Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pope Gathers the Heads of Dicastries -- Vatican Media

Dicastry Heads in Meeting With Pope Francis
(Rome) On Monday Pope Francis gathered all of the dicastry heads of the Roman Curia.
As announced in the daily bulletin of the Vatican press office, the Catholic Church leader had called together all heads of dicastries for the morning. The chair at the meeting is led by the Pope.
According to Vatican Insider, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ, says that the meeting is considering "the reform of the media and means of communication" of the Holy See.
Joint meetings of all of the dicastry heads chaired by the pope are rare events that take place usually at most once or twice a year.
The dicasteries include the nine congregations, the three secretariats, the twelve pontifical councils, the three courts and three curial offices.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


  1. The reform of the Vatican media...give me break..what about the withdrawal of AL..what a joke

  2. When is that one lung going to give out?

  3. "When is that one lung going to give out? "

    I always laugh when I see this posted :)
    I know a lot of people who think that....and more often than not, so do I. (Not proud of it, but I think it) Funny thing, I never thought it about Benedict XVI or JP II (I was born under JP II and didn't know any earlier ones)
    Damian Malliapalli.

    1. It would probably be more spiritually beneficial to simply pray for his resignation.

      But, as for John Paul of Unhappy Memory, if we had the super media we do today people would be reacting in a similar manner as they do to Pope Francis. Now they have a mistakenly canonized man who each group likes to claim as their own; neo-cons, heretics, and even trads - all trying to make him their Pope. What's my point? Well, there has been nothing new here, it’s the same crap since Paul VI. Only that past Popes it’s easier to make them what you want because a lot of their shenanigans aren’t plastered all over the web every second of the day. There is nothing new here; the only thing new is how the scandals are implemented.

    2. Nah. I don't agree. It's 1000 times worse with Francis.

    3. Oh my yes. Exponentially worse in every way with PF. There is no comparison between the two of them.

    4. Once you study JPII's Assisi meetings, pagan rituals down to him, and ecumenism that screams people are saved outside the Church, it's pretty clear that its just as bad. Making accommodations for people to break the first commandment at Assisi? JPII everyone.

  4. One dicastery, two dicasteries.

  5. Yes, much worse with Francis.
    Speaking of past Popes, my family has about 300 hrs. worth of old tapes/original movies from the old fashioned cameras(not the little camcorders we have today) of ceremonies conducted by Pope Pius XII from about 1949 thru to 1958. They're not mine...they are my grandfather's. There's about 200 canisters of film, all of ceremonies of Pius XII in the Vatican, and sights of Rome my grandfather---and his father---took when their family lived in Rome .
    But the point is, Pius XII relaly knew who to hold Papal Masses and ceremonies and gatherings. His vestments were beautiful. He looked like a Pope.
    Fascinating stuff. Very impressive.
    The sights of Rome were too. I never knew that back then, there were some Orders of nuns back then with headgear so big or wide, that they could never drive a car, etc. Still, I prefer them back then to what we got now.
    Francis is a zero...compared to what I saw of Pius XII. I can't imaging anyone falling to their knees when Francis would walk by , but they did in these old films for Pius. It was an aura which none of the recent Pope...except maybe Benedict had/have
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. How blessed you are to have such a treasure trove! Consider purchasing a VHS to CD machine. Well worth it to make it easy to watch and share your treasure.

    2. Pius XI and Pius XII got all of the externals correct. These same Popes did things unseen by the world. These unseen actions paved the way for the post 1960 rebellion.

    3. Yeah it's all their fault........???????

  6. Babu is now CEO of the ecclesiastical Nostalgia Party.

  7. Francis doesn't even genuflect or kneel for a second before the blessed sacrament at the Corpus Christi Mass. Disgusting.

  8. My name isn't Babu, Jake. Are you a redneck from Texas,Georgia,or anywhere else in the "Bible belt". They're the only people I know born ignorant like that.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. "When is that one lung going to give out? "

      I always laugh when I see this posted :)
      I know a lot of people who think that....and more often than not, so do I". Looks to me that Jake isn't the only ignorant one. At least he didn't entertain the thought of Pope Francis' lung giving out. "Remove the speck from your own eye...."

    2. "When is that one lung going to give out? "

      I always laugh when I see this posted :)
      I know a lot of people who think that....and more often than not, so do I". Looks to me that Jake isn't the only ignorant one. At least he didn't entertain the thought of Pope Francis' lung giving out. "Remove the speck from your own eye...."

    3. I sometimes delete dozens of his replies to your comments. You must have rattled his rat cage.

    4. Dozens of my comments or Jakes?
      I generally comment on an interesting topic, but don't reply directly to a person's comment. I was just commenting on the difference between Pius XII, and the present. There was a sense of continuity and history you get watching those old tapes which is missing in recent papacies...except Benedict tried to bring some back.
      Whoever posted the comment about the one lung has done it before....it's not something I expect to see. Like I said in my post right under his....I'm not proud of laughing at that comment, but it is humerous in a way. If anyone has ever watched the old 1990's show "Seinfeld", that was a line George used in an episode. That's what I think of, and that's why I laugh.
      But of course....it's not funny to wish anyone ill health or death. Even though I don't like Francis, and wish him gone, that doesn't mean dead.
      Damian Malliapalli.

    5. Wow, you managed to malign entire states with huge populations in one sentence. I certainly hope you are at least an American, although I dislike your generalization.

    6. Yes,I am an American. This is not the place for public discussions of this type, name calling or racial slurs aimed at me by a certain contributor. I "generalized" the South because a few years ago, my family and I traveled to visit Civil War sites before finishing up the trip in DC. My Mom is Irish/American (born here). My Dad is from India(Mumbai) (and YES, he is an American citizen for 30 years !) All the kids (my brothers(3), sisters (2) and me look Indian...except for some reason I'm the lightest. I pass for Puerto Rican or Italian, which is humerous to me because I am proud to be Indian, AND Irish but mostly proud to be American.
      When we were traveling down South, at least 5x in diners, restaurants and at tourist sights we were gawked at by the locals, stared at, called "foreigners", or labeled as Arabs and Muslims. When I told one I was Catholic, it was even worse....I might as well said I was a devil-worshipper (HAHA). The woman I had been talking to went from being pleasant, to looking like she was going to be sick when she heard the word "Catholic". These were places near Civil War sites at Harpers' Ferry, Shilo, Antitam and.Manasas. All the other tourists (white, black, Asian etc) had no problems...but I was obvious we were already stamped as "Muslims=ISIS=Terrorists). They made a pleasant vacation much less so.
      And even though I don't look as Indian as my brothers and sisters, and actually was a model for a few years and made big bucks in NYC and CA., very often in Philly or elsewhere, or riding a train, there;s always someone who I can tell by their face that labels me automatically as "Arab, Muslim, etc.etc.)
      The contributor on this column who labeled me as "Babu" is why I said what I did. We got that kinda stuff (to use nice language), very often on our trip. Worse names than that too.
      Damian Malliapalli

    7. It's Gaybriel. I'm guessing the walls of his council flat must be getting pretty confining.

    8. They have Council Flats in Metro Toronto?

    9. I think you meant to write: "Gaybriel is fine with counseling verbal flatulence." But, hey, I could be wrong about that, and Franciscus counsels mercy on Gaybriel's part, if I understand correctly.

    10. Barney's on the sauce again.

    11. It's got to be Gaybriel's disordered orientation that makes him so vindictive and petty. If one doesn't want to be judged according to stereotypes, one should avoid them should one not?

  9. Sigh. Thought control for sure. Catholics with eyes to see need to also look to these other signs not just the insanity within "Church". In the news recently, the current amount of volcanic and earthquake activity in one week right now is the same as what once occurred over the course of a year. Especially interesting is the recent earthquake activity along craton deformation zones like in North Carolina. Europe space agency spent millions to throw up in to space 3 satellites that monitor the earth's magnetic shield. They are called swarm. Scientist are coming out to say that a coming polar reversal is the real cause of regional weather changes, not the politically polarizing(pun intended, just couldn't help myself) reasons. Nasa reports the earth's magnetic shield has decreased at an alarming rate in the last few decades. Loss of that shield makes the earth susceptible to solar particle radiation, which is the wind blew mars dry. Anyways. Keep these things in your vision.
    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Amen.

    1. Actually, it brings to mind the prophesies of Akita. Make sure you go to confession regularly. The time is very short...
