Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Heresies and Schisms Are an Expression of the Holy Ghost for Francis?

(Rome) Is  ecumenism so easy? Pope Francis explains the various Protestant denominations as part of the Church's "diversity" and reduced the Catholic Church to such as part of a manifold among countless others. The chairman of the Anglican Communion, Justin Welby, meanwhile, wrote to the pope a letter: "women as bishops do not separate us." In other words: No matter what we do, ecumenism continues. The question of truth is not suggested by Welby, while Pope Francis  the truth merely arose in Caserta in the plural and an expression of the Holy Spirit in diversity.
The Anglican Primate holds it for true in his letter to the pope that the decision of the General Synod of the Anglican "Church of England" is an "added difficulty" for rapprochement with Rome. However, the admission of women bishops will create a roadblock to an eventual reunification with the Church of England, which split in the 16th century from Rome, and the Catholic Church. Welby is trying to say that the Catholic Church has to accept woman bishops.  Welby sent just such a letter also to the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople  and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow. As for the Pope, he emphasizes the fact that the things that "unify", are more important than those which "separate".

Welby to Pope Francis: "Female Bishops Don't  Separate Us"

Welby to Pope Francis: Female Bishops not separate us
Welby did not address the question as to why the Church of England, if she is interested in ecumenism and Christian unity, decided in 2014 for such a serious split that  clearly leads away goal of unity. If "women bishops" do not separate, then what does?
Assuming, however, taking the words of Pope Francis in Caserta at hand, provided the papal statements are not to be denied in the next few hours by no less than Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi, the situation of separated Christianity would be quite different. Accordingly, divisions, schisms and  schisms of  schisms are not a result of errors, heresies and human failings, but a fruit of the Holy Spirit.   An official announcement of the Pope's address has  not been made by the Vatican and should not be done either, since it was a "private visit". [Since this was written, it has been made public.] So, once more the speculation floodgates are opened because it is a "private" teaching alongside the official papal teaching that seems authentic and especially since it's public exerts a far greater influence.
The statement is a bomb of such magnitude to the Catholic Church, which has survived hundreds of the toughest battles against heretics and schismatics, including the Protestant "Reformation"  will blow in the air  after two thousand years. Is the Holy Spirit as far as  the Pope is concerned, a juggler, who makes fun of the truth and the people?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider / Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


  1. The more this pope speaks the more we can see the de facto schismatic for what he is. He is liberal modernism at its worst. To imagine, this man represents the universal church as though it is a mere denomination among superior diverse denominations. One thing he certainly is not - a Roman Catholic.

  2. It does not get any better. Relativism is rampant. All doctrines seem to be up for grabs. Only faithful, traditional leaning, Catholics are not to be given time or justice or anything but name calling. This Vicar of Christ is a cross for the faithful for sure. All is again shifting sand just like in the 70s but now perhaps even worse.

  3. This"pope" has to go. Enough is enough. He's a heretic and everybody knows it. Hopefully that other lung will blow out soon.

    1. But how can we put the Church back together again after this disasterous papacy?

    2. That was a very UN-Catholic comment. I think a visit to the confessional is what you need after making it!

      Don't let the shenanigans of a very bad pope make you express your concern and disgust by committing sin. That is just playing into the hands of the Devil.

  4. In the words of the buffoon who sits in the cafetiera WHO are we to judge!

  5. I just reached the same conclusion in my blog post "Problem Pope." I have reluctantly concluded that the Pope's ideas are unsound. You believe the Catholic Church is the One True Faith and some ragtag group of Protestants is just a sect? You are under a delusion of the devil, according to the Pope. That's it, basta, he has shown and told us unequivocally what he believes at Caserta. He's still Pope, but he literally doesn't know what is the nature of the Church he governs.

  6. No one can deny at this point that he's a liberal. His liberalism is getting so much that it will cause upheaval in the Church. God help us all

  7. Wonder whether he concedes Las Islas Malvinas as well...

  8. Perhaps I need to reread the speech but as far as I can make out he is saying that the Holy Spirit creates diversity in the Church. I suppose the different religious orders e.g. Benedictines, Dominicans etc are an example. Then there is division created by the Devil. As I have said it would be interesting to know whether the Pentecostalists judged themselves, after this speech, to be part of the diversity or the division?

    Doctrinal differences seem to be glossed over in the name of loving one's neighbour. This sounds a nice idea until one starts to think about things like abortion - do you tell those responsible for such that it is really alright? Apparently we are not to obsess about that kind of problem.

    But then I look at Evangelical organisations like "Christian Concern" in the UK who never stop talking about the evils of abortion. Are they to be accused of obsessing? And are their differences with other Anglicans on that subject just diversity?

    I have the impression of a great deal of incoherence in this speech such that I think it best ignored and certainly not part of any magisterium.

    1. I suspect that Pope Francis would be uncomfortable with the rightist sympathies espoused by many Pentecostals, certainly in the US, which was well represented at the meeting.

  9. "This"pope" has to go. Enough is enough. He's a heretic and everybody knows it. Hopefully that other lung will blow out soon."

    Thank you Anon. at 3:40 ! I was just scrolling down the list of comments about this idiot who is for the moment the Pope, and came across your remark. I couldn't stop laughing !!!!! So many people think the same thing! It's not good to wish anyone ill of course, but this was hysterical, and so to the point!

  10. Everything Pope Francis says can be backed up by the documents of the Council and only his uncouth style differs from the previous "conservative" popes. Wake up! If Christ is already united forever to each human being, as Saint John Paul 2 taught, why are you upset with Francis? If someone from a typical Novus Ordo parish can see that the only hermeneutic of continuity is from October, 1958 to the present, then surely all you TLM indult-SSPXers can, too.
