Thursday, June 11, 2015

Journalist Pope-Critic and Anti-Mason Danilo Quinto Fired -- "Purge Continues"

(Rome) The press agency SIR (Servizio Informazione Religiosa) of the Italian Bishops' Conference has dismissed Danilo Quinto, a renowned Catholic journalist and publicist.  They  fired  him  for criticizing Pope Francis. Quinto is one of the best connoisseurs of the secular-Masonic agenda. For 20 years he was a militant activist of the radical liberal, anticlerical Radical Party, whose treasurer he was.
He has the necessary insider knowledge and knows radical secularist actors like Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino, and their motives personally. After his conversion to Christ and his return to the Catholic Church, he broke with the anti-Christian Party and its ideology. In his book "From the servant of Pannella to the free child of God" he settled with this party and its mindset, Founded in 1877, Italy's Radical Party, which was the political wing of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy in Parliament and government. It was a settlement that led to Danilo Quinto receiving public attacks, slanders and  public humiliations, as far as the arm of his opponent could reach.

Dismissal because of critical remarks about Pope Francis

SIR news agency of the Italian Bishops Conference
Since the spring of 2013, Danilo Quinto,  was a regular contributor to the press agency SIR. At the express request of the press agency his articles were published under a pseudonym. A decision that was taken by SIR out of concern not to provoke the radical liberals. Since then SIR has published 316 articles by Quinto, an average of three per week.
As Danilo Quinto announced himself, this collaboration was abruptly and unilaterally terminated by SIR. The dismissal was justified not with articles he wrote for SIR, but with contributions which he wrote for other media. In a telephone conversation with SIR editor in chief, he was told  on the eve of his release, that it was because of the item broadcast on the traditional Internet sation Radio Spada. In it Quinto voiced criticisms to some of the statements and decisions of Pope Francis. Criticism is not tolerated in official church media.
The dismissal was carried out by SMS:
"In full respect for your freedom, I take note that your position to the  pope is in clear contradiction  to that of the SIR. I will share with the agreement of the management  - since the relationship of trust with the director is no longer present -  that with today's release of your two most recent articles your collaboration with the agency SIR will be considered terminated. Good Luck. "

The main reason: Quintos book against the Church's surrender to the aberro lobby

"Ancilla hominis", Danilo Quinto's latest book oppose gay heresy
However, the main reason is his latest book Ancilla hominis .  Published in the publishing house of Radio Spada, the book critically analyzes the Catholic Church's approach to the gay agenda under Pope Francis. Danilo Quinto askes in the subtitle: "If the Church is the mystical body of man?" On the book cover is a caricature depicting Pope Francis showing him with an outstretched hand and giving a thumbs up   against the background of the colors of the gay organizations, signing his approval.
Quinto had also leveled criticism that Pope Francis called the abortion lobbyist and declared enemy of Church Emma Bonino Quinto. It is not the act itself that was so wrong, said Quinto, but its handling,  it necessarily gives  the public the impression that the Church of today would even recognize the inhuman, anti-Christian attitude of Bonino. "The task of the Pope,  is not to converse with just anyone," said Quinto  (see"Woohoo" by Pope Francis with radical abortionist Emma Bonino in German). Bonino was from 1995-1999 EU-Commissioner, from 2006-2008 Italian Minister on International Trade and European Affairs and 2013/2014 Italian Foreign Minister.
The dismissal was surprising because Quinto at SIR worked under a pseudonym and the news agency received no embarrassment  by his pope-criticism, which he published under his full name elsewhere.
The press agency SIR emerged 27 years ago as an initiative of the Federation of Catholic Weeklies Italy, most notably the Church newspapers and the Italian Episcopal Conference.

"The cleansing" against Pope's critics "continues"

Emma Bonino with Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy
Danilo Quinto thus joins himself to an ever-lengthening list of Catholic journalists and writers who have been dismissed because of their criticism of Pope Francis. The purge began in fall of 2013 with the release of Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi  at Radio Maria. "The cleanup continues," said Radio Spada about Quintos dismissal.
From Radio Spada, a relief operation has been launched to financially help the family man Danilo Quinto, because the employment at SIR (net 1,200 euros) represented the livelihood of his family. That Quinto yet will find a job in an official Catholic media in this pontificate, seems very unlikely. magazine for Church and Culture would like the colleagues Danilo Quinto to express its solidarity    and thank him for his previous work  as a qualified Catholic journalist and publicist.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Radio Spada / MiL
Trans: Tancred


  1. May the cleansing continue until the last right winger is out. I could post hundreds of quotes from right wingers during the papacy of Benedict where the message was, "If you don't like the Pope, get out of the Church." What comes around goes around.

  2. Pope Francis aka High Sparrow attacks again...

  3. Quinto has obviously demonstrated such a degree of erosive criticism of Pope Francis that his behavior is deemed to be disloyal.
    For his own personal integrity he had to go. He should have very little difficulty in gaining employment with de meme pensant publishers.

    1. Gaybriel, er, Guido, the term is "corrosive," not "erosive." Please share a few examples of this "corrosive" criticism put out by Mr. Quinto. If it truly is corrosive readers would like to know.

      BTW, there is no construction "de meme pensant" in French. Please stop trying to speak French. Your solecism may have been comic, but it is not a crowd-pleaser.

  4. The comment above from "Anomymous" about purging out the "last right winger" is classic liberalism. The hypocrites who claim to be so tolerant and open-minded are in reality the most fascistic creeps the world has ever seen. As a university professor for more than thirty years I should know : I have lived and worked in the belly of the beast. These so-called enlightened ones and cognoscenti are really tyrannical fools, as closed-minded as the most recalcitrant member of the KKK. Moreover, they are not only usually dumb despite all their pseudo-intellectual posturing, they are mean and vindictive. No wonder they like and defend the present pope---he is one of them, every bit as vindictive and unmerciful (while hiding under the guise of mercy to promote his radical agenda against tradition and Catholic morality); if you don't think so, ask Cardinal Burke, Bishop Livieres and a host of others victimized by the papal bully. We, on the other hand, have been too reticent to dish out to these monsters, when we have been able to do so, the medicine they need and deserve.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Professor Anonymous,

      This is why I listen to the lovely Sheila Liaugminas, to descrive a coincidence. Her guest was Prof. Paul Kengor, who was relating the history he dug up in researching the project of the destruction of Christian, [i.e., Catholic] marriage. He traced the roots back to the late 18th Century, with its roots in what we now call Communism. I am going to buy the book myself, it sounds like he did some very thorough and original work.

      I think the problem is rooted in a shallow egalitarianism when it occurs in large populations. You saw the destruction of marriage in Sparta, and, as far as I know, not again until Protestantism and especially the egalitarian revolt in Munster in 1534. Metaphysical tensions, as St. Thomas writes, in unjust societies probably provoke outbreaks of this sin.

      What a show!

    3. caitlyn and caitlyn 2 (though I assume the same person...gabriel, there is also a clinical term for that), there is no right-wing left-wing Catholicism...there is only Catholicism or non-Catholicism; orthodoxy and heterodoxy; sheep and goats; or in a verbiage you might understand because it draws the sodo-infantile-compensators, Potters and Voldemorts. The people who would like to practice the Faith that was handed down by Christ, thru His Apostles, in His Church for 2,000 years are of the former. You two are prime examples of the vulgarian geek-masters of the latter....good luck with that. What you and your ilk are trying to do to the Church is beyond contempt...and it's not missed by the eyes of God. Again, good luck with that.

    4. Removed two posts that make it appear you are attacking dear professor. I would just ignore them from now on, and I'll delete their posts as soon as possible.

    5. Hope Professor didn't take any umbrage...I was aiming at the 2 idiots.

    6. Well said. This is the objective truth.

  5. Nobody asked to fire the snotty John Allen, not ever.

    Same goes for most of the German bishops who were incredibly disloyal to Benedict and JPII.

    1. Tancred, I don't know a lot about the guy, (I only hear him on Catholic radio staions, where he seems to be getting more ubiquitous) but I would label him a supercilious warmonger neocon know-it-all who has a knack for making some very fast friends in high places and never getting held to account for his track record. I'd rather see someone named Pat Buchanan interview him than someone named Sheila, lovely as she is.

    2. He's like Andrea Tornielli of Vatican Downslider.

  6. An amazing article! There must be lots more dirt to dig up on Masonic influence in Italy.

  7. Others who have been experts in the study of the evil of masonic influence have been exiled, etc. BUT nothing to see here, move along, all is well but do not question or criticize VII or the pope...

  8. There must be something supremely evil about Pope Francis, from the very moment of his election, that he could stir up so much discord in the Church...deliberately.
    The man has mocked Catholic tradition, refuses to kneel at the proper points during the Mass, refuses to participate in the Corpus Christi procession...which shows utter contempt for the tradition, mocks Medjugorie apparitions (which may be false.....but by extension he is mocking Fatima and Lourdes as well....and the Virgin Mary).
    He has belittles traditional Catholics, sasked excellent Cardinals, bishops and priests and installed radical liberals in their place.
    He has caused (perhaps deliberately), a new atmosphere in the Church which is almost celebratory towards homosexuals and homosexuality in general.
    I believe, as do many, tha the man is genuinely evil.
    Fortunatly, he is old, and according to reports, increasingly ailing.
    Let us hope his time is short (either passing away like Volpi, or resigning.)

    1. Be careful what you wish for...
      If he is indeed the false prophet of revelation then his last act will be to hand over what's left of the church to the antichrist , ie the new one world relgion, the idol of rev 13 15.
      As the prophecy of la sallette , which turns ,170 years on Sept 19 2016, says , "Rome will lose the faith and became the seat of the antichrist.". Imo Rome under this imposter has just about completed the losing of the faith, the synod will make it official, just in time for the 50th anniversary on dec 8 this year of the visible phase of the Masonic mission of destroying the church. ( the invisible part has been going on for much longer). Interesting also to note that on the above date of Sep 19 2016, Francis papacy turns 42 months - see rev 13 5 for the beast given a blasphemous mouth and authority for 42 months. (He was elected mar 13 but was inaugurated mar 19 13)

  9. "The eyes can see to those who can truly discern." Let us continue praying for the Catholic Church, the Pope, and all the servants of God who are being deceived. The apostasy that is happening in the church right now is just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait and see. It will get worse. Next Agenda: One World Religion. Please pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment....

  10. Raffi was the Grand Master, now there's another one, Quinto is paying as much as the FI payed for being against the lodge Masters, very powerful in Italy......

  11. First fake conspiracy against JESUS' CHURCH was that the apostles had stolen his body. Psychiatric and Left and Right winders are still at it. This is sick as old as attacks on vAT 11 nd Novus Ordo after the Nutthers whacked the Mass revised by Paul V1 and accused MASONS and PROTESTANT CLERGY of translating it with Abp A Bugnini

    1. 1) I sure hope that English is your second (or third) language.

      2) "The commission was headed by the Progressivist Fr. Anibale Bugnini and included six Protestants. Therefore, the commission that threw overboard the ancient Latin rite and centuries of accumulated Catholic tradition, and made up a brand new one, was headed by a Progressivist and included Protestants." (TIA blog)

      3) "Paul VI even admitted to his good friend Jean Guitton that his intention in changing the Mass was to make it Protestant....
      Jean Guitton (an intimate friend of Paul VI) wrote: “The intention of Pope Paul VI with regard to what is commonly called the [New] Mass, was to reform the Catholic liturgy in such a way that it should almost coincide with the Protestant liturgy. There was with Pope Paul VI an ecumenical intention to remove, or, at least to correct, or, at least to relax, what was too Catholic in the traditional sense in the Mass and, I repeat, to get the Catholic Mass closer to the Calvinist Mass.”" (MFHM blog)

      4) "The six Protestant Ministers who helped design the New Mass were: Drs. George, Jasper, Shepherd, Kunneth, Smith and Thurian." (MHFM blog)

      5) Scroll down midway to see the 6 'advisors'.....

    2. The classic schismatic.
