Saturday, February 27, 2016

Minnesota Archbishop Celebrates Sacrilege

Edit: is it any wonder that reverence and decorum is all but dead in this Archdiocese?  


  1. What do you expect? This is the same kind of garbage they did on the façade of St. Peter's to open up the so called "Holy Year of Mercy" They are just imitating the same thing....all thanks to Pope Francis.
    Speaking of him, I was wondering if anyone else besides me thought that Pope Francis is actually, genuinely evil.
    He was supposedly ill on Thursday with a fever and cancelled all his audiences. But he wasn't sick enough to keep from praising Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino, who in Italy is a notorious pro-abortion advocate. Faithful Catholics and pro-life people in Italy are outraged again over this Pope.
    I wish Pope Francis would just disappear from the scene and we would have a true Catholic Pope elected who acted,dressed,spoke and lived like a Pope. I truly believe the election of Francis is a fake, pre-orchestrated and arranged by Kasper( who managed to sneak in a and vote in the conclave even though he was 80), and by a clique of liberals. I believe Francis was electd by this group with the aim to wreck the Church .
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. I've just been informed that this ridiculous blasphemy has been going on for five years. It's not unlike that travesty at, Rome.

  2. Have there been any rumblings as to who is currently in consideration to get the Minneapolis archbishopric, once Hebda returns to Newark when Myers turns 75 this summer? I hope they get someone half decent who can clean up the place. Unlikely, I know.

  3. Thousands of abortions every day, rampant apostasy...etc., etc.,and we have this!!!

  4. The face of Modernism vs Catholicism...
    "Give 'em entertainment, instead proper instruction and Masses." Meanwhile, millions more souls fall into hell.
