Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Polish Bishop Sacks Aberrosexual Priest

Edit: he might have been a great help to Synod Fathers who were defending Catholic doctrine in the family at the Synod. His flamboyant and narcissistic outburst might have been the Kasperian sect's undoing.

Warsaw (AFP) - A Polish bishop on Wednesday defrocked a high-ranking Catholic priest fired by a furious Vatican earlier this month after he came out as gay on the eve of a key synod on the family.

Bishop Ryszard Kasyna has decided that Krzystof Charamsa should no longer be able to celebrate mass, administer sacraments like communion and baptism or wear a cassock, according to a statement on the website of their northern Pelplin diocese.

 Charamsa had held a senior position working for the Vatican office for protecting Catholic dogma, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


  1. It seems that Charamsa has been suspended, leaving open the possibility of his serving again in the priesthood if he repents and changes his ways. If he continues to rebel then one assumes he would be dismissed from the clerical state at some point.

  2. So they finally caught up with Dziwisz.

    1. Pavel, what do you mean?

    2. I am sure Pavel, didn't mean anything kind by it.

    3. He is being dismissed from the clerical state. Doh.

    4. I hate to say it, but maybe "Pavel," most likely a flamer plugged into the flamers' network, may be on to something, if it isn't innuendo. Maybe there is a Cdl Dziwisz- Abp Jozef Wesolowski-Krzyszstof Charamsa connection, though the connection between the Cdl and the defrocked flamer archbishop is probably not of the aberrovariety. I would bet that Fr. Oko is on the case and we will find out before long.

      Pavel just can't get anything tight, can he? Be it theology, history, Polish names, he balls it up. The Polish name is "Pawel."

  3. He stands defiant against God and his Holy Laws, against nature - manifestly and obstinately.

  4. Thank God for a strong bishop!! One wonders why this strange priest chose his timing in throwing this lighted firecracker into the public arena.
    Whilst we must accept that we have priests who are homosexual we must also accept that we have priests who are heterosexual. The only thing these men need to be (& have promised to be) is CELIBATE!

    1. Actually, aberrosexuals have no business in the clergy. It's a point of canon law, and no, we shouldn't accept that there are such men in the clergy.

  5. There is no such thing as a person who is homosexual. Desire for sodomitical relations is to be overcome with every effort as a desire for anything intrinsically evil (not to mention unnatural). If this is an ongoing moral weakness, then one ought not be attempting to train for the priesthood. All men are by God and nature heterosexual - two sexes unite for procreation. Any desire for the unnatural is objectively evil - and ought never be equated with natural desires.

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  6. Breaking news...Pope Francis suffers terminal cancer, 3 to 6 months to live

  7. Both Tancred @10.35 am and Lynda @ 4.36 are spot on.
