Friday, September 5, 2014

Father Piotr Natanek, the Polish Savonarola

Photo ~ Father Piotr Natanek

[Vatican Insider] The strange case of a young and brilliant priest suspended a divinis by Stanislaw Dziwisz for his millenarian positions and repeated accusations against the hierarchy

Father Stanislaw explained the situation in a letter dated 20 July, reminding Father Natanek, “known for his controversial homilies and messages posted on the web,” that he had not obeyed the disciplinary directives of 28 January 2010; had disregarded the canonic admonishments of 25 May 2007, 23 February 2009, and 9 April 2010; had ignored the invitation to a meeting with his superiors; has continued his damaging utterances - including those that were prohibited; spreads opinions not approved by the Church regarding the regality of Jesus Christ, based on private revelations and inspired by the eschatological seven, which is outside of the teachings of Church doctrine; he has also publicly put into doubt the authority of priests and, not least, invalidly celebrated a marriage, without the required mandate.

Cardinal Dziwisz told Father Natanek that his actions were causing damage to his faithful followers and to the entire Church community, which fully earns him the penalty set down in Canon 1371 in the Code of Canon Law, and also Canon 1393, for repeatedly defying orders. The only response Stanislaw received occurred four days later, when Natanek celebrated a public Mass in which he bluntly accused his bishop of being a Freemason.

No one is spared by his invective, and his progression from controversial comments to insulting and denigrating dead prelates, is always a given. Speaking of Monsignor Józef Życiński - Archbishop of Lublin, a famous intellectual and supporter of Europe who died several months ago in Rome - Father Natanek “revealed” that “now the bishop is in hell, bound by the heaviest chain to Mohammed” and that “his cries can be heard in heaven.”

To the victims of the torrential rains and tornados that recently struck many parts of Poland, the priest who has been suspended a divinis, advised them to claim damages from the Curia of Krakow, implicitly accusing it of having provoked these disasters. His blatant actions increase day by day: he recently attacked a TVN 24 film crew, asking God to curse them.

From Vatican Insider and


  1. Are there not enough unofficially mad prelates about already?

    This guy comes over as totally unhinged and one wonders why anybody is paying attention to him.

  2. I would have to hear more. As far as suing the diocese for bringing down the wrath of God upon them I would say we should all follow suit with our own dioceses.

  3. I could see that Vatican Downslider and other Neotypes would want to discredit him.

  4. I could see traditionalists being associated with people like him. (Even if he is misrepresented by anyone.)

    It is the problem of perception rather than actuality that makes people pause to look for actual substance.

    1. Irrespective of whether Ks Natanek is a nutcase, I sniff the underlying basis of your usage of the word "perception." I would guess that you are of 65 years of age or older, at least if you are a native speaker of English and a Catholic. You could be younger, I suppose, labeled a "promising student" by a gay professor. "Actuality?????!!!!!!!!" who in the English-speaking world has ever used that term? Please give me a quotation.

    2. And, living in the USA, I am not sanguine about any hierarchy, foreign or domestic, lay or religious, etc., etc., etc.

    3. It's probably the amateur psych ward attendant, who's been haunting the blog lately with cryptic. off topic, comments which are as helpful as they are well intended.

  5. You are all wrong. In today's politics of the church destroying any good priest is the best weapon. This priest is HOLY, but because he is speaking the truth of what is going on in the church- he is punished by those in the high places. Look at Padre Pio and LEARN... Smearing is so easy, proving that somebody's right is NOT...

    1. What you mean, you expected this? Do you want me to lie? Do you see priests and bishops in Church, who are HOLY and who these are NOT? Only God is a true judge of human soul, not a journalist who write what he is told to write to publicly humiliate this priest!!!

    2. When I see a priest like this reviled by people like a Bishop who's a known Liberal, and a "news" organ like Vatican Insider, I expect that the fault lies with the superiors and not the priest.

  6. I live in Poland. Father Natanek is a very well known figure here. He is strongly attacked by the seculcarist media for speaking against freemasons, moral decadence etc. I find him being a sincire and good man who seriously treats his pristhood.

    1. Thank you for standing for Father Natanek! What a shame to produce articles in English to put him down, to humiliate him, to spread more hatred. People,who do not live in Poland have no clue what is going on. I wonder, who stays behind this yet another attack on this priest?

  7. In fact...he's amazing ...a John the Baptist type...akways the most attacked, sthe most misunderstood and the most fascinating....

    Prayers for him


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Dear John, the same Jews were saying about Jesus 2000 years ago... Do you think that corrupt church authorities do not exist? Do you remember all the lies about Padre Pio? Wake up... It is so easy to condemn anybody being dressed in the purple and seating on the chair of power...

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Dear Tereze Avila.
    Obedience to lawful ecclesiastical church authority has always been a requirement for roman catholic priests.
    Those who flout it openly are not following Jesus.
    Signed John Lordship.

    1. Obedience to lawful authority is predicated on the lawful authority not opposing the Highest Authority (whence the lower authority comes) in the Deposit of Faith and Divine Law. On the contrary, we have a positive duty to oppose evil, as any opposition to the Deposit of Faith and the Natural Moral Law is.

    2. Dear John, did you notice lately, many, but many articles in Catholic Blogs about true meaning of obedience and disobedience in the Church. These days, this is an elephant in the room, when call to blind obedience is used to DESTROY god names of the priests due to the political correctness!!! Do you remember priest in US who got suspended, because he refused HOLY COMMUNION TO THE ACTIVE LESBIAN LIVING IN SIN??? Bishop just listen to the public not to the Bible... What a world we are living in...

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Well, I don't know all the details about this priest John Lordship ---it is amazing and refreshing to me when I hear a priest denouncing evils so openly...your dear Lordship!


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  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. 'Tis always very revealing when a person complains about a blog or blog owner, comments etc., ,,,but they keep coming back...

    Mr. Tancred provides this space for us to meet as serious Catholics - it is so bad-mannered to abuse his hospitality.. if you don't like the articles and comments why hang around?


  12. Polish man here,

    Fr. Prof. Natanek is generally a great and heroic priest. He is sometimes sensational but, in his defense, sensationalism is the only way to get noticed in the age of digital media. The only thing I can fault him on is his folksy Masses (e.g. guitars and Polish-Catholic folk songs during Mass, stuff you'd see on a pilgrimage). The media and Polish hierarchy hate this priest because he exposed a lot of people in the Catholic hierarchy, criticized Polish seminaries (e.g. Polish seminaries glorify Kant and belittle St. Thomas Aquinas), and seculars hate him for pointing out the obvious (e.g. The video game Diablo is satanic, promotes witchcraft, and sometimes aids in turning kids into goths/emo-types).

    I'd also like to remind people that the vast majority of Catholic priests in England went along with the Protestant Reformation out of obedience to their Bishops. The frightening similarities to Cranmer's Godly Order to the Novus Ordo should make every Roman Catholic cautious.

    The Catholic Church in Poland is in rapid decline. Sunday Mass attendance was 80% in communist times and is now around a measly 40%. Homosexuals took over the Archdiocese of Warsaw like HIV/AIDS in a bath house. The super-liberal Pope Benedict XVI and the super-liberal Cardinal Ranjinth gave Poland an indult allowing the extreme sacrilege of Communion in the Hand, John Paul II never allowed Poland to receive this Satanic indult. And yes I said Satanic, in the Black Mass the desecrated Host is received on the hand as a sign of sacrilege.

    RIP Poland, a country that was murdered by the same Church which miraculously preserved the Polish people for over a thousand years. The religions of Capitalism, Novus Ordo, and Democracy did more to kill Catholic-Poland than Communism. At least Communism suppressed pornography, drugs, and prostitution. Now Poland has no jobs, no morals, no honour, no culture, and no Faith.

    Piotr Skarga, pray for us. Queen of Poland, pray for us.

    1. He's a lot like the heroic Father Skoblicki
