Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Synod Has Been a Sham -- Faithful Catholic Leaders Should Walk Out

Edit: it's not going to happen but it's worth a try. Here's a piece by Steve Skojec exhorting faithful Catholic clergy to walk out.

[Washington Post] Over the past three weeks, Catholic Church leaders from around the world have gathered for the Ordinary Synod of the Family in Rome, the second in a two-part session that began in October 2014.

The meeting was a perfect opportunity for bishops to discuss how to strengthen the family in the midst of serious challenges — issues such as contraception, abortion and chastity in a sexually licentious culture. Instead, it has become mired in debates over long-settled teaching on sexual mores, with agendas advanced by progressive and controversial figures invited by Pope Francis himself. What we’re left with is nothing less than a battle for the soul of Catholicism.

The church’s teaching on marriage has always been that it is indissoluble. As we read in Matthew 19:6, “so they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” While annulments can be granted, those who divorce then remarry are living in de facto adulterous relationships, according to the church. This violation of the sixth commandment is, according to Catholic belief, a serious sin. It does (and should) preclude such individuals from receiving the body of Christ until they repent.

Read on:


  1. The Synod has been a joke and a circus. Pope Francis manipulates the whole thing from the shadows like an evil eminence.
    Even the Washington Post today, which is no conservative or orthodox friendly paper, said that with the Synod and Pope Francis the Catholic Church is moving dangerously into heresy.
    Are good CArdinals, Bishops,priests and faithful after this farce of a Synod allow this to continue, are are we going to mount a campaign and pressure the CArdinals to force Francis to resign.
    Already today, Francis gave a homily at his little Santa Martha residence where he says that the Church must adapt and "change and discern the canges of the times"/
    He and his people are leading the Catholic Church into heresy and ruin.
    If the good Cardinals and faithful remain silent and allow him to contn=inue along this path, that would be a betrayal of the Catholic Faith and of the Lord.
    Francis must be forced out, along with his associates....all of them.
    Damian Malliapalli

  2. Oh God! Save your Church from the destructive forces of Pope Francis!

    1. And God save the Church from nutters like you. You and your ilk are one of the principal reasons Catholics have left the Church.

    2. He's an obsessed introvert who has nothing better to do with his time but complain about this website.

  3. You don't win a battle by walking out. You win it by standing your ground. Anybody at this scam synod who has an ounce of the Faith left in them should be waiting for the heretic Francis to make his final play then shouting "Anethema sit!".

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Walk out... No, the catering was too good.
