Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tacky Liberal Incoherence, No. 1

Women don't need men. No. They only need someone to provide them with the emotionally satisfying, heterosexual intimacy and biological children they need to be happy.


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  5. I'd like to see women produce asexually. Then they grow into bitter old bags who can't reproduce much less attract men interested in a stable relationship (sane ones, anyway.) Then, they rationalize their decisions through articles like this or they adopt some orphan from the 3rd world to convince everyone and themselves how morally superior they are.

  6. A note to my readers: I reserve the right to delete comments of readers who fail to understand the power of satire in rhetoric or whose comments are just plain silly.

    1. I thought this blog was run by Tancred.

    2. You certainly have a different comment policy - maybe you will mellow w/time.

  7. Heterosexual intimacy and biological children they need to be happy.I find this true in the traditional catholic marriage's.


    Mr. Hanlon, allow me to add something that seems to be in line with what you have in mind. Prof. Bertonneau writes a precise on this theme, and I seem to recall an even more detailed review that he wrote on the novel.

    A future having circi with only beautiful models helping the lion tamer, but no lion and no tamer, will be pleasant, no doubt but it will not be that interesting...

  9. Tacky Liberal Incoherence - the perfect summary for the entire post-conciliar ecclesiastical experience.

  10. This man's 'opinion' is a direct result of the 'stock liberal answer' on abortion latest used by Wasserman Schultz to answer when can a 7 lb baby be killed by its mother in the womb (see "the Father" (get the double entendre--God does) is cut out):

    "We believe a decision on a woman’s reproductive choices is best left between a woman and her doctor."

    "The Court ruled that a women’s choice to have an abortion is protected as a private medical decision between her and her doctor."

    All sets the stage for Brave New World where the state will control (the means of) reproduction.
