Monday, June 15, 2015

Archbishop Nienstedt Resigns

Edit: if he hadn't made the lavender mafia so angry, Pope Francis would have kept him in. Will the enabling Bishop Pates be brought in from Iowa to fill the gap?

ST. PAUL, Monday, June 15, 2015 ( - Archbishop John Nienstedt announced this morning that Pope Francis has accepted his resignation as archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

After a string of controversies over his mismanagement of sexual abuse cases, Abp. Nienstedt will be leaving the archdiocese after seven years of service.

In his statement, the archbishop explains that he has a "clear conscience" after spending much of his time the last several years putting into place "solid protocols" that will aim to protect children and the vulnerable from sexual abuse.


  1. The problem here is homosexuality, and indeed the Purple Prelates/Lavender Mafia are promoting what they claim to be against. The Church needs to take a stronger stance against homosexuality, starting with the group "Courage." It seems that the Lavender Mafia is also involved with "Courage." The name itself signifies a soft stance towards the homosexual condition itself. At least change the name to something like "Same-Sex Attraction Anonymous." Naming the group "Courage" is an insult to many people, especially saints like St. Agatha or St. Joan of Arc.

  2. Please - God forbid Pates to come back!

  3. Does it seem to you like "Strike 3"? In rapid succession three decent, honorable, and good men of the Church hierarchy in the USA have been viciously attacked and deposed: Cardinal Rigali, Abp Finn and now Nienstedt. Some might call them "conservatives" but they really to me seem just like what a normal Catholic leader should be, that is devout and devoted to the Church, charity and the teachings of Christ. The attackers are not "liberal" but they are leftists, progressives to use their term. Progressing FROM what and TO what is what is worrisome. Liberal has the same root as Liberty. Meaning freedom, tolerance. The left is anything but tolerant, and wants to remake society into a very narrow pattern endorsing their aberrant and amoral way of life and squashing the rights and freedoms of anyone who does not conform. This is extremely RIGHT, totalitarian, fascist, to be more precise. Homosexual rights carried to extreme are not "liberal" at all but fascist. If we do not understand that is it any wonder they are winning? Let's stop calling the people who cunningly and viciously destroyed the good name of three upstanding men "liberal."

    1. The Canon Lawyer who betrayed him came from one of the most leftist schools in the US, and attacked Father Paul Marx when he was accused of anti-Semitism.

      Despite not being particularly bright, merciful, loyal or charitable she has been hailed in a media atmosphere hostile to the Church as a kind of super sleuth.

      She has a picture of Oscar Wilde on her wall. I'm sure the irony is lost to her there.

    2. On the other hand, poetic justice! No honor among thieves, so to speak.

      Any word on the curtain coming down on Collegeville?



    Who's next?

    1. Olmsted, Conley, Morlino, Chaput, Cordileone.......

  5. With Ricca (in) curia, everything is possible, Rorate calls it deRatzingeration, let's wait and see.....God bless+

  6. Latest news : Sandro Magister suspended by fr. Lombardi.....another victim of the vatinquisition.....who's next?

  7. This pope is signing his own eternal punishment by promoting that which is evil under the guise of that which is Good. He speaks with fork tongue is what we call it here in America. Cannot Trust anything he says not even the likes of this ridiculous encyclical on Global Warming. Chemistry Students are NOT Chemist, and Popes are NOT Scientist. The Church was WRONG Geocentrism 500 years ago, and JPII apologized and the Church is WRONG with Anthropocentric Global Warm Today who is going to apologized for this mistake. The Church Never Seems to Get Science Correct on the big issues. The 200 page document is a Joke that worships the United Nations IPCC rather than the Will of the Creator. It's souls that are the primary important issue Stupid, the poor we will always have with us, but even the poor have souls. If you ignore the care of souls, you will also ultimately ignore the souls of the poor as well.

  8. Cardinal Rigali..a conservative? Since when???

    1. Exactly...and the abject mess he left in Philadelphia was criminal.

      Still, compared to 95% of the francis appointments, why, Rigali looks almost preconciliar. Cases in particular point;
      Blase Cupich and this latest...;
      and this newly appointed clown...

  9. The same resignation should happen at St. John's Abbey up the road, as Abbot John has hidden sexual abuse their for years; he has also protected offenders like Timothy Backous. Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall lacks the courage to file the same criminal charges, and needs to find the heart to do this.
