Thursday, June 11, 2015

Current State of Abortion in the US

Apparently, our enemies at The New York Times are aghast that Texas's recent anti-abortion law has actually been upheld in federal court. With this, we should also delight in the progress we are making in Wisconsin where a bill is underway to outlaw abortion in those instances where the fetus will experience pain (i.e., after twenty weeks of gestation). This legislative progress naturally mirrors trends in the broader culture where only 41% of Americans now consider themselves "pro-choice." In short, we are winning and our liberal opponents have begun to gnash their teeth. Continue to pray and fast for the Pro-Life movement worldwide.

In the spirit of "tacky liberal incoherence," we should note that the Texas bill primarily aims to regulate abortion clinics to ensure that they are safe. Given what happened in Philadelphia, this should be a top-priority for all legislators nationwide. And insofar as lefties are fond of insisting that abortion ought to be "safe, legal, and rare," it is odd that they too would not support legislation requiring abortion clinics to be safe. Or perhaps by "safe, legal, and rare," they really mean "often-unsafe, tax-payer-funded, and common."

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