Monday, October 12, 2015

Archbishop FÜLÖP KOCSIS: The Synod Must Name Satan as the Chief Adversary of the Family

Edit: this translation is from VOTF.

[Voice of the Family] I am focusing my observation on paragraph 8 of chapter 1, but in truth I sense a general deficiency in the text as a whole, the lack of something that should penetrate our vision regarding these themes. For this reason, I could still indicate all of the paragraphs that, analyzing the contemporary situation, speak of a changed society and epoch, calling these difficulties which have appeared in recent times “challenges.”

It appears to me that the text misses a clarification which is more precise from its inception, from the root of these changes: from where do they come? The great part of these are not compatible with the plan of God; they do not come from Him. If it is thus, then it must be said: From where do these changes, these difficulties, derive?

We must say with clarity that in our very spoilt world the family and the man of good will with good intentions is under attack, under a ferocious and enormous attack. And this attack is of the Devil. We must call these diabolic forces which have a role to play with these phenomena by name because this way we can find some indications even for the research of possible solutions.


  1. “Satan is alive and very active in the Vatican”

  2. Satan is the enemy of God, the family, the Church and all souls that have not yet submitted to him. He is the leader of this "Synod".

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thank God that there are still high prelates such as Archbishop Kocsis, manly men amongst all the effeminate wimps.


  5. This synod is so sick and evil. Bergoglio should have taken the name Pope Judas I.

    1. Your hard heart and closed mind makes you the minion of the devil. Why such rage over a pope who exemplifies Christ. Are you so angry that you have been victimized by earlier corruption that you just can't let go?

    2. hey Fr. Jazzhands; anon 7:56 and freud wanna-be....check your bed; you've wet it again.

      "Why such rage over a pope who exemplifies Christ" attribute the work of satan to Jesus Christ...He had some pretty strong words to say to those who do that. Pull your head out of the flames while you still have time; the night is long spent.

  6. satan can never win, that's for sure, let's pray for ourselves. God bless+

  7. It will be interesting to see how the supposedly conservative and traditional Cardinals handle what Bergoglio has in store for them. According to Andrea Gagliarduchi, the Bishop of Rome may well disband the CDF and give doctrinal and pastoral authority to the bishops of each individual country.

    If Bergoglio disbands the CDF, he will have finally destroyed what's left of the Catholic Church once and for all. It is the unity and fidelity to Rome that holds the Church together. A move like this would effectively turn the Catholic Church into the Anglican Church. And as we've seen, that crowd is overrun by homosexuals and lunatics. Of course, that may be just what Bergy really wants.

    Bergoglio wants to burn down 2000 years of history because he knows better.

    1. The Roman Catholic Church no longer exists in the neo-church of the 1960s which is counterfeit. It is in the remaining traditional Catholic Church we find the continuity. Francis is the awkward head of a slowly dying ecumenical liberal modernist revolution which is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor Catholic. If anyone ever believed the Conciliar church was Roman Catholic then they have been greatly misled.

  8. After reading a lot of pre-conciliar documents and comparing them with Vatican 2, I agree with Mr. G.

  9. This rumor about disbanding the CDF would make it , as a practical matter, impossible for any pope to defend the dogma and practice of the faith. The unity of the Catholic Church would essentially be destroyed, as no pope would be able to guarantee the faith as it is lived (or not lived) in various dioceses around the world. The rumor brings to mind:

    "In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc."

    It is a horrifying concept, that The Fatima and Akita prophecies seem be unfolding now.
