Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Centenary of the Death of St. Pius X

Edit: he fought tirelessly against the sins of Modernism.  Yet he was laid low by the war, which broke his heart.  There are no commemorations of his memory in Rome that we know of, although Rorate has a nice writeup.

The battle goes on.


  1. I am so heartbroken that there has not been a faithful Catholic pope to guide the Church in my entire adult lifetime. Thank God for the teaching fidelity of my parents and grandparents, the pious priests and nuns of my youth and for holy Catholic popes like Pius XII and Pius X whose birth into Eternal life we celebrate this day.

  2. Dry your tears, friend. Unless you are a child, you have lived under two points who now are canonized Saints, one about to be Blessed, and the two living popes certainly likely to be canonized - with Benedict declared a Doctor of the Church. - Unless of course you demur from the infallible declarations of the Church.

    1. I suspect your comment was intended to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek??!

    2. Canonisation frenzy!

    3. Whilst these declarations may be issued under the umbrella of infallibility such as it is, thankfully,
      it has never been church teaching that a catholic is formally obliged as part of his /her religion to believe that any canonized person is in heaven.

      On the surface the above sentence looks like a contradiction but in reality it is a true paradox.

  3. corrigendum: points > popes

  4. Pope St. Pius X, ora pro nobis. +JMJ+

  5. Pope St. Pius X was a very effective pope, which prompts the thought that his demise as the Great War was just starting was very convenient for the warmongers of 1914. His health was reasonably good, so is it unreasonable to rule out the possibility of 'foul play'?

    1. Come on! You need to take a holiday !...and I'll happily say a prayer for you at Adoration today ...:-) negativity all the time is not good for you ...looking for evil where it doesn't exist...is really bad for you...

      I love Pope St. Pius X ...have a little image of him in my missal ...see him everyday :-) Yes pray for us all dear wonderful Saint!


  6. He looks beautiful,like a young man in his prime ,who has just fallen asleep,incredible to think he was 79 yrs old.

    1. That is true, he looks like he just fell asleep. He was a living saint and now prays for us in the Kingdom of Heaven. Pope St. Pius X was a tremendous gift to the Church from God. If only more had paid attention to his warnings.

  7. What is odd, but maybe not, is that apparantly not an official word about this saints centenary feastday has been uttered by the pope.

    Considering that all sorts of anniversaries etc of deceased popes and saints are frequently declaimed by pontiffs this glaring omission concerning the centenary of a great catholic saint screams volumes concerning the kind of the person occupying the See of Peter.

    1. But the 500 yr. anniversary of the protestant rebellion is already being planned (as we speak!) as a co-celebration by the vatican.
