Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Re-Gifts Congress A St. John's Bible

Edit: will it be the boxed deluxe edition set?   Here's the story from Bringmethenews.
When Pope Francis speaks to Congress on Thursday, he’ll come to Capitol Hill bearing a gift. And it’ll be a return to the U.S. for one of the rare editions of the St. John’s Bible. 
The Pope will bestow an Apostles Edition of the Bible, which was commissioned by St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Christian Post reports.  
The St. John’s Bible is believed to be the only hand-written and illuminated Bible produced since the printing press was invented.
They can probably sell it at a flea market for a few bucks to help pay the expenses for the Pope visit's security.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Maybe he's closetly showing support for the pedophiles and boy rape you are always blogging about:

    1. Or blog about the sexual abuse and coverups prevalent in both political parties:

    2. Not sure what's your point - has hastert murdered anyone lately?
      You're the one blogging about a murder at St. John's Abbey - and the investigation that is no investigation. Maybe F (and McCarrick) are secretly advertising boys for the congressmen - maybe you never heard of the boys town scandal:

      ographer Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson was recently arrested two days after journalist Hunter Thompson reportedly committed suicide four weeks ago on February 10, according to two phone interviews with attorney John DeCamp last week.

      Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations.

      Hunter Thompson’s death and the news blackout of Rusty Nelson’s simultaneous arrest raise questions that someone may be attempting to limit Nelson’s freedom or threaten him, since according to testimony, both men had allegedly witnessed homosexual prostitution and pedophile criminal acts in a suppressed but far-reaching child sex-ring probe closely linked to Senate and House members--but also former President George H. W. Bush. [In U.S. District Court testimony, Rusty Nelson told Judge Warren Urbom he took 20,000 to 30,000 pictures, 2-5-1999, p.52]

    3. I'm suggesting there's a significant overlap between political and religious elites at Collegeville.

    4. 924@459PM, Hastert committed sex crimes against underage boys. On a scale of douchebaggery hastert ranks a quarter step below Clinton. Clinton's day is coming... his partner was legally an adult but he shouldn't have touched her in the "workplace".

    5. Except Clinton was credibly accused of rape.

    6. It must also be uncomfortable for some people's moral umbrage against Catholicism that society with its anything goes mortality could be this corrupt. The Political establishment is far more corrupt than the Catholic Church,and no one's willing to admit the level of evil with that.

    7. In many places church and politics walk hand in hand... Good for neither voters or faithful. The systemic corruption is actually worse in the evangelical protestant south. The main difference in sex offender clergy is that prots tend to victimize females with greater instances of workplace harassment. This is diminishing to an extent because victims are now believed and law enforcement has become responsive.

      Evil's breeding ground is wherever people are with too much power and too little accountability.

      Add a measure of hypocrisy (see the Josh Duggar story) and we get the toxic mix damaging all religion.

  3. Just guessing: maybe he ran out of space and likes the hammer-and-sicklefix more. I could be wrong about that, though, could be wrong.

  4. I'm not sure I understand this of this St. John's Bible . But if it is a Holy Book then it should not have been gifted to our Government at this time considering the evils being forced on us. Christ instructed us, "Do not give Holy things to dogs, they will only devour them".
