Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Cross Can Not Be Abolished

"The cross, symbol of charity and love of enemies, has offered meaning and hope to people and families in the history of Europe's nations. The cross is the central symbol of our Christian influenced European culture. Whoever wants to banish the cross out of political arrogance from the public display, intends to apply atheism as the state religion, removing crosses from field and summit, which topples crosses from the steeples of churches and chapels, which prohibits religious processions, which discriminates against Christians and persecutes them, eventually even desecrating graves. Whoever banishes crosses from public life, is descended from a series of ideologues who have fought since the French Revolution to the present day, disregarding the human rights of Christians, and are still doing it. As Christians, we want to invoke the fundamental rights and the values ​​of the Constitution, which together with the commandments of God and with Christian symbols in the course of public life are for the benefit of all citizens. We ask our fellow citizens to give their votes to candidates who stand up for the universal Christian values.

Prof. Dr. Hubert Gindert

Chairman Forum of German Catholics "

From Kathnews


  1. No Constitution can save you. Indeed, a Constitution that is even ashamed to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Sovereign Emperor and Lord of Heaven and Earth already admits its departure from Truth, and to appeal to such a Constitution for the presence of Christ in society is an exercise in futility.

    Let us be blunt; Secularism is evil, and it must be fought any way it can; Secularists must be converted or they must be imprisoned, or if they struggle have their struggle be met with equal or greater force, for Secularism is the enemy of God and of the Church.

    Secularism reigns over the world now, for it is the religion of Satan. It is a materialistic religion, ending in nihilism, for all matter must pass, and there is no promise of anything beyond "Nature" in Secularism.

    Secularism must be destroyed; "intellectuals" promoting secularism must be silenced; and governments espousing secularism must be overthrown.

    1. Even Saint Paul appealed to and benefited from the Roman Law.

    2. And they beheaded that Holy Man!

    3. Note that during the 19th century, people of good will in France, Priests, Bishops, Princes, and many more who thought they could speak and reason with the "Enlightened", Godless, Jacobin filth that had spread in that country ended up beheaded as well!

      Remember the Vendeans who in good faith appealed to the Secular Republic to not force their priests to abjure their vows- they were massacred, all 170,000 of them, and even now the French Government denies this atrocity perpetrated against those decent, God-fearing people.

    4. We're Catholics, not anarchists.

    5. I do not advocate anarchy, on the contrary, I advocate monarchy, and not just some tea-room debate/historical society comprised of gentle people over 40 who are outraged with society and how it's all going to the toilet.

      I mean a militant counter-revolution against what this Revolution had brought upon the world. It doesn't matter how, so long as it is morally justifiable and gets something done.

    6. We are obligated to persevere against the non-believer always, for this is merciful and charitable. This is how Christendom had been spread from the very first day.

      There was no "Jupiter and Jesus can coexist" back then! Jesus Christ is Lord, and the temples of these false gods now lie in ruins. Will the houses of Christ suffer the same fate because of some notion of coexistence between Christ and "The Goddess of Reason" or "The Goddess of Liberty" or some other blasphemous idols of these latter days?

      Reason and liberty are subordinate to the Truth, who is Christ. Without Truth, Reason and Liberty produce what we can see in society today, including this attempt at the abolition of the Cross.

  2. This is certainly a great struggle. Muslims and Jews have been lavished with rights. But nothing but contempt for Christians.

    1. Because this is a generation of cowards, brought up by lack of war and privation. It has grown soft and sensitive, which is why the only enemy they think is worth fighting are those who are not able or unwilling to fight back; children in the womb, the elderly, the Church, among many others.

      Look at the Muslims. Their homelands had always been plagued by poverty, backwardness, and war. Yet they are the ones poised to swallow up the decaying corpse of the West.

      What about the Jews? They've survived attempts at genocide for more than 4,000 years. But that's them as an ethnic group rather than a religious group. Jews can be atheistic and still be Jews. They'll still be around once the Muslims establish their Caliphate from Berlin, Paris, London, or Rome.

    2. Strange that you should talk about cowards when Anonymous you don't even give yourself a name - not that I disagree with the substance of what you are saying regarding the decay and death wish of Europe - that has turned its back on Our Lord in every single way possible to do so.....

      The Catholic uprising though cannot happen under the present situation - we are no longer united VISIBLY - we are no longer the BASTION against the snares and diabolical forces of secularism....we are in another phase of Catholic history - the like that has never been seen the "Generals" of our militant army against the securalists have abandoned the troops ...and we are scattered all over the place...

      Only an intervention from Heaven will save...we Catholics are sitting ducks every way now - yes the persection has always been ...but this one has a different's the Church Hereself that is now the laughing stock of the world with the ridiculous leaders compromised and bent before this secularism..not the visible institution to be hated and feared as it once was...


    3. Please excuse my typing and grammar errors...


    4. Yes, I am anonymous because bravery does not have to mean foolish. What if I were some bishop or cardinal or some other high-profile person in the Church? I would probably be shipped off to Madagascar or some such place where I cannot do or say anything inconvenient for certain people in the Church.

      Our Lord instructed us to be "Cunning as serpents, innocent as doves" after all.

    5. Our Lord wondered if anyone really had faith among his followers- when Our Lord walked the Earth, there were only twelve; one betrayed, another stayed, the rest ran away.

      And now there are a billion people professing the same faith they established, never mind those who don't know what they really believe in, it's something we can work with.

      How hard can it be for a small but determined group of Catholics to overthrow secular governments? If we cannot win by armed conflict, then we have to destroy the credibility of such governments and present our alternative, a real, working alternative.

      People usually get the governments they deserve- so if I, for example, funded a military coup against, say, Belgium, it will not have staying power, since the culture and society would be fundamentally against what I'd have to present, namely an explicitly, pro-Catholic theocracy. People would rise, like spoiled children, and kick out any small cadre of armed personnel, unless we did something ugly and heavy-handed.

      Please refer to the Spanish coup of February 23, 1981, when the Catholic King of Spain submitted to the godless socialists.

  3. Is it traditional for the pope's cross not to have the figure of Our Lord on it??

    1. Traditionally, the popes did not use any ferula (The three-barred staff), crosier, or pastoral staff as part of the papal liturgy. The use of a staff is not mentioned in descriptions of Papal Masses in the Ordines Romani (Roman Ordinals). In the early days of the church, a crosier was carried on some occasions by the pope, but this practice disappeared by the time of Pope Innocent III. Innocent III noted in his De Sacro altaris mysterio (“Concerning the Sacred Mystery of the Altar,” I, 62): “The Roman Pontiff does not use the shepherd's staff.” The reason was that a crosier is often given by the metropolitan archbishop (or by another bishop) to a newly elected bishop during his investiture. In contrast, the pope does not receive investiture from another bishop and is invested with the pallium during his coronation or inauguration.

  4. One holy priest said during his sermon that a true church has four marks (the Nicene Creed): One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Then he added there is a fifth one: persecuted. Our Lord Jesus told us that Himself in John 15:18 - "If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you."

    Therefore, contempt is a good sign. Additionally as Matthew 10:28 we hear: "And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell."
