated?

    1. Father...according to one American "catholic" Representative, Congress lady Nancy Pelosi the right to abortion is "sacred" ground and her latest missive, she is for gay "marriage" because it conforms to "catholic" teaching..one of her former Ordinaries was the retired head of the CDF, Cardinal Levada..she has not been publicly corrected or told to stay from Communion...can it possible get any worse

  5. Just a reminder trads. Less than 10 months away from another 20 Cardinals appointed by His Holiness Pope Francis Supreme Vicar of Christ on Earth. Cheerio!
