Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Vatileaks Bunglers Provide Information for Books that Celebrate a Humble Reformer

Edit: so the bungling duo, two people who are clearly opportunists, if you paid attention to some of their activities since becoming favored by Bergoglio, releases information for books that make their master into a real hero.

He'll probably ensure the pair are pardoned.

I think we can now safely assume that this is a manufactured event designed to make Bergoglio look good.

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Two new books by Italian journalists depict a Vatican plagued by mismanagement, greed, cronyism and corruption and where Pope Francis still faces stiff resistance from the old guard to his reform agenda.

The books, "Merchants in the Temple," by Gianluigi Nuzzi and "Avarice," by Emiliano Fittipaldi, which are being released in Italy on Wednesday, have already been condemned by the Vatican.

On Monday, the Vatican said the books "generate confusing, partial, and tendentious interpretations" in a statement that announced the arrest of two members of a commission the pope had set up to study financial reforms.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I agree. The Slavic bishops and the African bishops oppose Pope Francis, and we know who they are and what they stand for. They stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, wherein He stated that divorce and remarriage is adultery; people in such a situation cannot receive Holy Communion, just like Pope St. John Paul II reiterated in Familiaris Consortio. Now if only the present pope could adhere to Catholic teaching on that matter, things would be better in the Church.

    2. Part of the purpose of consensus making events like the Synod is to identify and isolate resistance to your agenda.

  2. Shut your useless mouth up, pope-worshiper and idolator. Archimago

    1. Some people have an appetite for evil, Archimago. That is the devil working within them. Often they haunt blogs that promote truth and good so that they can disrupt the order with their filthy view of things. Such is their sad, useless life and sinful state. I would wager that 90% of the novus ordo world suffers from this torment in one degree or another because grace is rarely to be found. Darkness of the intellect is dark indeed.

      You know of course that the demon infested person you rebuked would never "worship" a faithful Catholic pope. Only a one who is filled with Protestant heresies. What heresy lover would not throw himself down at the feet of Francis who himself drips with hatred for what is good and holy and Catholic?

      We all need prayer. Some just more than others.

  3. A manufactured event. I second that.

    1. Ditto. A common tactic played out by those who do not have the public support they expected and desperate to save face.

  4. and the timing is just a little too dear; after the evil clown has egg all over his face from not being able to ram thru everything sacrilege and heresy he wanted, as he wanted, in the sin-nod, even after massively stacking the deck. He is a shifty narcissist, who plays a long-term PR game.

  5. It is all very convenient. One of the leakers (appointed by the Pope) is a PR specialist. Scrolling across my newsfeed this morning was an account of the books in the Italian press and (surprise! surprise!) those in the account who are accused of malfeasance all seem to be at odds with the Pope, starting from Pell and Bertone, and including Burke, de Paolis, Koch, Ouellet, etc. Very convenient.

  6. "Humble Reformer"?, HAHAHAHA! What he really is, is a pompous, airbag megalomaniac.

  7. It's a plot, hatched by Francis and company to paint them as humble reformers out to save the Church, and now they are victims of those who want to remain true to the Catholic Faith. And so the good Catholics are vilified and labeled as traitors to the Pope. How convenient.
    Francis and company probably planned this little game to make him look good while the Synod was still going on.

  8. http://henrymakow.com/2015/11/new-vatican-scandal-as-two.html

  9. Run along now Gabriel your enema is waiting for you.

  10. The totally embarrassing thing about this is that it all gets blown sky high when the laity starts asking why the Pope is living in a 'second' home, hotel to boot on laity-payers money, why the Sistine Chapel is hired out to high-end companies such as Porsche, why admin are able to organise roof-top buffets for toffs at Canonisations and why popstars such as Justin Bieber are allowed to visit and kick a football around the Vatican. Oh, and perhaps the canon lawyers could discuss why more staff aren't employed to process annulments and accelerate the procedure for the laity instead of issuing damaging papal documents on Catholic divorce.

    It would be so edifying if all this was behind the scenes and not out in the open where it appears that the Vatican is being run by the Mafia with no class.
