Sunday, April 24, 2016

Cardinal Ravasi Twitters His Dismay Over Death of Pop Star, Again

I'm The deeply religious musician was at times the member of the "Jehovah Witnesses"  And expressed a great affinity for the Pope. 
Vatican City-Washington ( KAP)
After the death of the U.S. musician Prince there was shock overall in the Vatican.  The President of the Pontifical  Council for Culture,Cardinal  Gianfranco Ravasi, twittered on Friday morning a citation from the "artist": "Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending/All good things, they say, never last." These words come from the song   "Sometimes It Snows in April" of 1986. [Doesnt he have more important things to do?]

On Thursday evening Prince's speaker announced his death at his residence in Paisley Park in the US-State of Minnesota. An official report about the cause of his death is not available yet. In March, Prince announced his desire to write his memoirs.

Besides Ravasi  US-President Barack Obama issued a statement. "Today we have lost a creative icon." He said in a statement from Washington. Niagara Falls was lit with lilac in remembrance of probably his most famous song, "Purple Rain". He was 57.

Prince did not enter into any cliches and formed a complex figure; little was it known that the deceased rebel artist with the image of a sex idol was a deeply religious man.  He was the member of the "Jehovah's Witnesses", but often expressed his appreciation for the pope and  for every racy sing, like  "Darling Nikki", he wrote a religious one like "The Cross.". He created artistic borderlines, in which he mixed prudery with fantasies of sexually starved people. He also viewed the energy between the sexes in a religious context.

Up until his death at the age of 57, Prince remained eccentric, in fathomable, and yet very close to his fans, whom he yet provoked --for example as   "Mister Purple Rain" spoke against "gay marriage
." "God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it to whatever and he just cleaned up," explained the star in an interview.  "He said, enough is enough." It was a sensation that recently the star offered a free concert in Baltimore to honor the young black, Freddie Gray, who died in police custody that unleashed unrest in the city in April 2015.


  1. Look for the Vatican to be shuttered for a week and the flag flown at half staff if Liza dies.

  2. Oh Lord hear my prayer!
    And let my cry come unto Thee!

    The Lord be with you.
    And with thy spirit.

    Let us pray.
    Almighty and eternal God, grant to us your servants, that we may be delivered from Pope Francis, the scourge of Thy Holy Church. And that, having been delivered from this pernicious disaster, the remnant of Thy Church which remains since the Council, might flourish unto Thy great glory.

    Through Our Lord..


  3. Perhaps ,it looks like that C.Ravasi was also thinking that he will not die or will live over a hundred years. It is better that he is aware he has a soul and better repent soon becomes faithful to his duties. What kind of cardinals are in Rome. Lord save us from these wolves!

  4. catholic wahabism to the gills and Jesus Christ doesn't get a shoe in.

    1. He wore sandals, nitwit.

    2. And moreover:

      Think this one through to it inexorable, logical conclusion, if you can. You are someone's cross to bear.

      BTW, a lot of sermons full of giddy prattle today from the local yokel homosexual priests about "Love each other as I have loved you."

    3. QED and get help.

    4. Get help for what, Gaybriel? You are so freakin' easy to flush out. Please, explain where I am wrong you probable Kasperite-katamite- symp?

  5. Tancred, get a load of this:

    If this is true, well, Mad Max is Pope. Moreover, I won't give any worst-case scenarios. It is what civil living in today's world has been intimating, but now the dam is busted. As Bunyan said "I can drink and whore and defy the parson." Not to mention the "modern" twist.

  6. Oops, my apologies, let me make a correction:

    Get help for what, Gaybriel? You are so freakin' easy to flush out. Please, explain where I am wrong, you probable Kasperite-katamite- symp.

    But if your possible buddy Kardinal Krusty the Klown Kasper was right, then there is no need for me to make any corrections, or apologies, is there?

    1. Who's Gaybriel? for starters and secondly, you need some help in the ESL department. Too much texting in Kiddie speak. It can be remedied.

    2. Who taught you that line? You memorized it well, probably heard it at some special party, eh "Chuckers?" If that's what you want do be called, fine.

      Since I have you engaged, you don't happen to believe that Christ performed miracles, do you?

    3. Yes, Jesus did perform miracles.
      And as for "Chuckers", whatever that might be, you seem to have the advantage of first hand knowledge. Congratulations, I suppose.

    4. Name the miracles Our Lord performed, Chuckers. Your ambiguous admission leaves me unconvinced. Just, say, 10. Even john couldn't list them all, so in justice, how could One expect more from you, an especially tinny and probably STD- laden vessel.

    5. Did Charles say he could name them all? I must have missed it. Try reading his post more closely.

  7. BTW, Chickers, the thread started out about the dissipation of grown men, Kardinals no less, distraught at the death of the Artist Formerly Known As Prince. What was the significance of, well, let's call it "contribution," to the topic? No doubt certain southeastern Minnesotans are straining to hear your wit.

  8. The Booze is doing the talking now. Not good.

  9. Dang. Rivasi might jump off a bridge when the faggot rock "star" Elton John buys the farm.

  10. This modernist church is so pathetic. They think more of pop stars and immoral Hollywood actors, the leaders of false religions and marxist political leaders than they do of Our Blessed Lord and His Blessed Mother.

  11. These men are all just chasing the world. Just chasing the world.

  12. Vatican II wrecked the Church.

  13. Why doesn't he lament how he died? From a sudden and unprovided death, deliver us, O Lord!

  14. Does anyone else pick up on the trend, especially since "Pope" Francis got himself elected, that both what comes out of the mouth of the pope, and many Vatican talking heads like Ravasi, has nothing to do with the Catholic Faith....or Christianity, or even religion?
    My grandparents, who are both in their 80's, remember going to Rome for Holy Year, 1950. Back then, my Gradnfather said, people were so in awe of the Pope that many in St. Peter's Square would fall to their keens when Pope Pius XII appeared at his window to deliver his Sunday Angelus message and blessing.
    Can you imaging a clown like Francis, or his associates, generating such a reaction of respect or devotion?
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. Whether you like him or not, he's still the Vicar of Christ. Show some respect.

  15. Sorry, in the above comment, for the wrong spelling. I meant "fall to their knees". That's what happens typing too fast! :)
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. And letting you brain be hijacked by resentment and bling rage.

  16. And you, "Charles C," shame for letting your manliness (supposing you ever had any) be hijacked by blind fanaticism and an old-ladyish attachment to the person of the pope. Your hatred of true Catholics is the only blinding force here---one that precludes your loving the truth and defending your Mother the Church from her papal destroyer and rapist. Corseca
