Friday, March 4, 2016

CMTV: What's Really Going on with Cardinal Dolan's Archdiocese

Edit: basically, this priest is affirming that there is an aberrosexual mafia that runs the diocese with the knowledge of Cardinal Dolan.  The priest, very frankly interviewed below,  implicates Cardinal Edward O'Brien as being part of the cabal where he is known as the "master":  

Michael: He was rector of the seminary. 
Bob: He was the rector of the seminary, and in fact these relationships of the people we've been talking about here, which would be Peter Miqueli, Sorgie, Mustaciuolo, Weber, and in fact Cdl. O'Brien, these were all relationships that were forged back in the 1980s at Dunwoodie in St. Joseph Seminary. In fact, it might be shocking to hear, but these men regularly had conversations that I was privy to where they jokingly and openly recollected masochistic activity and parties and things that they did back in the seminary. 
Michael: You were in the presence, you were personally in the presence of these people as they were recounting stories of sexual activities with each other while they were in seminary? 
Bob: Yes, yes. 
Michael: You heard that personally? 
Bob: Yes, yes. The presence of Cdl. O'Brien was not there, but they were all talking of him, in fact, Cdl. O'Brien was referred to as the "master." He was the "master." Whatever that meant, only they know.
See the full transcript. 


  1. This is an hour long. Could we get a summary?

  2. Touted as a breaking scoop. I doubt much can be done because, you must understand, no one carries "gay lobby" ID cards. Nothing to see here.

    1. Just start firing people who go to certain bars, say certain things and engage in demonstrably scandalous ways...

      What a concept.

    2. Dolan should have been fired when he gave his unreserved approbation for St. Francis Xavier and insisted on being the Gay Marshal of the Saint Paddy's Day Parade.

    3. You are delusional. Who would fire him?

    4. Perhaps you're as rotten and complicit as he is, but the rest of the world doesn't work this way where people who actively undermine their organizations are kept on the payroll and even create significant financial and moral hazards to their diocese and religious orders by their immoral behavior.

    5. Tancred, the Church in the West is having agonal respirations. There is no one to fix this far advanced disease. A small Remnant led by good, but relatively powerless prelates like Bishop Schneider will keep an ember of viability going. But there ain't nobody in power who is going to fire Dolan or defrock the homosexuals. Don't you get it?

    6. You've given up, and that's on you. Go triage your own self as expectant, then.

    7. Sad but true. We have woken up to realize there is nobody. Our church is rife with homosexuals and Modernists, and no one is riding up on a white horse.
      What now?

    8. Pope St. Pius X would've fired him.

    9. Sandpiper is correct. So is Geremia. That does not mean "giving up", that means acknowledging the reality. We still have the weapon and the remedy of prayer so there cannot be a "giving up" option.

    10. If your reality is that the Church is dead, then give up any pretense of being Catholic.

    11. Friendly point of Information It is St. Patrick's day not St Paddy's day or any other derivation thereof. Let's try to give St Patrick at least a little respect when among friends. Thanks.

    12. Charles, Yes, you are right in the sense that all 'seems' lost. Our Lady was faced with this very, apparent, predicament at the tomb of Christ, and for 40 Hours afterward. Yet, She never lost Faith or Hope. For that time SHE was the Church! We must soldier on with Mary at our head. Amen. TIM

    13. @Kathleen The Roman Catholic Church is alive in a remnant that holds to the true Roman Catholic traditions.
      I will pray you and your family are brought to the truth.
      Dominus Vobiscum

  3. I'm being facetious. Mr Voris is rightly outraged, and we weep when we hear of such squalor. But consider the file left for Jorge Bergoglio regarding the state of affairs with the homosexuals in the Vatican. He blew it off, saying as far as he knew, no one there is carrying a "gay lobby" ID card.

    1. I can tell you within five minutes of meeting a priest who's in the gay lobby.

      Usually, people are pretty open about what they are if there are only rewards and no consequences. See Monsignor Ricca.

  4. I heartily reccomend the Pope St. Pius V method as related by Randy Engel, defrock, excommunicate, hand over to secular authority for an extremely unpleasant end.

  5. Cardinal Dolan is a disastrous Hierarchy and is a major cause for encouraging Homosexuals . If he is dare enough to lead a gay parade , he needs to be condemned out rightly and defrocked . A man without fear of God ; is he ignorant ,no he is arrogant . Diocesan Catholics must sign a complaint and ask him to leave the diocese. One of the worst cardinals of liberal and modernist Mafia gang.
    Is he chanllenging God the father or does he not believe that there is a God ; or does he think that the God is powerless.
    Death is near and Judgement is sure, O ! C. Dolan ! are you trying hard to take millions of souls with you to HELL. Now you are well known in all the corners of the world as a most notorious ,liberal and Modernist ! The Christian country is doomed ! You are persecuting the Sacred Heart of Jesus and piercing the Immaculate Heart of Mary . Repent and turn away from your wicked ways , read from the scripture what happened in Sodom and Gommorrow. Rain of Sulphur from heaven .....

  6. Why does anyone anymore bother about the Novus Ordo Church? It isn't Catholic. We are a remnant and as St. Paul says, we should not be in contact with heretics after two admonitions. How many have they had? 500,000 over the years?

    1. Why, oh why, does someone who thinks it's not worth mentioning post constantly on sites attempting to "bother" with it?

    2. Why? Because you need to be told.

  7. To Tancred, perhaps because as said above, prayer, fasting and motifications are the only weapons we have unless you are willing to commit to eternal hell fire for an action that might affect very few of the powerful prelates. In the time it has taken me to respond your response I could have said 3 memorares at least or a decade of the rosary. Much more beneficial than words at this point.

    1. Those are powerful remedies, but we are also inclined to live lives those devotions exemplify.

  8. There is nothing wrong with prayer and action. We need both. What we don't yet have is a leader, so we must pray for one. Or many.

    1. St Paul: Come out of her and be separated.

  9. The entire transcript is available on their website. Reading it, it is clear that this "Bob" is not a priest, but a lay married man working for the Archdiocese. It's also clear, based on all the claims of meetings he's been at and people he's worked with, that identifying him would be pretty easy for any of the parties he gossips about. Thus, I take the entire interview with a hefty dose of skepticism. As a seminary professor of mine once said, "sometimes a story is so good, if it didn't happen, it *should* have." Reading some the commentaries on this interview elsewhere, it is clear many believe the same.

    1. Are you denying that there is a coverup, and shilling for the aberrosexual enablers in the Archdiocese?

      It's interesting that a coterie of effeminates frequently accuse decent archbishops of malfeasance, and not only keep their jobs but get promoted.

  10. "My requests of Father Pavone were clear and simple: one, that Priests for Life undergo a forensic audit; two, that a new, independent board be established to provide oversight and accountability," Dolan wrote in the letter, which was first reported by Catholic World News."

    Funny how Dolly the Whale can cut ties w/'anti-abortionist crusader' Frank Pavone and do his best to ruin his reputation, but his own fairy demons lie, cheat, steal, and destroy and ol' Dolly just can't seem to do nuthin'....

    But what a prolife rocker Dolan is according to Judy Brown whose family has millions of dollars in print contracts w/Catholic Church:

    "At the top of our list is Cardinal Timothy Dolan. At this moment he is of particular note because of his interview with pro-life leader Rebecca Kiessling." [Dolly had just stopped in its tracks any action by congress to shut down late term abortions]

    "Catholic Culture" also pumping Dolly 2016 (notice they don't mention he didn't use the word "abortion" once):

    While Catholic Culture routinely attacks Pavone:

    See though what Judy or Phil have to say about the sodomite scandal in NY: ZERO!

    Sure can tell who's profiting off the murder of babies, the perversion of the faithful and the destruction of the church--woe to these lying scribes and shepherds!

    Keep it up Tancred--do enough damage and the Remnant will be offering you a job/church contract also. [See LV is now pumping the Shea Ferrara debate -- must be something insidiously heretical that they want to force feed the "conservative" sheep...]

    1. Skojek is a nice guy, but has some common ground with Shea, apparently, that allows him successfully to ignore Shea's slanderous, heretical and hysterical behavior.

    2. Father Gavone.

    3. I believe that anon 8:29 am was alluding to Phil Lawler at catholicculture.

  11. I'm convinced Mr.Voris will one day (it may be 30 years from now) become a sedevacantist. (That's a compliment not an insult)
