Friday, July 10, 2015

Incorrigible Jesuit *Still* Heads Vatican Radio German Section

Father Hagenkord doesn't care about appearing priestly.
Edit: Father Bernd Hagenkord is a professional Jesuit who's really got his ear attuned to the techno rhythms of today's subterranean culture.  As detailed first in English on this blog, he published an article featuring a summary of a dissident theologian who thinks that the natural law is not up to the task of dealing with same sex relationships, which was  headed by way of good vibes and sympathy for recent events in the USA, as a probable distraction: two women kissing each other on the mouth.   Consequently, the link which included the picture was taken down, but the article reappeared again with the picture a few days later on the 7th, and involved more complaints and this time from and  Again, the picture was removed, but the even more heretical and offensive article attacking the natural law still remains.

Since then, the busy Jesuit has also penned a febrile denunciation of those who had complained, raging that these people were in "need of a psychiatrist".  This incriminating blog entry has also since disappeared from the street clothes Jesuit's blog, Laudetur Jesus Christus.  

Up to date, the Jesuit is continuing to backpedal about the picture, but he has offered  a half-hearted  explanation to Edward Pentin,  (according to  that the photo appearing on the Jesuit's blog, and then reappearing later on even after Pentin had complained, was a technical glitch.  The earnest Jesuit at Vatican Radio claims he doesn't understand how to remove a photo from the text.  Apparently, the offending text is still there.  It's far more offensive than the picture.

Finally, the Jesuit also claims, so,  that the offensive photo did not serve its journalistic purpose and that he was sorry it was used.  [Sorry you were caught?] Is his memory so short that he doesn't remember the last time he celebrated sodomy, that also resulted in the same situation?  He was ordained around 2002 according to Wiki, and has been active in the German Section of Vatican Radio since October 1st.

Photo as it appeared on July 17th on Vatican Radio
in 2014

Basically, he's not sorry.  He's done this before, he'll do it again.  It's also probable that no one's going to stop him, unless he gets promoted to an even more sensitive job where he can do more damage.  This is the most recent and uncontrite blog entry as it appears on his blog:
It's not really a scandal. For a report on same-sex partnerships, we had posted a picture posted on the network showing  the two kissing women. Perhaps it was not too wisely chosen because it does not really fit the report, but it's not really a scandal.What happened next took me completely by surprise. 
It was not a shit storm, but went in that direction. It was the tone that came over us and surprised me. As my friend Michael would say:  it was not at the the level, there wasn't one."Homo-Perversion", "Are you still a Catholic?", "Disgusting porn images" and so on.  This is because some people are out there really obsessed, quite ill and can not stand that some people are different. And we still wonder (we = community, we = churches) that gay people feel discriminated against? Even today. 
Yes, even today. Wild verbal slap, as if words have no reality and effect. All in the name of teaching truth and church. 
I don't want to analyze this, that  could and should be done well, maybe some other time. But it is significant that in us and especially in the US - there are very many super-Catholic show-Christians  - a single image is sufficient to make them so excited that their choice of words know no limits. 
It really doesn't have anything to do with  same-sex partnerships, it is the intention to artificially inflame and (I say it deliberately) to excite and to rise excessively above others. Above all, people probably enjoy perceiving themselves as oppressed. What this has to do with charity or even normal interpersonal behavior, eludes me. 
Within the church the tone is brutal which we have noticed  for some time. But even if we make mistakes here or other times, we are not prepared to join this game.

Addendum JULY 9: since the number of so-called comments that are not blocked has increased, I now close this thread (10 O'clock in the morning). I'm sorry for all those who wish to participate constructively and have involved, but everything has a limit. [There were some 165 comments]

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Bernd Hagenkord
Redaktionsleiter Deutschsprachige Redaktion
Piazza Pia
00120 Città del Vaticano

1 comment:

  1. "Addendum JULY 9: since the number of so-called comments that are not blocked has increased," Sounds like the People have spoken. LOL
