Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Father Nicholas Gruner, RIP

29/04/15 21:33

Father Nicholas Gruner, RIP

It is my sad duty to announce the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner
He died suddenly late today of a heart attack while working at his Fatima Center office.
At the moment, I do not know more than this. Please re-visit our page for updates.
He was truly the world expert on Fatima. He was more knowledgable on this subject, and on the true nature of the Fatima Message than anyone else.
Please remember Father Gruner in your prayers, a good friend and a true Catholic Crusader.
- John Vennari


  1. God rest your soul in peace Father Gruner. May your angel accompany you. May St Michael guard you and bring you in safety to the perpetual light of the goal of all your hopes.

  2. Fr. Gruner labored so much for the Consecration of Russia to Our Blessed Virgin. May his soul be blessed with eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Requiescat in pace, Father. +JMJ+

  3. Pray for us, Father Gruner. You who for so long and often singlehandedly fought for Our Lady., and endured lies and persecutions of the devilish frauds in the Church for Justice' sake! Like Saint Terese you are able to do more for us from Heaven than from here below.

    You now have the loving comfort of the Immaculate One whom you defended for almost forty years and heard the words of her Son "Well done, good and faithful servant...enter into the joy of thy Lord."

    1. So beautifully and appropriately put. A perfect tribute to a truly dedicated servant of God and His Mother.

    2. How often he Father's voice would break and he would fight the tears even to just speak of Our Lady or how the Saints who adored Our Lord. Especially if he spoke of the sufferings little Jacinta happily endured for Our Lord when she said, "Tell Jesus that I am suffering much."

      And I would cry right with him. Just like now.

      A REAL Saint. I hope the holy cards come out soon. If not, I will have to make one for myself because it feels the very stones will cry out!

    3. now has what looks like a holy card...and the perfect one! on their website. I am saving that image!

  4. St. Catherine of Siena is said to have died thinking that she had not been successful in her mission, but time proved her to be the great Saint that she was. Fr. Gruner labored long and hard and, in the end, he (& we) will see the success of his labor in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

    1. I feel so comforted and strengthened with the outpouring of such positives message from all of you who loved Father so dearly. Yes, the Triump of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will happen soon because Father is now even more closer to our Lord and Mother. Pray with us Father Gruner and for us.

  5. Tremble in fear, all you who have denied, distorted the message of Fatima.

    1. The forces of evil in Rome will stop at nothing to destroy Our Lady's mission on Earth. For they know Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph.

  6. When the curtain is raised upon the darkness of this age and the light sines forth it will be because of the faithfulness and labouring in the vineyard of priests such as this man.

    O LORD, have mercy on the soul your priestly servant Nicholas. Forgive him for his failings and reward him for the mercy he showed to his flock. O Mother of Priests, Mary of Fatima, intercede for this priest, your son, before your Son.

    It is almost as if the LORD has preserved him from what is to fall upon us.

    Rest in peace Father Gruner.

    Thank you for what you have done. May you rest in the peace of Christ.

  7. He was an instrument of Our Lady to me, personally, to come to the truth of Fatima. God rest his soul. May his intercession be the straw that breaks the camel's back of resistance to the consecration of Russia. We need it desperately!

    1. Just my humble opinion...April 30, 2015 at 6:14 AM

      My prayers for the Consecration always included a part asking that it would take place during Fr. Gruner's lifetime. In my well-meaning stupidity I imagined that it would then be a kind of "reward" for his fidelity and fierce fighting for the requests of Heaven. Not until this morning did I realize that to have even a tiny bit of "reward" in this world would have denied him by that much in Heaven. No way was Our Lord and His blessed Mother going to see this faithful pries, the Champion of Fatima miss a fraction of the glory due him for his heroic fidelity to the Catholic Faith and Fatima.

      That now makes me think, since Father was still fairly young 73 and in good health up until last night, that the Triumph can't be far off.

    2. I thought the same thing you did... and I believe he did too, for in his correspondence there were many times he seemed to feel the end was near. However, this morning I realized Our Lady took him home because Fr. Gruner can then work harder for Our Lady's triumph from Heaven! Descanse en Paz!

  8. Thank you, holy, faithful Father Gruner! Please pray for us! Please pray for me!

  9. Our sad loss; Heaven's joyful gain.

    Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual Light shine upon hm. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.

  10. I am concerned about the timing of this event. First.... a heart attack causing death can occur extremely fast. Lets, for a moment, understand that Father was going about his business... then within a mere second he awoke to the presence of Jesus and Mary. Surely I believe this is his just award. Now comes the question about the timing of matter. The 100 yr anniversary of Fatima is but a short way off. Can it be that God elected to remove Father now... and primarily due to mankinds tragic non-response to all his efforts through the many years of his mission, and, of course, with Our Ladies own grave warnings of what will happen if men do not pay attention and repent... and the world has not done so. Should this now be considered the beginning of a horrible chastisement ? Now that the messenger is gone and all thats left is the message itself. Is this now the time that the warnings will cease. What is next? OLF did tell the world long ago about the consequences of disobedience to Heaven. So, it is not a coincidence that Father has now been taken during the very anniversary period of the Fatima years so long ago.

    1. Yes, I agree with you. These were my same thoughts and concerns.

      Fr. Gruner, pray for us.
      Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
      Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
      Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

  11. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. May Perpetual Light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

    A good and holy priest.

    I am grateful for all his work for the Church and the salvation of souls, particularly through the Fatima apostolate.

  12. Thank you Fr. Gruner for dedicating your life to the service of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Thank you also for what you did for me. For opening my eyes and directing me in the right path of salvation. In this world full of chaos and darkness, your illuminating light will greatly be missed. Please pray for us now from your heavenly home. - Lourdes Menezes

  13. Thank you Fr. Gruner for all you did to bring the true message forth. The consecration will come late but not too late and you shall watch it from heaven.

  14. Rest in Peace, Fr. Gruner.

    Not a word of his death at Rorate Caeli or EWTN or most other lower case catholic sites. Am I surprised? Not by the EWTN omission. But shame on New Catholic.

    1. Neither did another everything-is-fine-and-dandy-in-Rome news source called New Advent.

    2. Rorate Caeli mentioned Fr Gruner's death on 30th April on Twitter.

  15. Requesciant in Pace - Priest of immense determination & forgiveness. I look forward to 2017, especially various 13ths of strategic months.

  16. Requesciant In Pace.

  17. Ironic this invalid Presbyter died without extreme unction.

    1. Ah, a demon speaks. What do you really have to say, demon? Did the death of a real saint scare you out of your hole in Hell? Of course it did. Now shoo! Get back into your hole before someone throws holy water on you

    2. In the case of sudden death, it is essential to send for a Priest right away as the soul remains with the body for awhile. Holy Mother Church allows for Extreme Unction to be administered for a certain time after "death" has occurred. I am sure this was done in the case of Fr Gruner.

      Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.

      Thank you Fr Gruner - I am eternally grateful to you for having opened my eyes and mind to Fatima.

  18. So appropriate his last Fatima center video was about the blessed virgin Mary . I'm sure she came personally to escort him to heaven
    Pray for us Fr gruner, for your prayers from up there will be so powerful to help us during the great tribulation and the fulfillment of the third secret which are upon us

  19. 1 of the last few daring & brave Priests who fought the good fight till the end. May Jesus & His Mother Mary bless abundantly Fr. Nicholas who fought through thick & thin to spread Her message. What a warrior for Christ!!! Nobody on earth has the courage to even try to step int his shoes. Good Bye Fr. Nicholas.

  20. Father Gruner worked tirelessly to bring the Fatima Message to the world.
    I will pray for his soul as well as ask him to pray for us in these very dangerous times. I feel the loss of his pure soul..we needed him especially with the conference in September held in DC when the pope comes to give a speech to congress. We have to carry on the banner for him and support the Fatima Center and Message.
